What brought you into Martial Arts


May 17, 2004
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The Canuckistan Plains
Shogun said:
Li Today, at almost 19, I do Aikijutsu, Jujutsu, Ninjutsu, and Tushkahoma/Red warrior.
I'm interested in the Red Warrior program that you say you've trained in. This is a Native Art, is it not?

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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"I've been attacked 5 times in my life, 4 of those by people I knew. The most recent was by my now ex-husband who was a Kenpo 4th degree at the time - I thought he was going to kill me and I knew he would know how to do so. So I moved 1,000 miles away and started looking...didn't find a dojo that felt right until I joined a fitness center and found my current teacher teaching Hwarang Do. I had never heard of it, of course...but I am extremely lucky to have learned what I have."

Dear Shesulsa,

I am so sorry you have had such bad experiences in your life.

Yes, we kenpo stylists are taught all sorts of ways to dispatch our attackers permanently, but I am absolutely appalled that your ex would use his martial skills against you - especially at his level and knowing what he does. I hope you filed a police report before moving away. Also got an order of protection.

I also hope you are happier and at peace where you are now. KT

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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Oh yes. What got me into martial arts. My younger son, then 15, and I were driving by a shopping center where a new karate school was opening. I pointed it out and asked him if he was interested. He said he was, but was I? I said I was too old - 44 - and his response was "That's true. You wouldn't be able to do it."

See my quote below.:ultracool


Purple Belt
Sep 12, 2003
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Tampa, Fl USA
I've wanted to do martial arts since I was a kid watching Kung Fu on TV and Brue Lee movies. Never had the courage to walk in a Dojo and say "Sign me up"

When my son said he wanted to try, I took him to class. I kept asking the intructor questions, and he finally told me to shut up or join.:) I said...I'm 39 years old, I'm too old....he promised me big changes in 3 months, 3 years later, still seeing big changes!


I was interested for a number of reasons...

First off, I'm a big gun nut. I do alot of target shooting and hunting. I also carry a concealed handgun. But I got to thinking that shooting the bad guy might not always be the best way to handle things. I wanted a second option, so I figured a martial art would be a good place to start...

Also, I needed a PE credit (I'm a college student). So I signed up for my community college's TKD class. Two birds with one stone, right?

Well that was 5 years ago. I'm still in that same TKD class. Why? Good question, probably because I'm stubborn. I don't like to quit or do things half way.

I was forced to quit for a year due to an operation I had, but I came back. My classmates were suprised to see me again. I guess most people are gone for good once they leave...

Coming back was weird though... all my friends that started at the same time as I did now outrank me. Not to mention that I had lost alot of flexiblity from not streching for a year :(

But like I said, I'm stubborn and I didn't want to just give up. Besides, TKD is alot of fun, and it's good for you... so I plan to stick with it for as long as I can...


I did take Aikido for a few months but had to leave because school was starting. Now I'm taking Tang Soo Do, which their classes I can pretty much fit between school and work. The thing is I never intended to take a Korean art. I found out about it, went there to try it out, and now I can't get away from it. I love it much!



Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
kenpo tiger Dear Shesulsa said:
I did both, and when he violated the restraining order, I had him arrested and he spent the night in jail. I am happier here away from him and think the situation could only have gotten worse if I'd stayed in the vicinity.

Thanks for your concern and well-wishes.


white mantis

I was Introduced to the martial arts at about 5 or 6 years old My parents wanted me to learn discipline so they put me in some Tae Kwon Do classes. I with the attention span of a 2 year old at the time got bored and stop taking TKD not even a mounth into it. Now that I am 16 years of age I do Mantis Kung Fu as a way of expressing my self and enjoying myself doing it to.


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2004
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London England
"Kung Fu Gold" with Bruce LI! circa....long time ago
in a tiny cinema in Dunn N.C.I was 6 and THEN I found out about Bruce Lee(who was still alive at the time)
But when I saw Bruce Li beat up about 300 people....I wanted to do that!
But then reality hit me......more like a guy named andrew
I knew then, I wasn't ever gonna beat up 300 people like they did on BB theater.
I stayed because it fit me.............I have never gotten bored with it and I love to learn from it.
And now I teach as well as still learn.
and thats been over 30yrs ago:asian:


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I wanted to be a Jedi. :jedi1:

I got to be a Ninja... Its a close second. :ninja:


I've always wanted to do it. My father did it, my brother did it and the year I turned 30 I thought, why not me? So I did it. Started out in TKD for a year, left and waited for 2 years and found the place where I'm at now, courtesy of big brother. Combat Hapkido and its awesome and still doing it.


