what should people learn?


Senior Master
o.k. i'm mostly bored which is why i ask. what do you think people should learn as a way to improve themselves, inor out of the martial arts. and don't be stupid by saying 'my style' or 'how to punch' that is obvius. i mean like 'iron fist training, in shaolin' or c.p.r. or what ever. ohh and reason and if it is the martial arts a style that teaches it. i'm bored and what to know what people think. so hay why not, right?

sweet Bright bless your blade


ohh and if you haven't yet read that thing about canada out lawing the martial arts
I read your post a few times,

not sure what you are saying. Got the part that you are bored though.
sorry maybe this will help. o.k. in general, i think that people should learn self defense aganst a knive, and how to use them. i want to know what other people think everyone should learn. you so that they are more capable of defending themselves. and i also think that people should learn c.p.r. for obvois reasons. but dont be to vague like how to punch, or something. and if it something like moving while kick add what style i or some one else could learn it from meaning muay thai and taekwondo. and why. so that if you put, moving while kicking i can get that you cover distance, and thuse have a better control over the range of the fight

got it??

People should learn self control, self discipline. Learn the basic mechanics of your style and learn them well, then focus on tactics and strategies. Learning CPR is a great idea. Defense against a blade, well I agree with you, probably best to use to learn to use one first, then work on defenses, unarmed vs. knife is a really bad scene, though, anyone here will tell you. Tell us about coung nhu and what your training is like.
lonecoyote said:
People should learn self control, self discipline. Learn the basic mechanics of your style and learn them well, then focus on tactics and strategies. Learning CPR is a great idea. Defense against a blade, well I agree with you, probably best to use to learn to use one first, then work on defenses, unarmed vs. knife is a really bad scene, though, anyone here will tell you.
All of those and more. Awareness is probably one of the best defenses out there. Knowing that this situation or that pathway is likely to produce a confrontation/attack or a SD scene will go a long way to avoid one, or at least give you (mental) prepping to deal with it.
Also training against car-jacking (especially those in cities that are prone to such attacks) while still sitting in your vehicle or being "yanked-out" of it.
Being trapped in a confined space; an alley or corner of a bar/room.
Maneuvering in a room with muliple objects or a crowd; again a bar or a small living room or bed room.
Fighting back when held down on a yielding surface like a bed or sofa (less rear resistance for you to push UP against).
Fighting in the dark (you gotta see it to hit it).
Adapting to whenever you have had one (or more limbs) incapacitated; a slashed arm or twisted ankle. You're hurt but you might end up dead if you don't keep fighting.

Look around you where-ever you are, and brain train; if some jerk-weed walks up and wants to start something or is going to (try) hurt me (or my companion) how can I use wherever I am to my advantage? Where is the quickest/nearest exit? More importantly be as realistic as possible fer crying outloud.

You gotta wonder though, while learning CPR is always a great idea, using it on someone that you just knocked down and incapacitated to the point where they need it... the legal aspects of it. To the LEO's reading this, if you're dispatched to a call of a disturbance and come across a guy giving CPR and then find out that the guy administrating it caused the cardio/respiratory arrest in the first place though it was in self-defense....
alright lone coyote, i'll tell you. coung nhu is a form of veitnamese karate founded 40 years aog in saigon by o'senei Ngo Dong (laugh and i'll kill you). when the south fell osensei fled to gainsvil florida, after they tried to starv the college profeser by depriving him of protein for a few months. in his youth osenei studied wing chun (from one of his older brothers), taichichuan (from anouther brother), and vovinam (from his third brother, who was one of the founders top 10 students, or something i forgot). latter on he learned boxing and aikido, i'm not quite shure who though.osensei and his brothers decided to put their martial arts skills to the test in a positive way. how? by beating the crap out of the street hustlers and thugs in hanoi, the city they were born in. after the division in veitnamtheir father was given a goverment job in the north. they later fled to the south were they once again began to become the police in a very corupt city, this time in siagon. when one of his brothers was stabbed he decided to teach his personel methed as a new style. he called it coung nhu karate (coung means hard nhu means soft since it combines both) at a point he also learned judo, and then shotokan. his shotokan sensei was a retied u.s. soilder, who to the best of my knowledge still lives in saigon. when the u.s. army built the college of siagon (now a strip mall) osensei began teaching their. he became so influencial to the young south veitnamese that when the south was beaten by the north the communist goverment knew that if they sent him to a re-education camp to be torchered or die they put him under house arrest, knowing that if they didn't every young south veitnamese, and maybe even some northers, would rise up in revolt. he eventuly fled with his wife, 3 sons and daugther. after he started teaching in the u.s.he made some changes, latter added manuels (to help keep coung nhu all reletivly similure). at training camp we all get together, train, beat each other up, make fun of each other, make new freinds and then have a party. when o'sensei was digunosed with altimerez most of the people in coung nhu couldn't belive it. anouther matter that came up was who would succede him? for a little while their was divsion in coung nhu asto who would. in the end it was the young Quihn, instead of his older brother, Bao.
o.k. so actule techniques. in Coung Nhu their is no focus on punching, kicking, grappling, or the usage of weapons.you start learning mostly shotokan until about black belt. then the focus becomes vovinam and taichichuan. you start learning to use weapons at green belt (the third rank), first the tambo, you have a tambo form at two brown stipes (two ranks latter), then you learn to use the bo staff, at the same rank you have a bo form. also at two brown you start judo. you start to learn Aikido at one black (i beleive). at green belt you start to learn some basic wing chun, and boxing. coung nhu has philosofies, so yes coung nhu is budo style.
latter the name was chaned to coung nhu oreintal martial arts. and that is coung nhu in a nut shell, well a cocounut shell, but still. if you want to learn more about the art of love, as it was called by osensei before he died) you can go to the official web site at http://coungnhu.com/
and thank you macaver that is more long the lines of what i wanted.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

