Those peacefull Palistinians.....

Don't worry, it was probably only members of that radical 10 percent, so there really isn't a problem is there. At least they didn't kill an abortion doctor.
Here is an article about the killing of the Jewish family. I found it at

From the article:

I first heard about this disgusting act of barbarism from a headline on the Drudge Report. The New York Times, which really never disappoints, today carries a piece under the title “Israel Approves Settlement Construction.” Five members of “an Israeli family” — antiseptically left unnamed by the Times — were knifed to death in their sleep but the gravamen of the story was that the Israelis responded by deciding to build more settlements on the West Bank, a decision, our former paper of record sniffed, that “the attack and the government response threatened to drive Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking even further out of reach.”

What’s wrong with this picture? The dwindling prospects of “Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking” is not equally the fault of that butchery and Israel’s decision to build more settlements, as the Times implies. That sort of moral equivalence is in fact a moral outrage.
Fact remains that those settlers are in a war zone, and are an impediment to the peace process.
Not blaming the victims, but they are living in a dangerous place. And there are reports that they had left their doors unlocked and the fence was in need of repairs. There's blamingf the victim, and then there's mitigating risk.
Both are important. It should not be lost that a large majority of the settler movement is far right extremists who will not settle for less than the entire Biblical Israel, 'from the Nile to the Euphates'. They put themselves in harm's way for political reasons. While I don't condone the murders of a family, remember that the parents were not poor little innocent folks.
Raising children in the middle of hostile territory to make a political point is not the wisest choice.
There hadn't been terrorism in Itamar since 2002, so, is living in Israel "Raising children in the middle of hostile territory to make a political point"
Probably their fault because they were Jews, then...
There hadn't been terrorism in Itamar since 2002, so, is living in Israel "Raising children in the middle of hostile territory to make a political point"
Probably their fault because they were Jews, then...

They're in the West Bank, not Israel.
hold up

there was a war, the arabs LOST so they dont get to set any terms

The Israelis WON, so if they want to build a settlement there, THEY CAN, that land was war booty, won in war.

plus, let me remind you that the "peacefull palistinian" stabbed an INFANT to death in it's crib.

yes, please, lets continue to make excuses for the murderer of INFANTS
hold up

there was a war, the arabs LOST so they dont get to set any terms

The Israelis WON, so if they want to build a settlement there, THEY CAN, that land was war booty, won in war.

plus, let me remind you that the "peacefull palistinian" stabbed an INFANT to death in it's crib.

yes, please, lets continue to make excuses for the murderer of INFANTS
Perhaps the people who didn't get killed in the war, consider the matter unsettled. I'm sure once they read your post they might change their attitude, but I doubt it. Americans kill babies all the time, does that make the United States un-peacefull?
Perhaps the people who didn't get killed in the war, consider the matter unsettled. I'm sure once they read your post they might change their attitude, but I doubt it. Americans kill babies all the time, does that make the United States un-peacefull?
Yeah, the losing party rarely considers losing a good thing, does that make it OK to murder children in their beds?
UH? WHAT? Americans kill babies all the time? WTF?
Yeah, the losing party rarely considers losing a good thing, does that make it OK to murder children in their beds?
UH? WHAT? Americans kill babies all the time? WTF?
Don, you took a single crime commited by some criminal and blamed the Palastinian population. I'm sure that someone in the US killed a baby, say, just last night. Does that mean all Americans are to blame?
Don, you took a single crime commited by some criminal and blamed the Palastinian population. I'm sure that someone in the US killed a baby, say, just last night. Does that mean all Americans are to blame?
Are there a bunch of Americans running around, what has been called, in this thread, a "War zone" specifically targeting non-combatants, then cheering the resulting murders?
No. Not by a long shot.
Either you agree that it is OK that the occasional child is murdered, or you agree that Palestinians are not peaceful but murderers instead? No.

There is middle ground.

It is horrible what happened. The people who did it should be found and punished.

It is also true that most Palestinians do not stab Jewish people to death in their beds. If they did, there would be a lot more murders. It's self-evident.

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