Long shot inquiry (Jobojitsu)



Jobujitsu is the martial art of horsemanship in war..

Anyone know any good resources? i saw a one line blurb about it in a generic MA book. I was wondering if any one here had any sources on it.

i wish to learn about it- first, I have two horses, and you can never stop learning about horsemanship. Just like MA, there is always something new to learn. Second, our little MA school is community minded, and often does demos, parades, etc. I was thinking how cool it would be to make a samarai armor costume for the horse for parades and stuff (And I could wear Kendo armor- eye-catching, no??)

Of course, the art has all but died out- japan has so little land available, only the richest of the rich can own horses. And we all know how rich traditional martial artists are...

yours in white trashdom, Cathy

Yabusame: Originally this was Kyudo [archery] on horseback, but, today it is a Shinto ceremony. Go to a local video store, find the movie "Heaven and Earth." It portrays some excellent scenes showing Samurai, including female warriors on horseback. The armor and trappings fitted on the horses are outstanding.

But, if you go this route let me know I'd love to see it up close, once you see the movie you'll understand what I'm saying. The effects and costumes are outstanding, it also gives an excellent portrayal of what warfare was like in ancient Japan.

I'd cut and splice a photo but dont think it would take. Send me your E mail address if you want & I'll send a couple of portraits for you to consider. I've downloaded about 30 or so from a Japanese site about a year ago.

:asian: :asian:

No dont wear Kendo Armour, it woudn't be the proper dress. However, The Noble Collection group does offer replica Samurai armor, but it's pricey. It runs about $3,500.00 for a suit of armor. If I had money to burn I'd think about buying it, but that would be a h...l of a lot of money for me to burn. Ah to be idle rich - something that seems to constantly elude me.

Want to buy a first born - full grown - cooks - cleans - and -----

Come to think of it - I'll keep him.

:asian: :asian:
I would think that kyudo resources would be your best bet.

We tend to think of the martial arts in terms of one-to-one or one-to-several combat, but there were also martial skills of horsemanship, swimming, tying the enemy, and large-scale battle (that is, strategies for armies), for example.
There was a large seminar here in Tokyo not that long ago, and one of the presentations was on kyudo while swimming.

I did not attend, but I was told by one of my mates that the person doing the demo was able to basically tread water while keeping his entire upper torso (from the waist up) completely out of the water in order to take the shot.

Pretty cool stuff. Me, I swim like my last name (I just jump in, sink to the bottom, walk across and climb out the other side!).