Black Belt
Feb 5, 2004
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Oxford, UK
For me one of the most important reasons I learn the Martial Art I'm learning is to be able to defend myself as well as keeping fit. But there are so many people who merely learn to become more dangerous, to have the skill to hurt people. And these people are still training up to black belt level. I have a certain friend who like me was bullied at school so learning how to defend himself was obviously logical option. But from one incident many years ago where he completely lost control with his tormentor (at school) he is a bit of a hothead and seems to enjoy violence. I think he has started to learn Taekwondo as a way of making himself more feared. The sad thing is it has not helped him confront his demons and so many times he has had to be pulled out of sparring by his instructor for excessive contact.
Its so sad when there are a lot of people who misuse their Martial Arts skills, but I guess instructors can't afford to turn anyone away!

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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Tony said:
...there are so many people who merely learn to become more dangerous, to have the skill to hurt people. And these people are still training up to black belt level...a bit of a hothead and seems to enjoy violence. I think he has started to learn Taekwondo as a way of making himself more feared. The sad thing is it has not helped him confront his demons and so many times he has had to be pulled out of sparring by his instructor for excessive contact.
Its so sad when there are a lot of people who misuse their Martial Arts skills, but I guess instructors can't afford to turn anyone away!
Hi Tony.

To address everything above (I excerpted from your entire post) - isn't/shouldn't it be up to the instructor to temper this type of person's violent tendencies?? My sifu always tells us - and the kids especially - that you should walk away from the fight. That is also why we aren't encouraged to compete. His philosophy is that the type of kenpo we do isn't a sport art and therefore we should not compete. The emphasis is on self defense IF NECESSARY. As an instructor for the children in our school I have to answer their questions and try to point out to them when they talk about bullies in school that their karate skills aren't for showing off during recess. I stress to them that they should not be the agressor and also try to talk their way out of the situation. Of course, the boys always want to know what the "cool" techs look like - i.e. Sleeper, Leap of Death, Dance of Death, Grip of Death - and I won't show them for the simple reason that they will learn them when it's appropriate. The last thing I'd ever want to happen is for one of my students to be injured or to injure someone else for no reason. I will sometimes sit them down for the last five minutes of class to discuss things like this in an informal manner so that they will talk about them and learn from each other's experiences.

I hope your friend will come to realize that he doesn't need to be a BA. Some people never understand that, and some of us needed a long time to realize it. KT:asian:


Yellow Belt
Apr 24, 2006
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Started in 86. I was in the service (US Air Force) as a security policeman. Obviously you can't shoot everyone and what the service was teaching was incomplete at the time (also wasn't reinforced.) So I went shopping. Decided on the TRACO system of Kenpo under the AKKA (American Kenpo Karate Academies). Have studied under Tracy's and the IKCA (yes I am a video student). Then came upon a hybrid system of Kenpo and Jiujitsu (called Siu Lum Chi Kwung Kenpo). Long name, simple system. 60 techniques to 1st Black, a system Master Form, Jo form (4 foot stick), knife skills and basic throws. I've added a few things of my own (strike and kick sets and added some of the traditional forms). I started initally to add some skills outside of what I had with me and found that I enjoyed it so much I wanted to open a school of my own. Ended up doing it in 2002 in a little town in North central Wisconsin called Bruce. Been here ever since. I average about 30-40 students depending on the time of the year. Have ten students to 1st Black with five preping for 2nd Black.

KenpoBruce2006 (thats my story and I'm stickin' to it)


Master Black Belt
Jan 29, 2006
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lol@hand sword

For me it was Kung Fu theatre specifically films by the Shaw Brothers.

Five Deadly Venoms and Master Killer aka The 36 Chambers (feat. Gordon Lui)

After watching all the shaw brothers movies I was pretty much determined to find a shaolin teacher who lived in the woods and wouldnt feel right unless he had 1 more student to teaching everything to!!!


Master Black Belt
Jan 29, 2006
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Hand Sword said:
I always wanted to have the sound effects of those movies in my movements! Jumping and having that flapping soound too!

LMAO!! Me too!!!
I like have a new uniform or gettin mine from the dry cleaner and hearing that sound when i kick or ounch.

Thos eold movies and Bruce Lee gave me my sound effects for when I hit someone.

Hand Sword

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Sep 22, 2004
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In the Void (Where still, this merciless GOD torme
AceHBK said:
LMAO!! Me too!!!
I like have a new uniform or gettin mine from the dry cleaner and hearing that sound when i kick or ounch.

Thos eold movies and Bruce Lee gave me my sound effects for when I hit someone.

I think that stuff influence3d a lot of people. I remember tons of people in class, seminars, or whatever, (instructors also), that would make sound effects when striking someone--LOL!