Tossing Something as a Distraction to Pre-empt or Escape?

Touch Of Death said:
A few choice words can quell a situation as well. Its all about taking your opponent out of time. "Hi, I'm from Amway."


That would scare me to death. :erg:
Of course you could always manuever so that you are sitting next to a smaller person, and then just throw the smaller person at them...:lol2:
Touch Of Death said:
A few choice words can quell a situation as well. Its all about taking your opponent out of time. "Hi, I'm from Amway."


I'd probably shoot them for saying Amway..
Touch Of Death said:
Beware the word "Quick-Star" its Amway's new name.

Thnks for the information...I'd still shoot them...I mean empty the clip and do a combat reload and continue..
Sam said:
Another thing I have been taught is a distraction technique to throw someone off kilter. I was taught this for someone a few feet away with a knife. Take off your shoe, hold it in your rear hand, and yell,

"See what I've got? And I've got another just like it!"
While they stare at you, perplexed, throw it at em and run like hell.

Pretty funny, but I don't know if it would work in reality. Some muggers might just run up and stab you, cuz they think you're going for a gun in an ankle holster.

In tests done against trained police officers, a person with a knife up to 20 feet away could run up and inflict a mortal wound on the officer before the officer had time to react, pull their weapon and fire.

The best defense in this situation is a modicum of compliance... throw your wallet at them or behind them, keep your shoes on then use the all-powerful Reebok technique to get heck out of there.
That's so wrong when you have to worry about being sued by the person who's trying to kill you. Next thing you know there'll be Ninja Throwing Marshmallows and Pink Fuzzy Bunny Slipper Nunchakus for self defense. I'd say that throwing my credit card out as a distraction might work if the person was more interested in money than in harming me.

Upon picking it up, they'd be overcome with enormous debt and fall weeping at my feet while begging me to take it back. After that, maybe they'd feel sorry for me and give me their day's loot out of pity. :)

You never know.....

Fu Bag :)
If you are at a restaurant or somewhere similar then white pepper is great to throw in someones face/eyes. Not only does it distract them it incapacitates them temporarily giving you plenty of time to use your runjitsu.

I don't know what it is about America but I have never even heard of anyone in my time in martial arts who actually carry concealled weapons. By anyone I mean fellow martial artists, not thugs. It seems a lot of people over there do. I would not consider throwing a knife at someone as not only am i at risk of getting sued for doing it but if I miss I am giving him a weapon. Seems silly to me

If you are at a restaurant or somewhere similar then white pepper is great to throw in someones face/eyes. Not only does it distract them it incapacitates them temporarily giving you plenty of time to use your runjitsu.

I don't know what it is about America but I have never even heard of anyone in my time in martial arts who actually carry concealled weapons. By anyone I mean fellow martial artists, not thugs. It seems a lot of people over there do. I would not consider throwing a knife at someone as not only am i at risk of getting sued for doing it but if I miss I am giving him a weapon. Seems silly to me


Knives generally aren't thrown except in tournaments.

Many styles incorporate blade techniques in to their base program. Filipion and Indonesian Martial Arts encompase a lot of blade work, and often the stick work is performed as if the sticks were blades. The different types of knives play a very rich role in Southeast Asian an area where museums dedicated to a specific type of knife can be found.

The traditional Ninjutsu style of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu incorporates both knife techniques and firearm techniques. From what I have heard, Taijutsu instructs to treat every punch as if it were coming at you with a knife, and there are levels of training that require both partners to carry blades.

One reason why it may not be as well known for martial artists to carry blades in other countries is the weapons laws. Some parts of Europe have some very stiff laws in regards to packing a knife, and as a result there are many that are pretty tight lipped about it (yet somehow....comments about how "You're American, it's OK right?" were catch phrases for blades to magically appear when trying to cut through cabling pan-du-it or tye raps in the middle of server rooms.) :rofl:

The flip side to that is, here on an MA board, MAists are going to talk about what they do. There are a lot more people that pack knives and guns that are going to talk about what they pack...rather than the legions of folks that don't. An MA thread on "I don't pack..." is like me saying "I don't do Qi Gong". Its usually not very interesting to talk about oneself in that fashoin...and not very civil to talk about others in that fashion (in terms of what they don't do.)

Interesting thoughts. Excellent to hear your point of view :asian:
You use whatever you have at your access. If that means throwing coffee into someone's face, then so be it. It that means spitting in your assailant's eye, then do it.

As for methheads, I would like to point out, that such methods are probably not going to have any effect on them. If they're jacked up on their drugs, then even OC / pepper spray might not even be felt by them.

For that matter, even someone jacked up on adrenaline might be in a similar state of being.