What do you eat after a nice workout.


Blue Belt
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York, New York
I'm worried I'm not eating the right meals after my workouts. I know this will eventually hurt me if I don't eat foods that commensurate with my workout. I figured I'd place this before my fellow MA's.

What kinds of meals or snacks to you guys and gals eat after a workout? and why if theres a why...
Well, I do more workouts first thing in the morning. So I usually down a quick protein shake prior to the workout, then I eat my breakfast after. High protein (eggs or something), with vegetation (usually fruit), some yogurt and some green tea.

MA class is from 20:30 to 22:00
Afterwards we have a drink. When I get home at 23:00 I am usually hungry and I eat a couple of sandwiches with chocolate paste. :D
I might use something else on my sandwiches (depending on what's in the fridge), but German chocolate paste (Nutella. Best in the world) is the default.
Well, I do more workouts first thing in the morning. So I usually down a quick protein shake prior to the workout, then I eat my breakfast after. High protein (eggs or something), with vegetation (usually fruit), some yogurt and some green tea.


Thanks Eric. very helpful.

MA class is from 20:30 to 22:00
Afterwards we have a drink. When I get home at 23:00 I am usually hungry and I eat a couple of sandwiches with chocolate paste. :D
I might use something else on my sandwiches (depending on what's in the fridge), but German chocolate paste (Nutella. Best in the world) is the default.

Hello bruno, I hear you on nutella. I have one huge container sitting on my fridge this very moment. I had some just yesterday night as a snack. Definitely the best. ;)
Whatever I can find..Usually I just wanna get home and get a hot shower and some Woodlock Oil...
Anything that has the misfortune of getting in my way. :)

...which is why I make sure there's some fruit or nuts readily available, or leftovers from dinner. Otherwise, I would probably hurt myself eating junk.
Small countries, engine blocks, broken toys, electronics that no longer matter, the lost city of Krypton, etc.
If I have something to do after the workout, I'll grab a quick snack, such as a turkey sandwich.

Otherwise, I usually wait for about 60 minutes after a workout, before eating. At that time, I'll just eat a normal meal.

As long as you make sure you're eating a well-balanced diet, then food choice shouldn't be much of a problem here.
I make a high protien smoothie and drink it down. I get what my body needs and I lose the feeling of eating like a group of 350lbs truckers.
Whatever tastes good as long as it has a high red meat percentage along with some kind of food that my red meat would eat & a Dr Pepper to wash it down.
I make a high protien smoothie and drink it down. I get what my body needs and I lose the feeling of eating like a group of 350lbs truckers.

I eat high protein food and my body makes it into a smoothie. I'm not interested in it at that point.

I eat my peas with honey. I've done it all my life. It makes the peas taste funny, but it keeps them on my knife.