The proper length of your belt


Brown Belt
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Could someone tell me what is the proper ( kukkiwon or WTF) requirement for the lenght of your belt? And what should you have printed on it.
To my knowledge there is no standard length. There certainly is nothing standard that "should" be written on a belt.

The only thing I can say is that, in my experience, older Korean masters like belts shorter in length & Americans tend to like them longer. There seems to be a trend among younger guys that compete in Olympic-style sparring to wear their belts very long.

The KKW has no standard that I've ever even heard a rumor about.
There is no WTF or KKW standerd about belts, each school kinds of set there own way.
Big enough to fit around your waist twice and tie without looking like you've got an old vaudville comic in a triangle choke?

Big enough to fit around your waist twice and tie without looking like you've got an old vaudville comic in a triangle choke?


Almost exactly what i was gonna write lol :ultracool

I am pretty sure at some schools, the korean writing on it translates as "his check cleared"

No that would be the Cashies check has arrived please get it right.
The reason I ask is that I took a compatition poomse referee course in Florida last month with two interantional refs from the WTF. I am also competeing myself. I took the gold in State and at the quailifer in Florida beating out a two time national poomsae team member ( not to brag ) I was told that there was a standard lenght and taht mine may be too long. I am getting ready to compete in the team trials in Austin and I don't want any problems... Also I tested in Las vagas ( just a transfer of a school dan to a kukkiwon) can I put Kukkiwon on my belt?
I have no idea what you want to put on your belt (I got my name on mine, Organization on the other side)

as to length, I do believe a practical length is about 3 times your circumfrence...
The standard for poomse competition is meant to be, that if you raise the ends of your belt up, they reach your nipple height (for guys). So your belt doesn't exactly have to be a certain length, it's slightly dependant on how tight you tie it.
mine reaches my knee. im fat, and wearing a short belt makes me look -.- . d'rather wear a long 1.
The reason I ask is that I took a compatition poomse referee course in Florida last month with two interantional refs from the WTF. I am also competeing myself. I took the gold in State and at the quailifer in Florida beating out a two time national poomsae team member ( not to brag ) I was told that there was a standard lenght and taht mine may be too long. I am getting ready to compete in the team trials in Austin and I don't want any problems... Also I tested in Las vagas ( just a transfer of a school dan to a kukkiwon) can I put Kukkiwon on my belt?
Given this is a major national competiton...there'll be problems. Your belt length will b ethe least of them. Look at the previous team trials for examples of this. Relax and enjoy yourself.

The standard for poomse competition is meant to be, that if you raise the ends of your belt up, they reach your nipple height (for guys). So your belt doesn't exactly have to be a certain length, it's slightly dependant on how tight you tie it.
where did you find this..
I was told by my instructor, and then it was confirmed by 3 judges at the last national competition.
The first time the belt tip pops you in the eye you will run out and buy a shorter belt. Trust me.
I just do not understand wearing a belt in the first place, I mean come on does it makes or breaks us.
A belt should never be so long that it can flick you in the eye, painful that is!
I just do not understand wearing a belt in the first place, I mean come on does it makes or breaks us.

Considering you can go topless in a pinch, I like a belt to keep things together... :)
A belt should never be so long that it can flick you in the eye, painful that is!

Ouch! You're bringing up bad memories of my red belt days. I came home with a black eye from my belt hitting me in the face. Told my mom it was from sparring:ultracool