What do you need to work on?


Blue Belt
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
As we are all constantly striving to improve our skills, I was wondering which parts or parts of your training do you feel you need to work on the most?

For me it's my sensitivity. I went for about 2 years without a good training partner so it really slowed my progress. the last 6 months or so have been good though as I've found people to train with who are interested in improving and not trying to see "who's the best" and feed their ego.
My damn Fook Sau without a doubt.
I've been working on it and working on it and progress is slow and elusive.
But there are fleeting moments where I feel that I am onto something , but they are few and far between.

Out of the three main hand structures I find it to be by far the most difficult to perform correctly.
Specifically what I am working on is trying to properly transfer my body weight into my Fook Sau so that it is very heavy but still extremely relaxed.

I remember how heavy my late Sifu's Fook Sau felt , it would wear you out very quickly because it felt like you were carrying a wheelbarrow filled with bricks
Structure, stance, footwork, chi sau, forms......damn it, everything!!

I would like to relax more but keep my structure. I have real problems staying relaxed, the more I think about being relaxed the more I tense up.
Has to be relaxing my fook sau. You can pull away and my arm wont drop unless I'm concentrating on it dropping.
well.... all of the above as i think are most of us, but sifu is working hard on real life sparring and fighting using wing chun and not getting drawn into a scrap as our focus at the moment
so as i sit here typing this with a black eye swollen nose and a split lip .....lol..... i apparantly have a lazy rear guard hand and i,m far too predictable trying to encourage a laap to get in closer!
bearing in mind thursday i was doing ok untill i sparred with one of the sifus who gently slowly took me apart with a damn smirk on his face that infuriated me intensly lol. i,m a little bit pleased as i got thru a few times and defended a lot more than i did say 3 months ago but oh biy i got wooped!
i need to work with him more to keep getting slapped about untill i learn the hard way some apparant serious flaws.
love the way my mum rolls her eyes at me... silently telling me to grow up and asking why oh why do i do it . bless her!!
yeah.....I feel your pain,I haven't had anyone to train with for months,some times it gets a little discouraging for me, since the EBMAS school is down under..Miami Lakes to be exact.But I did get a shot on the arm here recently
this pretty and humble Chinese woman who I met while at the local flea market (she's taken,and I am happily married) turned me on to Yip Man the movie dirctly from China, In Chinese,no sub titles.I have watched this movie at least four times so far,very inspirational even though I can't understand jack squat! Brothers two and Prodigal son are OK.kinda slap stick with no dialog....lots of mouth movement with delayed audio, this movie is more serious.
Yeah...one day...I'll have my own wooden dummy...oh wait, that's me in the mirror!
I love the prodigal son, perhaps more so than yip man... definitely the second one..
Editing to add some on topic info..:
My main focus has been to improve my chum kiu, been spending a nice amount of time thinking about
circle step.. been starting to practice some poon sau too. Aside from that I have always done a lot of shadow boxing.
Concentrating on positioning and defending in chi sau and working on chum kiu.
Shoulder muscles they get tired may to easily but i guess thats because i need to relax and not tense up so much.
footwork and chainpunching.

chainpunching needs daily maintenance I find.

more than 2 days without chainpunching and they quickly lose efficiency.