What is a streetfighter?


Drunken Master

I here the term street fighter thrown around a lot in martial arts and on martial art forums and in many cases used by instructor as some sort of badge of honour.

So what do you folks consider a street fighter to be?
From Webster's dictionary:

street fighter
n 1: a contestant who is very aggressive and willing to use underhand methods 2: someone who learned to fight in the streets rather than being formally trained. [syn: a* tough]

* a - inserted to identify "tough" as a type of person, a thug, rather than a character trait.

A street fighter is not something any martial artist should desire to be or use on their resume. It is completely negative in all connotations (with the exception of idiots). A street fighter is not super skilled, as many martial artists portray him to be. A street fighter primarily uses the element of surprise (sucker punch or hitting someone after they've turned their back), weapons or teamwork in order to be victorious.

Rogets Thesaurus:
Street Fighter, Hood, Hoodlum, goon, punk, thug, toughie, bully, hooligan, ruffian, roughneck, an aggressive young criminal.

Forgive my total disdain for this type of individual.
Hi Everyone,

When I was young and stupid, I was a street
fighter. How can I say this, look into the
Police reports and the hospital reports of the
people I put there while either Bouncing or
just hanging out.

Along comes a real nice friend and suggests MA,
it can help you control people without breaking
them. I took one class and loved it. And being
over 18 at the time the parents could not stop

So, A street fighter, is not something I brag
about, but I do not deny. Was I good? Let me
say I was more lucky than good.

Some people use to prove what they have works
and that you should buy it from them.

Others use it to tell you about what you should

This website is from a guy who explains it
quite well.

Check it out.


PS - I have never met nor do I have any
affiliation with 'Animal' MacYoung.
Originally posted by Drunken Master

I here the term street fighter thrown around a lot in martial arts and on martial art forums and in many cases used by instructor as some sort of badge of honour.

So what do you folks consider a street fighter to be?

It's a game....

No sorry.... just joking, there is a game, but I think people mean that it's somebody who fights by the "rules" of the street.

Some say there are no rules on the street, but that just depends on were you are. Some gangs do still practice certain respectful rules, you just have to know them. Even different bars have "rules" to when a fight is concidered over. But the down side is when your the outsider they dont tell you.

And street fighting is no badge of honour, no matter what they tell you. The moment they do, there's no honour in that. It's simple. respect is notwhat you say, but what you do.

When I was a kid, I grew up in a pretty rough neiborhood. I was a street fighter by Webster's #2 definition. I didn't pick any fights, but had to fight, or run, about twice a month. Being a street fighter is not necesarily bad.

Now as a Martial Artist, I have about 10 years bouncing, security, and some bodyguard experience. I've seen what some so called "untrained" Street Fighters can do. If you think that they are nothing, and easily dismissed, you are making a grave mistake.

I will always put my money on the average seasoned Street Fighter, over the average Martial Artist with no street experience. We may not like it, but it's the facts of life.
Most martial artists who say they have been in street fights are using it as an example of a test, basicly saying they entered a fight where no rules apply and made it out.

It's a little diffrent for someone who had to fight on the street than latter learned martial arts for self deffence or some other reason.

As far as it being a badge of honour, it deppends on the situation, if you live or work in a rough area you can't always avoid a fight, it doesn't mean you go out on the street and try to beat people up. The Thesaurus is listing synonyms to street criminals, just because you engage in street fights doesn't make you a criminal. Most people who makeit a point to let everyone know they were street fighters are trying to say they know what works and what doesn't.
Originally posted by sweeper

As far as it being a badge of honour, it deppends on the situation, if you live or work in a rough area you can't always avoid a fight, it doesn't mean you go out on the street and try to beat people up. The Thesaurus is listing synonyms to street criminals, just because you engage in street fights doesn't make you a criminal. Most people who makeit a point to let everyone know they were street fighters are trying to say they know what works and what doesn't.

I think, at times, the term Street Fighter is misused. To me a Street Fighter is a person that has learned how to fight through direct real life experiences. This could have to do with the neighborhood they lived in or job related.

Now a person who preys on the weak, or attacks people for what ever reason, is a bully or thug. Usually those people are cowards deep down. The best thing to do with those people is to stand up to them. Just don't ever turn your back on them.
Originally posted by Zoran

I think, at times, the term Street Fighter is misused. To me a Street Fighter is a person that has learned how to fight through direct real life experiences. This could have to do with the neighborhood they lived in or job related.

