
Originally posted by rachel
I'm a vegetarian most of the time just because I find I don't like the taste of most meat. I will eat chicken on occasion and I eat tuna fish. Also a few years back I got some meat from a local store with a good reputation. We made some meatloaf. Now I don't know if it was the breadcrumbs or the meat but we cooked it thoroughly. Well done and brought it to work for lunch. It went through the microwave and low and behold WORMS!!!! Little green worms!!! Crawling around like they didn't get cooked in an oven or microwaved. I was so grossed out. I believe that started my journey to vegetarianism.I don't begrudge people eating meat. To each their own. I just prefer to severely limit my meat consumption.

Just think of the worms as garnishing and a little more protein and make sure you chew them or you might come down with something.
Originally posted by Seig
You ever grill a lamb chop? YUMMY!

That's what I did. My co-worker and I almost had a rumble during lunch when he wanted my other chop.:mad:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Oh I know it's true but it's still gross.:(
Since the subject of gross has come up and the thread is veggies, what veggies do you people find gross?

I absolutely loathe Lima Beans.
I'm not very fond of peas or carrots that have been cooked.
Kale, rutabaga, avacado, endive, spinich, colliflower, brocoli, artichoke and raw tomatoes.
anything dark green.

an extreme dislike for broccoli was about the only thing George Bush and I ever agreed on.
Eggplant.. though I think my brother getting sick on it at the dinner table when I was about 9 had something to do with my aversion!~!

Okra in any shape, form or preparation.. gag.... slimy stuff with those little round seeds.. *shudders*

I think alot of my dislikes is a texture thing..

I like everything else ... though hard tomatoes.. those kind that you get off-season are kinda nasty.. fresh ones nice and ripe are great though.

artichokes are rather a lame veggie.. scraping the innards over your bottom teeth.. I can't see much use for them.. though dried out they make for interesting floral arrangements..

brussel sprouts are just mini cabbages.. not much use for them ..

Give me meat.. a juicy med rare steak and I'm happy
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I personally don't like peppers, onions, tomatoes, and some others.

Come on here, I like tomatoes, peppers!:mad:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Same here..............:barf:

Nothing better than some Broccoli and Cauliflour with some cheese sauce on top. Very yummy