What do you call a black belt???


Orange Belt
Nov 16, 2008
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Do you call a black belt, Master < last name > or Mister < last name > ? What's the protocol?
Do you call a black belt, Master < last name > or Mister < last name > ? What's the protocol?

In all styles that I know anything about, which, come to think of it, isn't very many ... there is a big difference between a black belt and a master. I black belt would be called Mister <Last Name> until he reaches the Master level.
It is Mister or Sir to show the respect but Master is 4th and higher
I'm assuming that this is if there is a big disparity in experience (I hesitate to say 'rank')?

Of course, I come from a much more 'informal' background. When I'm instructing students who have come in from other dojo's, they do on occasion offer me too much 'respect'. Rather than doing something about it in front of the class, I usually try to get the chance to quietly say something like "It's okay. He's Sensei {point to my sensei]. My names Mark".
Like others noted, Sir, Ma'am, or Mr./Ms. So and So is respectful. You can also call under 4th dan (depending on the style of TKD) Kyo Sa Nim and 4th-7th (again, depending), Sah Bum Nim, and 8th and 9th (again...), Kwan Jang Nim. You can call any senior (whether rank or time in) Sun Bae (senior member). A black belt holder is also a "You Dan Ja." Like folks noted, certain titles are different in different organizations.

Sir or Ma'am, Master is a rank, and not every BB has it yet (like me)
Sir or Ma'am when answering to them directly - when referring to them it's Mr or Ms or Master (if applicable) and their last name.
I call my instructors Sir and Ma'am, but if addressing them, it's Mr/Ms and their last name. There are a couple black belts at the Master rank, but they prefer to be called Mr/Ms and their last name.

On occasion when our Grandmaster visits, one of the black belts will introduce him as Grandmaster and his last name, but after the initial introduction -- unless it's something like a black belt test -- he also prefers being called by Mr. (last name).
I see some black belts have their names embroidered on their belts. Does this indicate they are a master? How can you tell visually if they are a master vs. BB?

Thanks! Great stuff.
When I was doing TKD we were told that everyone a rank above you is Mister/Miss (lastname). The instructor (5th Dan) and above were Master (last name). To be completely honest I didn't like this very much. Just a personal thing really but it felt very strange refering to people by their last name when I knew them reasonably well and felt I should be on first name terms. It felt more natural to call the instructor and above by last names but the other students I considered them to be my peers so it just sounded odd in my head. It is a completely persoanl thing and I'm not saying TKD is wrong for doing this. It is just tradition and the fact TKD has a military background.

However my new jujutsu class has none of that across the board. I call my instructors Tony and Pete. I will still address my chief instructor by Mr O'Hagan but that is because apart from the odd one off seminar I don't meet him very much. His blackbelts refer to him as Kevin though. It feels so much more comfortable for me and I don't respect any one any less.
We're all called by our first names. Both of us, me and the chief instructor lol!
In our discipline 4th Dan or higher are addressed as Master, unless instructed by them otherwise..Personally I'm not hung up with titles, I prefer students call me by my first name or Drac...
I see some black belts have their names embroidered on their belts. Does this indicate they are a master? How can you tell visually if they are a master vs. BB?

Thanks! Great stuff.

A big fat NO. Master is indicated by rabnk.. check their belt for the dan grade to see, but remember different systems recognise Master as different levels. WTF @ 4th Dan, but ITF @ 7th dan.

I see some black belts have their names embroidered on their belts. Does this indicate they are a master? How can you tell visually if they are a master vs. BB..

NOPE!!!! I have my name on my belt and I am hardly a Master...
I have my name on my belt.....coz I forget who I am, old age you see lol!
On the other hand, I think you can call him/her anything you want to, as long as you are prepared to back it up! ;)
I see some black belts have their names embroidered on their belts. Does this indicate they are a master? How can you tell visually if they are a master vs. BB?

Thanks! Great stuff.

Name on the belt doesn't signify rank. But as Tez & Drac have pointed out, it helps you to remember your name. Here in the US, we're fond of putting stripes on our belts to denote rank. In Korea, this is not done nearly as often.Korean grandmasters often have belts that look like everyone else's. It's usually not easy to tell a master from a BB by looking at their belt. I'd suggest to just treat everyone with respect. That's a guaranteed win-win for everyone.
Some of students think our chief instructor is a diety though, when he demos a techniques on them they shout out in ectasy 'o o o g...o...d'. some even call him Jesus Christ, usually with a sharp intake of breath as if they didn't believe it! Some are non believers though they just swear and use rude words. I don't know, you just don't get the students these days do you?