What do you say to the person who believes...


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
*To the tune of "Barges"*

Under my tent flap, looking through the night,
I can see the Boy Scouts having a fight.
Silently flies a hatchet through the air
And the merit badges everywhere.

Boy Scouts, how I'd like to fight with you,
How I'd like to turn you black and blue.
Boy Scouts, have you treasures in your hold?
Have you fought with Girl Scouts brave and bold?


Last Fearner

2nd Black Belt
Jan 21, 2006
Reaction score
Well, now that you have a nice warm campfire going, mind if I join you? In response to the proposed challenge, I don't mind doing a little verbal sparring once in a while. It keeps the wits sharp, and can be fun, as long as you don't take it too seriously. I don't ever feel I have to prove a point, but I like to see where the conversation might take us.

I have heard these kinds of things thousands of times over the past 40 years. Just for fun, pretending that these words are coming from an adversarial jerk, and not from Lisa, :) I'll play along and respond.

Some jerk said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money."

Hmmm, "a waste of time, and money." No, I would say asking people questions when you think you already know the answer is a waste of time. Not taking the opportunity to get an education and learn something valuable is a waste of time. Paying several dollars for a pack of cigarettes, and setting them on fire as you breathe the smoke into your otherwise healthy lungs is a waste of money. Buying drugs and shooting them into your arm, or snorting it up your nose is a waste of money. Martial Art classes: a waste of money? Not by a long shot. What else you got my friend? :)

Some jerk said:
“only fools part with their money."

Actually, sir, the saying is, "A fool and his money are soon parted," since we all part with our money at some time or another. Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying, "If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." I agree with that. If I spend my money on knowledge, healthy physical activity, and something I enjoy doing, then that is a wise investment.

Some jerk said:
"If you take them you get a false sense of security."

If a Martial Art class teaches what bad guys do, then I become aware, and learn to avoid those situations - - this is actually improved security. On the other hand, if I learn skills that help me to defeat one attacker that I would not have known how to beat before, then it is not a "false sense" of security, now is it?

Some jerk said:
There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me."

If we were reaching for the last product on the top shelf at the supermarket, your size would matter. If we were bench pressing heavy weights, your strength would give you and advantage. If we were running a race, being faster, you would most likely win. However, in self defense, the winner is not always the biggest, strongest, or fastest. It is the person who did the right thing, at the right time, just to the level of force needed to get the job done. As "Superfoot" Bill Wallace says, "there will always be someone bigger than you, someone stronger than you, and someone faster than you, but there doesn't have to be anyone sneakier than you."

Some jerk said:
In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. "

Luck? Luck has nothing to do with it! Look at Summo wrestling. Is the biggest guy always the winner? No. Can the Heavyweight Boxing Champion bench press the most weight? Not necessarily. Try to take down a kangaroo, and see if you don't get kicked across the room. Try to pick up a puny little porcupine and see what happens. You know, in Michigan, we have this little animal called a wolverine....

*"While the furry wolverine looks fairly small and harmless, it is one of the most feared animals in the natural world. Even bears retreat from the snarls and growls made by this vicious predator." At a length of up to 4 ft., and weighing up to only 70 lbs., the wolverine will hunt down and topple animals as big as deer and moose - - "more than ten times the wolverines's size."

Some jerk said:
C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

No thanks, this is neither the time, nor the place. However, if you would like to come visit my Martial Art school, I'm sure you would get answers to many of your questions.

Lisa said:
Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?

Lisa, this is a good thread, and excellent questions. I had fun with it. When confronted with these types, I do any of the above. Smile, walk away, chat with them, explain the reality of Martial Art training. I don't try to change their mind, but when the jokes, and the challenges turn to serious conversation, I seldom have to make any effort. Most respect a serious and dedicated individual, and then I don't mind joking with them a little, but I let them know if the jokes go too far, and I never agree with their stupidity. I just give them that look that makes them realize I know something they don't, and they don't want to find out the hard way! :ultracool

CM D. J. Eisenhart

*Wolverine image and quote from "Weird n Wild Creatures" by IMP Inc.


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Purple Belt
May 6, 2006
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A rabid animal the size of a beagle that is commonly known to take on grizzly bears... How cute, I know people with same mentality. Surprising they talk the least trash and have no need to impress you. Wounder why? lol


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
Last Fearner said:
Well, now that you have a nice warm campfire going, mind if I join you? In response to the proposed challenge, I don't mind doing a little verbal sparring once in a while. It keeps the wits sharp, and can be fun, as long as you don't take it too seriously. I don't ever feel I have to prove a point, but I like to see where the conversation might take us.

I have heard these kinds of things thousands of times over the past 40 years. Just for fun, pretending that these words are coming from an adversarial jerk, and not from Lisa, :) I'll play along and respond.

Hmmm, "a waste of time, and money." No, I would say asking people questions when you think you already know the answer is a waste of time. Not taking the opportunity to get an education and learn something valuable is a waste of time. Paying several dollars for a pack of cigarettes, and setting them on fire as you breathe the smoke into your otherwise healthy lungs is a waste of money. Buying drugs and shooting them into your arm, or snorting it up your nose is a waste of money. Martial Art classes: a waste of money? Not by a long shot. What else you got my friend? :)

Actually, sir, the saying is, "A fool and his money are soon parted," since we all part with our money at some time or another. Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying, "If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." I agree with that. If I spend my money on knowledge, healthy physical activity, and something I enjoy doing, then that is a wise investment.

If a Martial Art class teaches what bad guys do, then I become aware, and learn to avoid those situations - - this is actually improved security. On the other hand, if I learn skills that help me to defeat one attacker that I would not have known how to beat before, then it is not a "false sense" of security, now is it?

