trainnig strategies



i saw a trainer today, he hit his student with a medicine ball while doing his ab workouts. what does that do? this trainer his hardcore. he works his student HARD!!!!!
I seen (and done) that by people who believes it helps toughen your body to absorbing blows. Also, it keeps your abs tight throughout the ab workout, so they aren't given a chance to relax. I've watched people just lightly tap people in the stomach while they are doing a crunch routine to simulate this on a smaller scale.

I like doing those medicine ball drills, but its not something we do regularly, so maybe I just like it for its novelty.

Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

i saw a trainer today, he hit his student with a medicine ball while doing his ab workouts. what does that do? this trainer his hardcore. he works his student HARD!!!!!
That's not considered hard at all. Hard would be what the Koreans and the Okinawans do. Get kicked, clubbed, etc. in most areas of the body including the groin. Obviously, the percentage in terms of population of those kinds of people are very low.
i didnt mean just the medicine ball dealy to be hardcore. i meant this guy fights for real to help him get fast. its like a beat down
Yup, that's how it's like traditionally. I grew up with that kind of training, not fun at all but necessary
Don't you think it is one thing to emphasize mental and physical conditioning, and another to inflict physical punishment on the trainees?

In these days and age, you can motivate people w/o resorting to negative reinforcement. Even in the military, they have long given up on beating up recruits that fail to perform.

If you run a MA school in the western world, you can't beat up on your students and hope to retain them. :) Maybe in some real hardcore training with truly motivated students. But the numbers are few.

I would think that you can still carry out hardcore training that retains all the aspect of mental and physical conditioning, w/o resorting to physical punishment. JMO :asian:
It's not beating up, rarely does one actually just get beat up. The purpose of it is to get an experience. You're not going to be a great fighter if you all you have practiced was tap-on. That is why some boxers have the advantages of people who don't train like that. You're not used to being hit and using real-world tactics.

You can do hardcore training without corporal punishment. With either conditioning exercises or what not.

The one thing that makes Eastern training and Western training is your will and respect.
When I joined the army they had just gotten rid of the physical punishment but I had a lot of friends that had it. One story went like this.
My buddy was on the range and he was going through a drill(I think it was a Make safe). The sgt. came over and asked, "Did you do that drill wrong?" He said "No, I don't think so". The next thing he knows the Sgt. punches him. He never forgot the drill for the rest of his career.

Pain is a teacher, not a nice one but an effective one. Personally, I think the physical side is not a problem it is the emotional abuse that causes problems.

Originally posted by MartialArtist

It's not beating up, rarely does one actually just get beat up. The purpose of it is to get an experience. You're not going to be a great fighter if you all you have practiced was tap-on. That is why some boxers have the advantages of people who don't train like that. You're not used to being hit and using real-world tactics.

You can do hardcore training without corporal punishment. With either conditioning exercises or what not.

The one thing that makes Eastern training and Western training is your will and respect.

Well, we don't train the Navy SEALs with the instructors swinging a stick over their heads. But they still manage to build teams will strong will , discipline and what not.

I agree totally with your statement about realistic full contact training. But that is not corporal punishment.