What can you tell me about USNTF?


Nov 14, 2013
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There's a possibility I might be transitioning from KKW to USNTF in the near future. For anyone who has experience with USNTF, I was hoping you could answer a few questions. I couldn't find much information on their site.

First, what is their affiliation with KKW? It's not listed on their site as associations they are part of, but they do mention the ability to give KKW certificates.

Second, what requirements are pushed by the organization?
  • Which forms do they require? If they don't have specific forms, what are their guidelines?
  • Do they have expectations of what techniques people will learn?
  • Is there a codified curriculum (such as one-steps) or is it mostly up to the Master how to teach?
  • Is there a specified belt structure, or is it up to the local Master?
Third, does USNTF have their own style of competition? Or do they just go to whatever competitions they can, or follow a specific sport authority (such as WT)?
Sorry, I don't know much about those organizations.

But, it is a surprise that you are considering changing organizations. You were so loyal to your master, school and style... you have me very curious as to what is the nature of this change? Is your school changing affiliations? Are you changing schools? Just curious here.
Sorry, I don't know much about those organizations.

But, it is a surprise that you are considering changing organizations. You were so loyal to your master, school and style... you have me very curious as to what is the nature of this change? Is your school changing affiliations? Are you changing schools? Just curious here.
Let's just say for now it's a hypothetical. In this hypothetical, my Master would be changing.

Outside of the hypothetical, I do have a lot of changes planned to my Master's curriculum and teaching style when I open my own school. I may stay with KKW, I may go to USNTF, or I may do something else.
Looking at their website, it looks like this is a business organization that purports to help KKW TKD schools in the US with some aspects of running their school, organizing seminars, and so forth, in exchange for an annual membership fee.
Looking at their website, it looks like this is a business organization that purports to help KKW TKD schools in the US with some aspects of running their school, organizing seminars, and so forth, in exchange for an annual membership fee.
That's what's confusing me. Because in this hypothetical situation, it would be a change from KKW to USNTF.
That's what's confusing me. Because in this hypothetical situation, it would be a change from KKW to USNTF.
KKW isn't an organization that an individual school can join. It's like, I dunno, the Vatican. They say "this is the doctrine" and you do that, more or less. (Plenty of KKW TKD schools teach more, or less, than the baseline KKW curriculum.)

To continue that tortured analogy, it sounds like this group is like someone that started a Catholic religious organization that offers insurance policies and life coaching and stuff. They're still Catholic, and officially endorse Catholicism, but they operate independently from the Church and aren't an alternative to the church.

Does that make sense? It sounds like they do KKW TKD, but add in a splash of Hapkido and Haedong Gumdo, and organize seminars and offer business insurance and stuff.
KKW isn't an organization that an individual school can join. It's like, I dunno, the Vatican. They say "this is the doctrine" and you do that, more or less. (Plenty of KKW TKD schools teach more, or less, than the baseline KKW curriculum.)

To continue that tortured analogy, it sounds like this group is like someone that started a Catholic religious organization that offers insurance policies and life coaching and stuff. They're still Catholic, and officially endorse Catholicism, but they operate independently from the Church and aren't an alternative to the church.

Does that make sense? It sounds like they do KKW TKD, but add in a splash of Hapkido and Haedong Gumdo, and organize seminars and offer business insurance and stuff.
That doesn't really make sense to me. I'm a member of the KKW. I have IDs and certificates from them.

I also thought that there was a hierarchy in Catholicism that leads back to the Pope. But I'm not a member of the Catholic church, so I wouldn't know for sure.