If we were reaching for the last product on the top shelf at the supermarket, your size would matter. If we were bench pressing heavy weights, your strength would give you and advantage. If we were running a race, being faster, you would most likely win. However, in self defense, the winner is not always the biggest, strongest, or fastest. It is the person who did the right thing, at the right time, just to the level of force needed to get the job done. As "Superfoot" Bill Wallace says, "there will always be someone bigger than you, someone stronger than you, and someone faster than you, but there doesn't have to be anyone sneakier than you."

Luck? Luck has nothing to do with it! Look at Summo wrestling. Is the biggest guy always the winner? No. Can the Heavyweight Boxing Champion bench press the most weight? Not necessarily. Try to take down a kangaroo, and see if you don't get kicked across the room. Try to pick up a puny little porcupine and see what happens. You know, in Michigan, we have this little animal called a wolverine....

*"While the furry wolverine looks fairly small and harmless, it is one of the most feared animals in the natural world. Even bears retreat from the snarls and growls made by this vicious predator." At a length of up to 4 ft., and weighing up to only 70 lbs., the wolverine will hunt down and topple animals as big as deer and moose - - "more than ten times the wolverines's size."

No thanks, this is neither the time, nor the place. However, if you would like to come visit my Martial Art school, I'm sure you would get answers to many of your questions.

Lisa, this is a good thread, and excellent questions. I had fun with it. When confronted with these types, I do any of the above. Smile, walk away, chat with them, explain the reality of Martial Art training. I don't try to change their mind, but when the jokes, and the challenges turn to serious conversation, I seldom have to make any effort. Most respect a serious and dedicated individual, and then I don't mind joking with them a little, but I let them know if the jokes go too far, and I never agree with their stupidity. I just give them that look that makes them realize I know something they don't, and they don't want to find out the hard way! :ultracool

CM D. J. Eisenhart

*Wolverine image and quote from "Weird n Wild Creatures" by IMP Inc.

Last Ferner,

This is truly one inspiring post and thank you for the "Originally posted by SOME JERK" :)

I agree with everything you stated and I think everyone can learn from your post.

I also think my avatar, Mr. Chew, was a wolverine in a previous lifetime ;)


Blue Belt
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Lisa said:
Them: “Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Me: Say what you will, I enjoy it and treasure every second of training I get

The simple truth


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?

I guess it would depend on the context & where we were when the statement was made. I certainly wouldn't take them up on there offer. If the guy is being a jerk, I let him be a jerk alone while I walk away. If that's their idea of humor, I'd ask them what they base that opinion on. I will explain the value of training to someone who wants to listen, but I won't for someone who sounds like they're starting a "bar fight."

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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tradrockrat said:
people! :disgust:

What an excellent opportunity to say, "Come to the school sometime for a free lesson. See for yourself."

Then just refuse to talk anymore about it.

Not always :(

Sometimes they then say why not now? ;)


Crazy like a...
MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Jan 16, 2006
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Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?

In all seriousness, I have yet to meet such a person.

Hmmm...wonder if they are scared to say that to my face... :rofl:

Eternal Beginner

Brown Belt
Aug 5, 2004
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evenflow1121 said:
I really wouldnt care, I d brush it off and keep on walking. I dont feel like I have to demonstrate myself to anyone. Words are just words, Sticks and Stones now that is a totally different issue =)
I agree.

The older I get the less I feel the need to justify my actions and seek others approval. If I do MA just because I like wearing the uniform - that's good enough for me and I don't care if anyone agrees.

And it isn't just people who don't do MA's that try this sort of silliness, other arts belittle others. Again, I don't worry about what they like to do or care if they agree with what I am doing. I'm not doing it for anyone but me.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”
Ok, admit it... Even though most of us would never do it (and rightly so), how many pictured this scenario in their head and daydreamed of shinkicking this moron in the knee, watching him crumple to the ground in agony?
Or posed what I like to call a modern koan to him:
"What did the five fingers say to the face?"




Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
Kreth said:
Ok, admit it... Even though most of us would never do it (and rightly so), how many pictured this scenario in their head and daydreamed of shinkicking this moron in the knee, watching him crumple to the ground in agony?
Or posed what I like to call a modern koan to him:
"What did the five fingers say to the face?"



I think all of us have done this at one time or another...probably more often then we are comfortable in admitting ;)


2nd Black Belt
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
my house
Rich Parsons said:
Not always :(

Sometimes they then say why not now? ;)

Well... go ahead and show them. ;) just kidding.

honestly, I really don't find myself in too many conversations about MA at all. It's such a part of my life that it's kinda like eating - I rarely strike up conversations with strangers about my dinner.

But jerks are jerks - I just don't see any reason to waste my time. Offer them a chance to paerticipate, try to reason with them, and if all else fails, just ignore them and walk away.

Seems pretty simple to me.:)


3rd Black Belt
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Barberton, Ohio, USA
Lisa said:
“Martial Arts classes are a waste of time and money and only fools part with their money. If you take them you get a false sense of security. There is no way a guy/gal like you would have a chance against someone bigger, stronger or faster, like me. In a real fight, anyone would be able to take you down, unless you got lucky. C’mon…lets see, take me down, I won’t even resist”

Sound familiar? I am sure we all have been faced with someone like this at some point in time. What do you say to them? How do you change their mind? Do you try? Do you explain that Martial Arts is more then just fighting and self defence? Do you explain your true purpose of practicing your art? Or do you just leave narrow minded people be?
Tell them they are right, and they should leave so they dont waste their money.

Brother John

Senior Master
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita Kansas, USA
I tend to not bother with such types.
Wether or not I can defeat them isn't important unless they intend on trying to harm me or those I love/protect.

Other than that, they can THINK what they will.
...whatever makes them feel better.
I don't train for them.

MY best reasons for training give me kisses every day.

Your Brother

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