Now a person who preys on the weak, or attacks people for what ever reason, is a bully or thug. Usually those people are cowards deep down. The best thing to do with those people is to stand up to them. Just don't ever turn your back on them.
I feel the street fighter wears several hats. The guy/gal whom has to protect themselves from the local gang/bully, etc. They train to survive in their respective environments. Next, the guy/gal whom studied the martial arts in the lower belt ranks and for one reason or another did not complete their program to attain the black belt rank. They maybe had to guit because the girl friend had twins; got married and decided that work was best; the woman felt that she was just too mature for such training; or she just ran out of money to invest in her martial arts future. They train for the knowledge and protection of themselves, immediate family and loved ones. Next, the serious egotistical manhandler that does what he/she wants and to whom they wish. They train for the superiority and control of others; pull a robbery job or two successfully about a couple of times a month and never get caught. Finally; the serious psycological maniac. The everyday trainer, and seducer at night. Mild mannered by day. Complete killing machine criminal. The dark alley guy or gal. The night club, late night just before closing hopper. They train for the rush and power of control and mercy! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Could I get a definition of what a sucker punch is?
A sucker punch is a punch that initiates conflict when conflict is not wanted by the victim nor is it warranted

The street fighter extends his hand in friendship to disarm the victim and when the victim reaches for the hand, the hand suddenly turns into a punch.

The victim went to the bathroom and the street fighter began flirting with his wife. The victim returns and asks the street fighter to leave. The street fighter replies "Sure, let me finish my beer first." The victim agrees. The streetfighter raises the bottle to his lips and suddenly drops the bottle and punches with that hand. (or uses the bottle to hit the guy)

The victim is walking down the street and suddenly hears "Sir! Sir, you dropped your wallet!" He turns... straight into a punch.

I disagree with many people's interpretation of what a street fighter is. The first years of my combat education was done in a method other than in the traditional methods. I learned by watching fights and by protecting myself on the street. I DO NOT claim to be a street fighter, I never have and I never will. I am a warrior/martial artist. Why? Because I have a moral and ethical code of honor that guides me. Streetfighters, Gangs and the Mafia have a code of conduct that seem good to a point, but there are ALWAYS some moral and ethical discrepencies...

I don't believe in rules IN a fight. I'll use weapons and I'll bite, kick, scratch, and etc in order to win; however, I will never initiate combat. I will never fight someone who is an innocent. I will never fight someone who doesn't wish to fight. I will never fight for greed.

I believe in honor and obligation.

Justice, Mercy and Courage:
Because I am skilled in the ways of combat, I automatically carry the burden of being obligated to protect the weak and innocent.
- I must fight for what is right and good.

Integrity and Courage:
Because people believe me, I am obligated to be truthful.
- I must tell the truth and do what is right no matter what may happen to me. However, if that truth with destroy those that I have an obligation to protect I will not speak it. However, I will not lie. Not even a white lie.

Work Ethics and Loyalty:
Because people intrust me to a certain task, I am obligated to perform that task efficiently and at the earliest possible moment.
- my boss pays me to do a job and expects me to do a job, so I am obligated to do it to the best of my ability as quickly as possible without complaint.

Authority and Courage:
Because I am strong, I am obligated to help the weak obtain victory (in life and battle) by leading/motivating or fighting for them.
- If something needs to be done that isn't getting done, I must take charge and get it done. I take the initiative and am willing to pay the concequences if my actions are not appropriate or wanted by the public.

Be cause I am strong, I am obligated to carry the burdens of those weaker than I.
- I must give to those without even to the point that I am without because I know that I have the skills to survive. Example: I teach the martial arts for free even though I pay rent on the building. I can afford the rent so I can't take their money because this is a skill and knowledge that they need in order to survive.

Because people provide for me; giving me life <parents>, means of continuing life <boss> and happiness in life <family, friends and country> I am indebted to them and must serve them anyway possible to repay that debt <which can never be fully repaid>. So I respect them, love them, work hard for them and protect them.
- I have a positive relationship with my parents because they brought me into this world and taught me what life is about. I am obligated to love, respect and cherish them.
- I work hard for my boss because he expects me to and is paying me to.
- I will remain faithful to my significant other and never part with her because I have given my word and she has provided me with happiness.
- I will remain loyal to my friends because they support me and provide me happiness. I must do the same for them.
- I will remain loyal to my siblings because they have taught me, supported me and provide me with happiness. I must do the same for them.

