tournament tournament tournament!


Senior Master
I'm really excited, I'm gonna fight in my first tournament on the 24th of this month.

I'm kinda nervous, several people in my studio have told me they think I'm gonna do really well and stuff and I don't want to dissapoint them - I'm not expecting much, its my first tournament after all.

Anyway, I know close to nothing about tournaments, all I know is that there are 3 divisions, white/yellow/orange, purple/blue/green, and brown/red/black. I was wondering how they broke it down other than that (if at all). by weight, by gender?

If anyone could fill me in or link me to any basic outline of tournaments - I can't find the tournament online. (Its the 25th annual Budweiser Karate Classic in St. Louis Mo)
The rules may vary from tournament to tournament. Read through the rules/regulations for this tourny on the registration form. Its been a while since I've entered a tourny but when I did compete, events were broken down by gender as well as age, rank, etc.

Good luck in the event! Let us know how you do!!

That's great! Good luck and keep us posted. I wouldn't worry about disappointing people. As long as you try and done your best, that's all people will ask for. As you said this is your first tournament and it will be a great learning experience for future events. Just enjoy the atmosphere and have a great time. Win, lose or draw, people will still support you. We'll be waiting for the results......Steve
Best of luck, Sam! I don't do tournaments anymore now that I study aikido but used to have a blast back in my kenpo days with them. Best advice anyone ever gave me was "Don't forget to breathe, relax and have FUN".
Be sure and let us know how you did.
Rules vary greatly. In my experience they usually do have separate men's and women's divisions. Good luck!
Yes rules can vary a lot. Good luck and as stated before dont worry about disappointing anyone, give them hell and so long as you are satisfied with your performance, win or lose, thats what counts. Best of luck.
so I went up to the studio today and grabbed a flyer for it, I was dissapointed to find that they DO seperate gender. There's no combined division, which I find annoying. Why seperate people of equal age and rank by gender? It turns out I'll be fighting in the intermediate 15-17 yr old girls divison. I'm surprised that there are no weight divisons for underbelts, because thats the only reason I can figure why they would sepperate males and females competing kumite same rank and age... who knows. now if only I could figure out what points are.

hehehe I'm so pumped already.
Could be a numbers issue. If you have a smallish number of people show up, and you're trying to seperate them by gender and into weight divisions, it's not going to fly. You just end up mooshing 'em all together anyway 'cause otherwise you end up with a 6'5" 260lb lady with nobody to spar.

Happens a lot in local tournaments.
I doubt thats it - its the 25th year in a row, they do it every year, its pretty huge, they spent over 7 grand on prizes... everyone around goes...
they do it just to make me mad I think.
The tournament that you are talking about is on the NBL circuit, at least it used to be. The rules in the colored belt division are set up for more flashy techniques. 3 points for spinning head kicks or for jumping kicks, 2 points for straight away head kicks, and 1 point for punches to the body and head. Most likely there will be no groin contact and only boot-to-boot sweeping with 3 seconds on the ground.

If you want to be successful in this tourney then you need to score in a clear manor and kiai when you do score. This will help the judges in knowing, or at least thinking, that you scored. Be VERY polite and in control. The most common mistake made by new competitors is that they do not circle their opponent, don't make this mistake. You also need to familiarize yourself with the most common techniques from other styles. It will help you deal with them better.

Hope this helps and good luck.
At my age/rank combination the few times i"ve competed they've have to lump age/weight groups together (and even gender for forms competition)
Samantha remember to have fun, the wieght thing will be divided when the competitors get called to holding in your age group it is more likely just two light and heavy. Ba aggressive put the mind set to score first and score often, that surely will get the rest of competitors watching you. Please send pics if you get any. I'll wait to hear how you did.

Master Stoker
Hey awesome! You'll do fine. Good luck, give 'em blood'n vinegar! ::laugh:: Have fun.
NBL? I dont know what that stands for, but on the flyer it says MMA (midwest martial arts, not mixed. although it is mixed.)
"I'm kinda nervous, several people in my studio have told me they think I'm gonna do really well and stuff and I don't want to dissapoint them - I'm not expecting much, its my first tournament after all."

You'll do fine,but try not to worry what others will think.
Good luck!
I'm not sure if you do patterns..but at least for me, (in canada) they tend to be mixed genders. I'm pretty sure they separate the genders for sparring so us "tender" girls don't get hurt ;) Also, mixing genders would create a lot of unease in some people, I know a few schools around me don't even have the girls and guys fight together in the dojang.
One note for tournaments. I've found it custom to go and shake your opponents coach's hand after the fight, as a sign of respect to them and their teaching- weather you win or lose. Took me off guard my first tournament!
on the whole, just have fun and LEARN!
good luck
They lump all the females regardless of weight into the same division due to numbers of competitors (at least thats how they did it when I was competing 20 something years ago)

Do good bridge the gap and run them down

have fun enjoy yourself


dont use this as a gage to your success or level of martial arts ability.

Tournaments are a game, usually won by those who play it the best.

Some schools do nothing but train for tournaments thats their goal is to collect trophies to put on the walls to collect students.

But Ive met some very nice people there who I became good friends with.

bottom line have fun, enjoy...dont take it to seriously either way win or lose.
OC Kid said:
They lump all the females regardless of weight into the same division due to numbers of competitors (at least thats how they did it when I was competing 20 something years ago)
Now they put the females into weight groups ate the larger tourneys. It is also dependant on age. Alot of the time in the under 18 group they put male and female together.