What famous actor you dislike,would you most like to beat up?

Does this thread need to be changed to "What famous actor you dislike, would you most like to beat up while drinking?" or was the last part added already assumed since you would be doing the first part?
Just keep in mind that I'd be a large guy, armed with a mic stand. :p

You just keep in mind that in the condition we'll be in we probably wouldn't be able to lift the chair without falling over anyway
Does this thread need to be changed to "What famous actor you dislike, would you most like to beat up while drinking?" or was the last part added already assumed since you would be doing the first part?

I think we decided that we could do more damage to the actors simply by inviting him or her to the party and pouring them whatever they asked for...
Has anyone ever tried mixing JackD with 151 rum? Wait... hear me out (as Cpn. Jack Sparrow would say)... after two sips, you won't be able to taste anything anyway right? :pirateton

Sure have. The difference being I also added Capt' Morgan then topped off with 7-up and orange Juice. Called it the Chicken Licker, because it made the guys fell cocky, and the women want to lay. I know it is bad, but I was young, dumb, and mostly drunk. Tasted something like turpentine smells, if I recall correctly.
Sure have. The difference being I also added Capt' Morgan then topped off with 7-up and orange Juice. Called it the Chicken Licker, because it made the guys fell cocky, and the women want to lay. I know it is bad, but I was young, dumb, and mostly drunk. Tasted something like turpentine smells, if I recall correctly.

Whoa!!..I think it would have been kind of dangerous hanging around with you back in the day, Scott :wink1: I can recall drinking things with the flavor you describe... how, I don't know... but you have to go easy on the orange juice in that kind of drink, you know... it can make you feel really awful the next day... or maybe it's the 7-Up that does it... one of the two, for sure...
Naw, I am one of the lucky ones who never got hangovers. I could literally crawl out of a bar at night, and be up bright eyed and ready to go by 8 the next morning. It was a mixed talent, good because I never missed work, bad because there was never a downside to getting plastered nearly every night.
It was a mixed talent, good because I never missed work, bad because there was never a downside to getting plastered nearly every night.

Ummm... you know, of course, that for some of us, the occasional plastering with no penalty wouldn't be regarded as exactly a downside... :wink1:

I can have a couple of glasses of wine, or occasionally more than a couple, without feeling a thing the next morning. My wife, on the other hand, has only look at a wine label to wake up nauseous in the middle of the night... these gifts are so unfairly distributed!

My problem is Margaritas... not ones that I get in Mexican restaurants, but the ones I make at home for parties etc., based on fresh limes and a bunch of other nice ingredients. The flavor is so good that you---that is, I---forget just how potent a good tequila can be, because that terrific fresh lime flavor pretty masks the presence of the alchohol... until it's too late... :uhohh: ... I've pretty much stopped making them...