Self-Control and sobriety:
Because I have the means/skill to destroy those around me, I must remain in control at all times.
- I must never partake in drugs, alcohol or anything else that will distort my perception of reality and could possible lead to a loss of control

Purity + Authority and Self-Control:
Because I am trusted, respected and looked to as an example whether I believe I deserve it or not or whether I want it or not, I must remain pure in order to provide the best possible example.
- I will work my hardest to achieve my goals to motivate others to
acheive their potential.
- I will never be indebted/associated with someone who will use that debt for dishonorable purposes <Gangs, Mafia and bad mentors>
- I will do my best to never do wrong even if the cost is my life.

I am not a street fighter and never was because I walk the path of a Warrior. What is written above is what a true warrior believes. Not many people are warriors because not many people know what it takes to be a warrior. Not many people are warriors because it is a very difficult thing to be. It is a lonely and arduous way of life. It is extremely rewarding though.

But that is off subject:

Here is what I believe the three are:

Street fighters: Individuals who use their combative ability (whether gained from traditional or non-traditional means) for personal gain such as greed or ego.

Martial Artists: individuals who study the combative arts in order to protect themselves and their loved ones as well as for personal gain such as fitness and personal growth.

Warrior: Individuals who live their life as a servant. They seek personal growth only so they can better serve others. They strive to reach their full potential just so they can push or pull others up to that same level. Learning how to fight is not a condition for warriorship, though many do.
Street fighters: Individuals who use their combative ability (whether gained from traditional or non-traditional means) for personal gain such as greed or ego.

Well an exception to this is American Kenpo. It is also known as the science of street fighting. It teaches to bite, claw, pull hair and use whatever (enivironment = one of the eight considerations) we can to prevail. I remember one of my first teachers saying about another skilled AKer that he was a good streetfighter.

Hope this helps
Originally posted by Turner

Warrior: Individuals who live their life as a servant. They seek personal growth only so they can better serve others. They strive to reach their full potential just so they can push or pull others up to that same level. Learning how to fight is not a condition for warriorship, though many do.

Actually, your definition sounds more like a Teacher, not a Warrior.

A Warrior to me, is a person who is skilled in combat. A person who is willing to stand up and sometimes fight for what he believes in. Life or death is not an issue to a warrior, he is prepared for both. I'm not saying that a warrior is suicidal, just that he does not allow the fear of death effect their battles or beliefs.

I would say I strive to be the "warrior". I just can not presume to say that I am. Not many can.:asian:
names have diffrent meanings to everyone.

to me a street fighter is someone who trains to fight in the street (as aposed to a ring fighter)

a martial artist is someone who elevates fighting to an art, constantly refining the art and them selves, giong beond a specific functionality of fighting such as knocking someone out in a ring or deffending yourself from an attack.

A warrior to me is someone who trains for battalfield combat with the same enthusiasm as the martial artist. Today genneraly I would put some soldiers into this catagory.
I hope this analysis is not too harsh; yet i will go ahead and post it this way. A warrior is a trained licensed murder, assassin, killer. Sure, he can be a martial artist. Yet his/her art is not of the typical type in which most know. A martial artist is a licensed practitioner, instructor, master and/or teacher. The warrior is trained to kill by any means necessary. The martial artist is trained to produce the warrior spirit, but not to kill. Even though he/she may be able to do so! The warrior trains to kill and kills for a living. The warriors' license is from a city, state, or federal authority. The martial artists' license is from an organization affiliated within the art which the practitioner is teaching, studying, or practicing. However, it can be from a governmental authority; as is the case sometimes in asian countries. The warrior kills for citizen, city, state, government and nation. The martial artist kills for self-defense. Finally, the martial artist does not enjoy killing. The warrior loves every minute of the training as well as the physical act itself. For him/her, killing is the highest level of loyality which can be shown as an act of protection for city, state, government and nation; besides giving his/her life in that protection process. Sincerely; In Humility; Chiduce!
Everything is a matter of individual perception.

Think about the world that you see. What if my eyes picked up the color of the sky as green and the grass as blue. I would be informed from infancy that the sky is blue and the grass is green. When someone asked me what color the sky is, I would respond blue because that was the title that everyone used. I would be calling green blue and blue green. Who is to say that this is just hypothetical? Perhaps the color I see in the sky is actually the same color that you see the grass as being... but we've indentified the grass as being green and the sky blue and so while we might be seeing something totally different we have one word that is the common frame of reference.

Thinking about this is one of the reasons I see arguments as being so silly (I still get into them, though) because a human being is a creature of habit and has a tenancy to get stuck in a single way of thinking. It is often difficult if not impossible to change someone's perspective.

