

<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
When you test your Bb do you have a panel of Older BB and does there oppenuine count toward the exame or is it just your finale word on who past or fails?
In our system, Chayon-Ryu, all black belt candidates take the exam under direct supervision of Grandmaster Kim Soo (Founder). There are usually a few Masters in our system to help with the grading.

R. McLain
We test under our Master Instructor (7th dan) and a panel of Black Belts. Our Master Instructor has the final say but everyone on the board has say in it.
Every test starting at white is in front of a panel of 5(average) and at the end they all talk for a bit on what the think in general well for the bb's the talk is directed at each individual testing.
We used to have a panel, but no longer do. My instructors opinion is, I trained you, I'll grade you. How can a stranger know where you came from and what it took to get where you are now.

I agree and don't agree with this at the same time. As everything else, pluses and minuses. Yes, it's more relaxed and student (myself included) tend to perform better because of it. But at the same time, getting a thumbs up from a panel of total strangers that know nothing about you except what they see in front of them is a real confidence booster. If I had less faith in my instructor, I don't think I'd like the single panel idea, but in comparing my school to others in the area, I've always felt we were a cut above which made this way much easier to accept.
what's this about again?
when you do your testing there's a group of black belts sitting there grading you? is that what you meant by panel?
is that how it goes?
Gemini said:
We used to have a panel, but no longer do. My instructors opinion is, I trained you, I'll grade you. How can a stranger know where you came from and what it took to get where you are now.

I agree and don't agree with this at the same time. As everything else, pluses and minuses. Yes, it's more relaxed and student (myself included) tend to perform better because of it. But at the same time, getting a thumbs up from a panel of total strangers that know nothing about you except what they see in front of them is a real confidence booster. If I had less faith in my instructor, I don't think I'd like the single panel idea, but in comparing my school to others in the area, I've always felt we were a cut above which made this way much easier to accept.

Our panel consists of Black Belts from our own school so they are familiar with and have also trained alongside the person testing.
When I was a young Black Belt in the ATA (back in the late 70s) we used to always have a panel of judges. The senior judge's rank would be sufficient to exceed the highest belt tested (there were specific guidelines). Often times, the panel would be mostly Black Belts from the school being tested, and one or more high ranking Masters from the organization. After the test, we would gather in a room, and discuss each student's scores with their instructor. If the scores were questionable to pass the rank, the instructor could vouch for the student's daily training performance, and then the chief judge might decide to promote regardless of scores.

Currently, with the U.S. Chung Do Kwan Association, I have the authority to test students up to a certain level, but most Black Belts are tested at national conferences (or tested prior by a Master Instructor, and re-confirmed at the national Black Belt test). All Master ranks are required to be tested at the National level. I choose to have all of my students, from white belt on up, test in front of my instructor, 8th Dan Grandmaster Smith. He comes to my school, and after the test, we discuss the recommended promotion for each student. This way there is much more prestige, and pressure to the test, and it lessens the appearance of impropriety with an instructor promoting his own students at will. An honest instructor would not take advantage of that position, but there are those who would.

I would always recommend making arrangements for a Master, who is senior to the Chief Instructor's rank, being either the only judge, or the chief judge of a panel for all geup promotions. I believe Dan ranks should only be tested by Master ranked judges (4th Dan and above), and if there are 4th Dan or higher testing, the Judges should all be at least one level above the rank of those being tested with at least one Grandmaster on the panel.

CM D. J. Eisenhart
I have the final word, but if it is obvious - they do not know the material or can not do the required techniques - then it is an easy decision. But I usually try to invite a guest judge from another school to back me up in case......
terryl965 said:
When you test your Bb do you have a panel of Older BB
Yes, there is always a panel of Black Belt masters from area dojangs that help oversee and review the new Black Belt candidates at the Black Belt test.

terryl965 said:
and does there oppenuine count toward the exame
Yes, their OPINION most definitely counts towards each candidate's final score in the Black Belt Exam.

terrl965 said:
or is it just your finale word on who past or fails?
Ultimately the FINAL word on a passing or failing grade for a Black Belt candidate falls on our dojang's Sabumnim.
I am the final word for whether my students pass or fail their BB test. However, I frequently (though not always) have other Master Instructors present at the test and we discuss the exam.

