This might be a very touchy subject....

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Master of Arts
Feb 11, 2007
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Houston, TX
Has anyone had a prospect come into the school and during the interview, they tell you that they (or their child) is trans and going from one gender to another? I haven't had it happen yet, but I fully expect it will. How did, or would, you handle this?


Apr 3, 2017
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Manchester UK
Has anyone had a prospect come into the school and during the interview, they tell you that they (or their child) is trans and going from one gender to another? I haven't had it happen yet, but I fully expect it will. How did, or would, you handle this?
there a woman I train with who I'm more or less convincEd is (or was) a bloke, either that or she is one of the strongest women for miles who has to shave twice a day, which is also a possibility but I'm going for the first option.

how or why would this be an issue to you ? changing facilities may be,, ? if they are pre op or not having an ops at all. other than that I can't see any issues. other than being out strenghed by a woman is a bit embarrassing


Nov 14, 2013
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Has anyone had a prospect come into the school and during the interview, they tell you that they (or their child) is trans and going from one gender to another? I haven't had it happen yet, but I fully expect it will. How did, or would, you handle this?

My personal opinion is that trans is a delusion, not an identity. Anything else, where you are one thing and think you're another, is called a delusion and is a break from reality. If it's your gender, suddenly it is okay.

If the student is coming in to learn how to defend themselves, I would train them. Because they're probably going to need it.

If the student is coming in to learn how to compete, I would tell them they must compete as their biological gender. If they refuse, I would not train them.

This is all supposition, because I am not charge of inprocessing at my dojang.

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
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San Francisco
To me it would be hardly something I would take notice of. But then again, I’ve lived in the San Francisco area for over twenty years and these issues come up much more than other parts of the country, and the region has been on the vanguard of these issues and being supportive of people who are trying to understand their identities and who they really are inside. So I guess I’m used to it and I hardly see it as unusual.

Hopefully everyone would be able to accept the student for who he/she is and it would be a supportive environment.

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
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San Francisco
My personal opinion is that trans is a delusion, not an identity. Anything else, where you are one thing and think you're another, is called a delusion and is a break from reality. If it's your gender, suddenly it is okay.

If the student is coming in to learn how to defend themselves, I would train them. Because they're probably going to need it.

If the student is coming in to learn how to compete, I would tell them they must compete as their biological gender. If they refuse, I would not train them.

This is all supposition, because I am not charge of inprocessing at my dojang.
I have way too many very close friends in the LGBT community and Ive had too many discussions with them about this issue to ever believe that there is any element of delusion in it.

Male/female are not the only sexual identities in the human species.


Apr 3, 2017
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Manchester UK
My personal opinion is that trans is a delusion, not an identity. Anything else, where you are one thing and think you're another, is called a delusion and is a break from reality. If it's your gender, suddenly it is okay.

If the student is coming in to learn how to defend themselves, I would train them. Because they're probably going to need it.

If the student is coming in to learn how to compete, I would tell them they must compete as their biological gender. If they refuse, I would not train them.

This is all supposition, because I am not charge of inprocessing at my dojang.
but martial arts outfits are gender neutral, if they can complete or not and what as is an issue for the body that's organising the competition, not you

as for the wider issues in your post, I really don't care, how people dress or look to identify as, or sleep with,I really don't, as it doesn't effect me at all and if their happy and I'm not unhappy about it, then its win win as far as I can see !
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Nov 14, 2013
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but martial arts outfits are gender neutral, if they can complete or not and what as is an issue for the body that's organising the competition, not you

I cannot in good conscience condone the attack on women, which is allowing biological males to compete in women's sports. They're separate for a reason, and allowing men to compete in the women's division is the biggest attack on women I've seen this decade.

as for the wider issues in your post, I really don't care, how people dress or look to identify as, I really don't, as it doesn't effect me at all and if their happy and I'm not unhappy then its win win as far as I can see !

If it doesn't bother me, then I don't bother them. But I still have my opinion and I'm free to say it.


Apr 3, 2017
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Manchester UK
I cannot in good conscience condone the attack on women, which is allowing biological males to compete in women's sports. They're separate for a reason, and allowing men to compete in the women's division is the biggest attack on women I've seen this decade.

If it doesn't bother me, then I don't bother them. But I still have my opinion and I'm free to say it.
but enough people expressing that opinion is bothering them, expressing that ipion to their face is rude, I may have the opinion that someone is very ugly, I don't make that statement to them and claim my right to free speech as an excuse forrudness
the trans in sport issue is a thorny one, that most definitely have a right to identify, if they have a right to compete as is another issue , some sports won't entertain it or even women with excessive amounts of testosterone, others don't seem to care, still not your problem unless you run such an organisation,

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
I cannot in good conscience condone the attack on women, which is allowing biological males to compete in women's sports. They're separate for a reason, and allowing men to compete in the women's division is the biggest attack on women I've seen this decade.

If it doesn't bother me, then I don't bother them. But I still have my opinion and I'm free to say it.
You are free to say your opinion, and others are free to point out when you’re speaking nonsense.


Nov 14, 2013
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You are free to say your opinion, and others are free to point out when you’re speaking nonsense.

From my perspective, you're speaking nonsense. And you are free to do that, up until the nonsense you speak causes women to lose competitions and/or receive traumatic injuries because men were allowed to compete in the wrong division.