I don't have the ability to convey my thoughts adequetly. Often times I say something and someone argues because they miss my point entirely and so I try to clarify and due to my continued inability to properly convey my thoughts it is seen as an argument in return. Sometimes they get the point but don't convey that they understand my point, they simply argue with it. I'm not interested in arguments at all. I just want to provide my perspective and learn from someone elses perspective.

So... words are just relative. Each person has a slightly different meaning behind each word and that is fine and good. As long as they work for you.

I choose the word Warrior instead of streetfighter to describe my training because the majority of the people I've met who've considered themselves to be streetfighters were not people that I wanted to be associated with in anyway. A street fighter has negative connotations to me. Am I right? Yes... because in my experience street fighters haven't been good human-beings... Am I wrong? Yes, because in your experience the word meant something totally different. Blue is green.

Is a soldier always a warrior? No. I've been a soldier and I've met many soldiers that I can't consider a warrior. Why? Because they didn't have a code of honor that would allow me to entrust my life to them. Yes, they were skilled on the battle field... But they were devoid of some warrior character traits. Green is blue.

Is a leader always a warrior? No. Pres. Clinton was both a Leader and the Commander in Chief of the US Military Services. Was he a warrior? Not at all. He didn't have a code of honor that created an atmostphere of trust. He didn't have the leadership skills to instill confidence in his troops. Blue is Green.

Is a teacher always a warrior? No. I've had many teachers that could care less about teaching or who they were teaching. They were just interested in making it through the day without going insane. Many just don't have the compassion and attitude of service needed to 'reach' someone.

I believe a Warrior adheres to a code of honor such as 'Chivalry' for the Knights and 'Bushido' for the Samurai. You will often find a Warrior learning the arts of war... However there will be those that follow the same code of conduct who do not study physical warfare but study mental or spiritual warfare. Being a warrior is following a way of life. You can be a Street fighter without living the warrior way of life, most do.. some street fighters, according to everyone else's definition, are warriors. You can be a martial artist without living the warrior way of life, most do... some martial artists are warriors. You can be a leader, soldier, a teacher, a lawyer or a bricklayer without living the warrior way of life, most do... some of them are warriors though. I believe that everyone has the capacity to be a warrior. Most people just don't understand what it means and most of those that do choose not to be one.

I choose the word warrior because it provides a term to a concept/idea of the person that I am or at least try to be. It works for me. I am not and never will force this term on anyone. Green is Blue and Blue is Green.

Its just a word. Like street fighter. Before this thread I would be immediately offended if someone called me a street fighter, but now I see that maybe a majority of people have a different concept of what being a street fighter is all about so I'll seek to have it clarified before I am offended.
I changed my mind.. I have the perogative... It is not a soldier because a soldier doesn't necessarily have to enjoy killing... neither does a warrior or a martial artist... I'd say that what you are describing is a /wrong/ human being. I'd be very very offended if someone had that view of me because it is disgusting. Life is a precious thing and should be treated as such. Only a /wrong/ indivual would take delight in the death of anyone, even an enemy.

My duties for my country have undoubtedly lead to deaths of my countries enemies, so it wouldn't be no stretch to say that I've killed. Joy in the act? NEVER... how many people could? I almost see that as being purely evil and totally outside the realm of what a warrior is all about. A person who enjoys killing may be a soldier or a martial artist and may even utilize that joy for 'good.' But the whole idea is repugnant to me. I can't even comprehend nor do i want to comprehend the mindset of someone who is capable of enjoying causing the death of another. That is evil and /wrong/ to me.

I am very thankful now that Blue is Green. Chiduce.. call me a Martial Artist and not a warrior... because if that is what a warrior is to you, I want to be far far from it.
good posts.

I would agree with turner on that one. I think someone who enjoys killing is more of a sadist than a warrior. I personaly think a warrior is someone who studies military combat and attempts to perfect it (or their role in it) not nessisaraly someone who enjoys killing.
I think this was taken a little out of context. If you or me joins any government agency which gives you a license to kill and complete the training! Go to your work assignments and do your job. You cannot convince me that you and myself do not like or enjoy what you are doing. If you do not, then you superiors will send you for a pyscological evaluation to see if you slipped through the system. I personally worked with the government for many years. I enjoyed training and enjoyed training to kill. I, for many years tried to hide the truth about myself through drinking only to wake the next day with the same problem. I even had to face the truth about who and what i really was. I enjoyed every minute of serivce yet, denied who i really was and what i stood for. You are speaking of 2 entirely different worlds of existence! Sorta like comparing lemons and cucumbers. There, is not comparison. Sincerely; In Humility; Chiduce!