I like the idea of the pre-test board review which Last Fearner mentioned-I have seen them in his organization as well as a break-away CDK organization.

My view of the BB Test is that the "test" itself should be more of a demonstration. The examination, if you will, takes place during continous, hard training at the dojang. I don't allow anyone to test who I don't have a good-faith belief will pass. Even still, I have been wrong and folks have "frozen" (only gueps-haven't had a BB candidate "freeze" yet).

I do have a weekly black belt prep class where we stress basics/terminology/poomsae and the candidates are required to attend this class in addition to their regular training. This starts 6 months before their test but is open to all 2nd gueps and above. It is a good refresher for black belts and a means of fine-tuning those preparing for their examination.

Miles said:
I do have a weekly black belt prep class where we stress basics/terminology/poomsae and the candidates are required to attend this class in addition to their regular training...


Right, I forgot to mention that at my dojang a Black Belt class is also held a couple of times a week in which Black Belt candidates are required to attend in addition to their regular training sessions. The classes begin a few months prior to the actual BB test. It's during these special BB classes when the instructors are able to fully evaluate the BB candidates, and it's when the candidates are really graded on their readiness, preparation and qualifications to advance to BB rank. If a practitioner lacks the skills or knowledge then it becomes really evident in these special classes, and the practitioner is not invited to test for his or her Black Belt. So, the fact of the matter is that the examination for BB begins well before the actual formal Black Belt test.
when we test for our black belts all of the black belts sit in the front of the room and face the student it can get nerve racking because you have all these black belts watching you and you don't want to mess up. but as my instructer you have already passed this is just a celebration
hong kong fooey said:
when we test for our black belts all of the black belts sit in the front of the room and face the student it can get nerve racking because you have all these black belts watching you and you don't want to mess up. but as my instructer you have already passed this is just a celebration

YUP, that sounds right on the mark... :asian:
Dear All,

Although independant, our dojang follows the requirements of our instructors previous affiliation. Testing is conducted per the standards originally set for by the Oh Do Kwan and later by the ITF.

Promotions can only be issued by a 4th Degree (Sa-Dan) or greater. The general rule of thumb also stated that you can only promote to one half of your own rank. Therefore, a 4th Dan can only promote to 2nd Dan etc. In order to test for 4th Dan you must be graded by a panel consisting of 6th Dan (Chil-Dan) or greater. Obviously, a Goo-Dan (9th Degree) can promote with no questions up to a Master lever.

Accordingly, I will either be seeking to join an organization in order to have access to a testing panel, or will be graded by a group of instructors from various organizations as requested by my instructor!

We have a dual test structure.

The Wednesday night before the test we have a pre-test. This is where the sabunim of the school looks us over, singles us out and, for the advanced levels, puts them through the ringer under a microscope. He then decides whether or not we'll be allowed to go to the real test. If we are, it's not guaranteed that we'll pass, but that he feels we have the potential to do so.

Next is the test, which is usually the Saturday after the pre-test. Everyone tests in front of a panel of 3 sabunims up until deputy black belt. When testing for black and up, you test in front of 6 sabunims. In these tests, you are singled out, and every sabunim has the right to say that someone is lacking skill on a technique, which is usually a large concensus.
Gee, you know in Moo Sul Kwan no matter if it is hapkido or tae kwon do you have to test in front of a panel. There are minute exeptions in which someone will test by themselves. I will do this soon in hapkido, however the teacher is a 5th dan hapkido and 7th dan tkd.

I have seen my father test and promote on his own as well. He is a 5th dan as well in hapkido. For the most part however, it is mandatory testing in front of a black belt panel.

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