The Last Person.....

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Nope...just on hold. I owe my landlord a month's rent (we got our wires crossed a few months ago) and the Honda needs its 60K service, so I've been trying to put together the $1400 I need to get all that settled up. I'd rather be taking privates but....gotta do the grown-up thing sometimes ;)
LOL! Aint that the truth!

I'm starting to think seriously about moving to NH though.

I can't believe I put over 2000 miles a month on my car. Thats a lot of driving, and a lot of time.
Move you or move the job. I guess we'll go with moving you? It's probably easier to do. NH is cheaper anyway. Where are you looking at?

It would definitely have to be moving me...can't risk moving the job. My skillset is too specialized, I can't really transfer the knowledge outside of telecom.

I haven't started officially looking yet but I'd prolly go just over the border in to Rockingham County. There is that 5.95% raise I'd get for not having to pay Mass income tax anymore ;)
Coming from TAXachusetts, that might seem small to others, but, that a good savings for us!

I guess it will be a house, with a yard? (a new dog to help with the lonely feelings to?)

I'm going to go and get ready for home. I'll chat with you later on! Hope your head feels better soon. 'Til then Miss Kaur!
Ouch - my arm actually just healed from that. I had a nice big bump there for about 2 weeks. BIG GUY kicked me.
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