The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Sounds like a great idea. But the hospital gets a little upset if we sleep at work...
About time to head to work. Let's alllllll hope for a quiet night in the ER, ok?
About time to head to work. Let's alllllll hope for a quiet night in the ER, ok?

You do realize you are now doomed don't you.......
Never EVER mention, say or even THINK the word quiet when working in a hospital...ESPECIALLY the ER... That will just doom you to a night of complete and utter hell.

Back in my hospital security days no one was allowed to use the word quiet or we would have them run out of town on a rail

I remember one New Year’s Eve absolutely nothing was going on and one of the Nurses said “It has been a quiet night so far” WHAMMO… the first of 3 ambulances showed up, drunks inundated the place and all sorts of idiocy ensued and I did not get out of there until 3:00AM.. and I was supposed to leave at 11:00PM.

And in the 6 or so years I worked in Hospital security that type of thing happened every single time someone insinuated it was or should be quiet.
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