What would you do?


Shoto Tiger

It's nearing the end of the month and you've got no cash left to go out with. All your mates have gone out and you decide to stick with some good old-fashioned Monday night TV. While you're laughing your head off at "Frasier" you hear a noise that sounds like someone is trying to break in. Do you:

1) Scream frantically hoping to scare them away?

2) Open the door and act like Jackie Chan in an attempt to tackle the burglar to the floor and claim your hero's medal later in the year?

3) Hide under the covers of the bed - it might not work but it always helped as a child?

4) Your input?
I go looking. Mainly because my wife is Hiding underthe covers and won't come out until I do:D. I figure if I am proactive and find somebody it is better than him fining me unawares.

4) Stand idly by while the burglar robs you blind, only moving to follow the TV.

5) Take a few pictures of the burglar trying to get in, then disappear down to the local police station.

6) Smash an empty bottle over his head.
Call the police and grab a gun, Waiting calmly.

Despair Bear
Give address to 911, lay in wait and take him out with the 7 iron.
Call 911, turn on the lights, then tell the burgler that the police are on the way and that you're armed. Wait for the police to arrive to handle it.

Since you don't know how many there are and if they're armed, you're better off not handling it yourself.

well, my solution was to get the heck out of the house. I heard a window break on the other side of the house, so I went out through my window.
Grab the nearest weapon, which would either be the gladius on the bookcase, or the broadsword on the pellet stove (they are both "real" swords) then try to get to my pistol (bedroom). I'll ignore the warhammer thats also sitting on the pellet stove. I live in BFE so the cops aren't really a solution (nearest cop is 40 miles away.) If my wife is in the house, I tell her to get out and head for the neighbors (they are good friends, and both are federal LE officers), and I gaurd her to the door. Then I wait in a darkened room for someone to come snooping in.

This is MY castle!

Grap your heaviest cast iron fry pan. Wait patiently at a dark corner. Then give the thief a heafty whack across the face!! :asian:

But seriously, nightingale has the best advice. Unless, you have a shotgun.
things can be replaced.

Its better to get out of the house, so your family doesn't have to adjust to life without you. A frying pan may not do a whole lot of good against a gun.
Call 911, load the gun, and let my dog have his way with the burgler.
I think it depends.

If I am alone, try to get out of the house. If I can't, grab something (heavy stick or frying pan perhaps) and wait. I don't think I'd confront them if I didn't have to. Don't know if they have a gun or whatnot.

If my wife is around, against try to get out of the house with her. If we can't, I'd tell her to lock herself in a room (hopefully to call 911), I'll wait around and guard the door.

It's a tough situation. My "manly" side says go and kick some butt. My "smart" side says it's not worth the risk. I'm willing to put up more risk to protect my family, but if that's not a factor, I'll leave the heroics for the heroes.

However, if they touch my computer, they're dead!! ;)

Originally posted by nightingale8472

well, my solution was to get the heck out of the house. I heard a window break on the other side of the house, so I went out through my window.

As I am in a 3rd floor apartment, escape through the window is not an option. I do have a "Ed Parker Kenpo Knife" in my nightstand, though it's not there for protection just storage, and I would hesitate to pull it out as I am not properly trained in the use of a knife. And thinking about this situation I don't really have anything else in the room to use as protection (i.e. bat, 9 iron etc.. ) with the exception of the telephone.

So I would probably make a run for the bathroom with the wireless phone, lock myself in and call 911.
Kenpogirl -

I would highly suggest that you invest in an emergency escape ladder. I now live in a second floor apartment, and my parents insisted on getting one for me. Basically, its a roll up rope or chain ladder, or a telescoping steel ladder that has hooks that anchor it to a window sill.


Good to have incase you need an alternate exit because of a fire or an intruder.

Originally posted by nightingale8472

Kenpogirl -

I would highly suggest that you invest in an emergency escape ladder. I now live in a second floor apartment, and my parents insisted on getting one for me. Basically, its a roll up rope or chain ladder, or a telescoping steel ladder that has hooks that anchor it to a window sill.


Good to have incase you need an alternate exit because of a fire or an intruder.


Yes I have considered it over the last few years. Just never got around to purchasing it. In the case of fire, I'd risk a broken leg and jump. there is grass below so hopefully injury would be minimal.
"Grab the nearest weapon, which would either be the gladius on the bookcase, or the broadsword on the pellet stove (they are both "real" swords) then try to get to my pistol (bedroom). I'll ignore the warhammer thats also sitting on the pellet stove"

HA! That's awesome. I'm more prone to his idea. Anyone that is invading my home is threatening the lives of my family and is going to be subject to lethal force as far as I'm concerned. The goal isn't to kill but I'm not going to look out for the safety of a potential murderer of my family.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Anyone that is invading my home is threatening the lives of my family and is going to be subject to lethal force as far as I'm concerned
True that, this is where I would break out the Gurkha, or the chucks. I don`t own a gun, you would have to be a member of a gunclub to do so where I live (among other strict criteria), but I do have a small arsenal of traditional weaponry that would definately come to use in a situation like this.
I`ll have to invest in one of those warhammers though, they sound real bad,,,imagine some junkie burglars reaction when you come raging towards him, screaming and wielding a damn battleaxe!
Grap your heaviest cast iron fry pan. Wait patiently in a dark corner. Then offer to cook the thief breakfast?
Well, unless the guy is wearing hard body armor, a warhammer really isn' t the weapon of choice, thats why I chose my bladed weapons.

If you are in the market MRL has pretty good prices on their hafted weapons, I would pass on their swords. Look under axes, maces, and polearms.


Medievel weapons are cool....

Ward off left. No, single whip. Wait a minute - wave hands like clouds. Tai chi is a martial art, you know.