Apr 3, 2017
Reaction score
Manchester UK
From my perspective, you're speaking nonsense. And you are free to do that, up until the nonsense you speak causes women to lose competitions and/or receive traumatic injuries because men were allowed to compete in the wrong division.
but that an issue and a problem you have imagined up to support an otherwise unsuportable point, how many people exactly have been admitted to hospital with trauma injuries as a result of this ?


Nov 14, 2013
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but that an issue and a problem you have imagined up to support an otherwise unsuportable point, how many people exactly have been admitted to hospital with trauma injuries as a result of this ?

I'll be honest, I haven't seen it in martial arts yet. But I have seen what happens in other sports (hey, look, a new world record holder in the women's division! Thanks testosterone!). And I know what happens when you have a stronger person fighting in a division.

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
From my perspective, you're speaking nonsense. And you are free to do that, up until the nonsense you speak causes women to lose competitions and/or receive traumatic injuries because men were allowed to compete in the wrong division.
Seriously? You think the LGBT issue is all about hurting women in a TKD tournament? Wow.

First off, there often is biological support for the transition. There are cases where a person has the genetics of one gender, but through some “errors” in their physical development, they ended up with the genitals of the other gender. There are also hermaphrodites, who are born with both sets of genitalia, and who were assigned to one sex or the other as an infant, and had surgery at that time to align them with a role in which they had no say. There are other genetic issues where things are just not quite so clear as you seem to want them to be, and human sexuality is proving to be a much more complex issue than previously thought. So this notion of it’s all based on delusion is, well, delusional.

I am happy for you that you apparently fit very happily and comfortably into one of the two main sexual identities. This means you will never have to go through the years of anguish that is typical of those who grow up with a sexual identity crisis. The self-hatred, the bigotry, the ostracization; nobody would deliberately choose to put themselves through this. This is not delusion.

Geezuz, wouldn’t the world be a happier place if we could all find it within ourselves to let everyone be who they really are inside, instead of pushing them to fit what society expects? And find it within our hearts to accept them for who they are and embrace the differences between us? Not in spite of the differences, but because of them.

And you want to go on about how you are protecting women in a TKD tournament from all those hulking transsexuals. I mean, they must just be flooding the market, filling up the tournaments with their barely masked testosterone, they are everywhere.

If a parent brings in a kid to your school who is going through a sexual identity crisis, embrace the kid and bring him or her in and don’t make a big deal out of it. And that goes for the tournaments as well.

Geezuz. Seriously.


Nov 14, 2013
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Seriously? You think the LGBT issue is all about hurting women in a TKD tournament? Wow.

First off, there often is biological support for the transition. There are cases where a person has the genetics of one gender, but through some “errors” in their physical development, they ended up with the genitals of the other gender. There are also hermaphrodites, who are born with both sets of genitalia, and who were assigned to one sex or the other as an infant, and had surgery at that time to align them with a role in which they had no say. There are other genetic issues where things are just not quite so clear as you seem to want them to be, and human sexuality is proving to be a much more complex issue than previously thought. So this notion of it’s all based on delusion is, well, delusional.

I am happy for you that you apparently fit very happily and comfortably into one of the two main sexual identities. This means you will never have to go through the years of anguish that is typical of those who grow up with a sexual identity crisis. The self-hatred, the bigotry, the ostracization; nobody would deliberately choose to put themselves through this. This is not delusion.

Geezuz, wouldn’t the world be a happier place if we could all find it within ourselves to let everyone be who they really are inside, instead of pushing them to fit what society expects? And find it within our hearts to accept them for who they are and embrace the differences between us? Not in spite of the differences, but because of them.

And you want to go on about how you are protecting women in a TKD tournament from all those hulking transsexuals. I mean, they must just be flooding the market, filling up the tournaments with their barely masked testosterone, they are everywhere.

If a parent brings in a kid to your school who is going through a sexual identity crisis, embrace the kid and bring him or her in and don’t make a big deal out of it. And that goes for the tournaments as well.

Geezuz. Seriously.

I love how I'm against the oppression of women, and somehow that makes me the bad guy.

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
No, I'm not. You're just trying to dismiss it, because you can't handle the idea that being woke still creates oppression.
You are looking for a problem that does not exist, in order to support your uneducated opinion.

Instead of being open to an education.


Nov 14, 2013
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You are looking for a problem that does not exist, in order to support your uneducated opinion.

Instead of being open to an education.

Just because you're in denial that this problem exists, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You think I'm uneducated on the subject? My degree is in Psychology. I receive annual required HR trainings at my place of business, as per my employment requirements, which discuss this very subject. I am bombarded with the subject on virtually every social media platform I'm on. And I am still strong in my convictions on it.

I also see the other side of the argument, from the conservative sites that I follow. You know, the ones that Facebook algorithms don't feature? You know, the voices not heard on CNN? The ones that get silenced on college campuses because they're not creating a "safe space"? The ones that get downvoted and bullied to hell on social media because why listen to an opposing opinion when you can just say it doesn't matter?

Guess what? The problem doesn't go away because you refuse to acknowledge it.

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Jan 4, 2012
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New York
Has anyone had a prospect come into the school and during the interview, they tell you that they (or their child) is trans and going from one gender to another? I haven't had it happen yet, but I fully expect it will. How did, or would, you handle this?
What would your concern be? Is it a competition thing, or what locker room they should use? Outside of that, IMO men and women should be getting the same curriculum, same teaining, same expectations, etc. So what gender they are, or what gender they think they are vs. what gender you think they are shouldn't effect their training, any more than if they were convinced their black, despite having only caucasian ancestors.
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