What do you say to the person who believes...


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?
Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?

kick them in the groin, them punch them in the face, them maybe an elbow... watch them fall.. then tell them they went down, with out a take down... walk away...lol

it is hard to open somones minde that is closed, and ignorant!
Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?

If they're guys I explain the benefits from a man's point of view. If they're women, I try to gently explain that it would be to their benefit from a self-defense point of view ALONG with the physical benefits of keeping in shape and maintianing their girlish figures.
There are an infinite number of reasons people participate in MA. As long as a realistic attitude is maintained by the practitioner, a simple: "eh, I just think it's fun," will suffice as an explanation. People think I shouldn't waste my money on paintball, but nobody accuses me of thinking I believe I'm training for live-fire combat. I just tell people that they are being silly, and don't bother explaining myself.

Or I blame it on 80s ninja movies. ;)
Depends on the context, most times I just laugh and walk away. People will believe what they want.
Look them straight in the eye, and in a very serious voice say "Yes, well, when I get accepted as a honorary Ninja Turtle you'll change your mind." and walk straight to the nearest sewer enterance, strugle with it for a minute, then turn back to them and ask for a little help.

Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?
I haven't had that happen. However, I am pretty sure my response would be to smile and agree with them, and let it go. It is they who are unsure, that is why they taunt, they are testing themselves, not you. Let them stay confused. Being enlightened is a privilege, not a right, it isn't for everyone. :rofl:
The Smile can say volumes and yet you never have to explain what you mean.
I have had a few say simular things as in the first post, a few have been invited to the school and became studnets after a coulpe minutes, a few said I cheated.
MA-Caver said:
If they're guys I explain the benefits from a man's point of view. If they're women, I try to gently explain that it would be to their benefit from a self-defense point of view ALONG with the physical benefits of keeping in shape and maintianing their girlish figures.

What are a man's point of view and how is it different from what a woman would want out of it? Don't men want to help maintain a healthy life style and benefit from MA with self defence tactics?
Andrew Green said:
Look them straight in the eye, and in a very serious voice say "Yes, well, when I get accepted as a honorary Ninja Turtle you'll change your mind." and walk straight to the nearest sewer enterance, strugle with it for a minute, then turn back to them and ask for a little help.


*shakes head....

Bigshadow said:
It is they who are unsure, that is why they taunt, they are testing themselves, not you. Let them stay confused.

I, personally, have no quarrel with tossing someone gloves and a groin protector, to see what they've got. I do it almost every day with people who are quite likely much better than they are, so it's really nothing out of the ordinary. Having said that, I absolutely refuse to be insulted or upset by someone so obviously clueless when it comes to MA. I'd rather brush them off than listen to lame excuses about why they are unwilling to spar or have been beaten in a round of sparing, yet continue to talk smack.

Lisa said:
What are a man's point of view and how is it different from what a woman would want out of it? Don't men want to help maintain a healthy life style and benefit from MA with self defence tactics?
Just answered your own question... that and "you'll kick *** a lot better than you do right now..." gotta throw in testosterone to make the sale. :D
I've heard it before. Now I just say, 'yup - you're prolly right. There's no question you could kick my ***. Look at you - you're bigger, have more muscle mass, man I wouldn't have a chance against someone like you."

They usually don't have much more to say and I can go on about my day. The only people I bother discussing it much with are the people who ASK me what it has done for me and how I've used it in real life.
shesulsa said:
I've heard it before. Now I just say, 'yup - you're prolly right. There's no question you could kick my ***. Look at you - you're bigger, have more muscle mass, man I wouldn't have a chance against someone like you."

They usually don't have much more to say and I can go on about my day. The only people I bother discussing it much with are the people who ASK me what it has done for me and how I've used it in real life.

Independent of whether it is truthful or not, I really like shesula's response to a question posed like that.
Lisa with me it would be a kick to the side of their face and then dropping my knee into their side and then a brief stay at the hospital where I would be visiting them
tshadowchaser said:
The Smile can say volumes and yet you never have to explain what you mean.
I have had a few say simular things as in the first post, a few have been invited to the school and became studnets after a coulpe minutes, a few said I cheated.

I like that one. Just smile and nod. Why argue? :)
terryl965 said:
Lisa with me it would be a kick to the side of their face and then dropping my knee into their side and then a brief stay at the hospital where I would be visiting them

a good response could also be...

"I am sorry, I missed what you said...oh wait, I will remove my foot from your *** since that seems to be from where you speak...sorry about that" :D
Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?

I promote tae kwon do for its physical therapy and aerobic points. I wear two leg braces and will be taking my green belt test soon. I am in pretty decent shape and only have about 12% body fat. I am 32 not 18 so it makes a big difference to me.

While I spent my enlistment in the Marines listening to the kind of banter listed above I would just point to my judo trophies and gold medals from wrestling for the Corps. That would usually be enough.

I hate people that try and call you out like that anyway. I have a friend 6'1 and 302. Saturday we went and got new sparring gear. In the parking lot he said to me. "If someone my size were to attack you, how would you respond? You are 5'7 and 172." He reached for me, so I did a right and left ridge hand followed by a front punch to the nose. I never hit him. I did all technique with control of course. My friend a green belt in TKD just looked at me and said "Please remind me to quit picking on you."

We went to my house and worked forms for a few hours.
terryl965 said:
Lisa with me it would be a kick to the side of their face and then dropping my knee into their side and then a brief stay at the hospital where I would be visiting them

Really? Welcome to paying the guy's rent for the next three years. Way to go, there, pal. :rolleyes:

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