Wellcome Ceremony


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Last night samboknim asked me to get into the matt when he was finish the kids/youngsters class and introduce me to his studentes. I felt weird really weird so I face the studentes while sambokinim gave little data about me, he and his pupils gave me a big aplause and a wellcome bow.

This is the firsth time a samboknim presented me to his class and gave a little briefing of me, he told to his studentes I am a firsth dan black belt from Ramon Alvite from an old dojan from jido kwan rooths, that my ex samboknim was one of the firsth and most recognized TKD samboknims in my city and he respected him.

Afrher that we began the class me and smabknim, basicaly calistecnics streetching and a surprice!!!!, I had to do on samboknim's comand defenses,punches,and kicks also stances, samboknim wanted to see my technique.

We finished all sweat doing crunches and when class was finished I ask samboknim: - How I did it? and he told me he liked my technique but most of all my courage to got inside TKD again.

My two free classes are over and told samboknim my wishess to stay in his dojan, he gave me a big samile and even offer me a free dobok (iI'm wearing a white century karategi with the black collar cause my last dobok does not fit me anymore).

Do I feel happy? yes, and I'm inspired to be back tomorrow night to the dojan.

Manny, congratulations for returning to TKD and your first class sounds like you have found a good home. I'm glad to hear the positive approach your sahbumnim took and stay with it. It will all come back quickly. Good luck on your TKD path.

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