do you people hate me or something? as i write this 67 people have read my thread and only THREE PEOPLE HAVE WRIGHTEN ANYTHING!!!!!!! seriosly do you people hate me THAT much.
coungnhuka said:
do you people hate me or something? as i write this 67 people have read my thread and only THREE PEOPLE HAVE WRIGHTEN ANYTHING!!!!!!! seriosly do you people hate me THAT much.
I don't think anyone "hates" you
(besides, it happens all the time to everybody!) I will say however that your posts are somewhat difficult to follow sometimes because of lack of punctuation and proper spelling... Sometimes when I read your posts I have a difficult time following because of your writing style, i.e. it is too colloquial, as if you were talking to someone instead of posting a message (at least my poor brain processes things differently!) May I kindly suggest that before posting you run the post through a spell/grammar checker? This may make things easier for others to engage you in the conversation.
Hello, What should be learning also? Judo fu or Tongue fu, the art of talking yourself out of trouble. Awareness yes but if you bumb into someone? Do you know what to say and how to act?

If you get a chance read some of "Marc the animal Macyoung" books! More than one.....than you will know what to train for?

Most of us have Ego's that need to be check, Avoidance! How many of us learn how to descalate a situtions?

Street fighing is no rules and anything goes, no such thing as a fair fight! One may even get kill? on the street no such thing as one on one!

Just my thoughts.....Judo is good too? .................Aloha
I'm gonna have to say, awareness is a key item.
I don't mean the everyday sortof thing. I mean teaching oneself (for example) when walking into a conveniance store always look in the reflections on the cooler windows, how many people are in the store, look at a persons body language.
Or when walking down the road-watch the shadow you cast often times if someone is behind you the shadow will tell you first,
Or again, body language will almost always betray someones intent

I don't mean to sound paranoid but awareness is key
o.k. sorry aveturuta. this is were i post things most of the time, normally i am talking. and i suck at writing so, sorry. and the 'do you people hate me' thing was really intended as a joke, just so you know. and so you guys know, i reaaly kinda meant for when your in a fight and the aftermath, not so much how to avoid one, because awareness and such is really kinda abvious.

sweet brighit bless your blade (gonna chew me out for that too?)

John (or that)
coungnhuka said:
o.k. sorry aveturuta. this is were i post things most of the time, normally i am talking. and i suck at writing so, sorry. and the 'do you people hate me' thing was really intended as a joke, just so you know. and so you guys know, i reaaly kinda meant for when your in a fight and the aftermath, not so much how to avoid one, because awareness and such is really kinda abvious.

sweet brighit bless your blade (gonna chew me out for that too?)

John (or that)
After reading this thread several times I would suggest that you defuse your boredom by taking a course in basic composition. You will find it an excellent life skill. For most of us the ability to express ourselves clearly is the best self defense drill ever. Very few of us ever need to defend against a knife (the training is fun though.) Everyone needs to convince others to support their plans, etc.


ironicly, that is why i write poetry. and yah i know i should probly take a compisition class, but i'm in school, and altimitly isn't that what it is for?

Sweet Brighit bless your blade

coungnhuka said:
o.k. i'm mostly bored which is why i ask. what do you think people should learn as a way to improve themselves, inor out of the martial arts. and don't be stupid by saying 'my style' or 'how to punch' that is obvius. i mean like 'iron fist training, in shaolin' or c.p.r. or what ever. ohh and reason and if it is the martial arts a style that teaches it. i'm bored and what to know what people think. so hay why not, right?

sweet Bright bless your blade


ohh and if you haven't yet read that thing about canada out lawing the martial arts

Having some First Aid/CPR knowledge is always a good thing. Martial Art wise, I'd have to say that being aware is important. People who walk around with their head in the clouds are most likely going to be the preferred target. Incorporating scenario drills into ones training is important. Having a knowledge of weapons as well as all of the ranges of fighting will continue to round out ones skills. Having a knowledge of use of force laws would also be a plus.

o.k., once again if you post something please, awareness is obvoius, please don't put it down again. thank you.
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coungnhuka said:
o.k., once again if you post something please, awareness is obvoius, please don't put it down again. thank you.
Well situational awareness, common sense and de-escalation techniques are about the most valuable tools a person can have. Once you remove those from the range of things we can post here, it widens to just about everything. Being able to fight at all ranges is important. Knowing the law and how best to work within it is important. CPR and EAR are important, as is DRABC. What do you really want from us here?
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o.k. let me make this easier for you guys. what i what is what you folks think people shuold learn as a way to defend themselves WHEN THE FIGHT HAS ALREADY STARTED!!yes awareness is importent, but that is not quite what i am getting at. mostly since everyone has already put that down. and don't restae what i already saide, that gets just slightly annoying.

sweet Brighit bless your blade

coungnhuka said:
o.k. let me make this easier for you guys. what i what is what you folks think people shuold learn as a way to defend themselves WHEN THE FIGHT HAS ALREADY STARTED!!yes awareness is importent, but that is not quite what i am getting at. mostly since everyone has already put that down. and don't restae what i already saide, that gets just slightly annoying.

sweet Brighit bless your blade


If that is what you wanted to ask, then you should have been clearer in your original post! Nowhere, in any of your posts, did you specify that!

Its often difficult to put what we're thinking onto the forum, while at the same time, making sure that everyone reading it is going to understand what you're asking.

That being said it may be best to think out exactly what it is that you're trying to say before typing it. If people do not understand what you're asking, getting heated about it is not going to solve anything.

Lets keep this discussion flame free please!


alright know are you going to answer my thread???? or would you perfer that i try agian with a differnint thread???