Tell me why you chose your martial art



hello there! Im new to this site.
i'm asking what art you do and why you decided to choose that one?
Good Post!

I started Tang Soo Do in 4th grade because it was the only martial arts school in town, when I turned 16 I found a Shotokan school about 25 miles away, again, the only choice. When I started college I started Tae Kwon Do because the instructor was an amazing person, I have also had limited training in grappling, Judo, Boxing, Aikido and American kenpo.

I really Like American Kenpo but there are no local schools, so I still train in TKD when my schedule lets me.
Well, I currently train in several arts. My reasons for each art are pretty much the same. I love what they teach. I love training in them. I respect and enjoy the people I train with in them.

I train in Sikal (a hybrid of elements from several systems of Kali and Silat), Doce Pares Eskrima/Eskrido, Kun Tao Silat de Thouars (a blend of Chinese and Indonesian elements), and Shen Chuan (primary influences are Kenpo, Hapkido, and Daito Ryu Aikijujitsu, but also influences from Chin Na, Small Circle Jujitsu, and others), and Sayoc Kali.

I entered MA cause i like to hurt people, what else i can say?
Originally posted by hamster_kicks
hello there! Im new to this site.
i'm asking what art you do and why you decided to choose that one?

I believe it was a matter of necessity as to why i have travelled the roads i have. I started as an 8 year old in Judo and did that for about 7 years after which i had a break. I was always picked on when i was younger and when I came across American Kenpo it gave me what I needed at the time. Im 28 now and was 22 when I started. It was an aggressive art which was very much about hitting as hard as you can, as quickly as you can (yes I know there's alot more to it and its a greats art). I learned to hit and because I was used as an uke (receiver of techniques) a lot I learned to take a hit. Dave Cobb (who's a more regular member of this forum) told me about a school he found and that I should check it out. I went along, had one trial lesson, did a cardio class and quit my American Kempo school a week later after 2 solid years there. I have been at this school for 3.5 years now and love it. It's everything I have ever wanted in a martial arts school. Awesome people, the best head instructor I have ever trained under or physically seen at a seminar, the most positive environment I have ever trained in. The self defence teachings are also bout finishing the situation with minimal damage to yourself and your opponent which is exactly what I was after. Anyway, sorry for the long answer but there you go.

Originally posted by hamster_kicks
hello there! Im new to this site.
i'm asking what art you do and why you decided to choose that one?

I believe it was a matter of necessity as to why i have travelled the roads i have. I started as an 8 year old in Judo and did that for about 7 years after which i had a break. I was always picked on when i was younger and when I came across American Kenpo it gave me what I needed at the time. Im 28 now and was 22 when I started. It was an aggressive art which was very much about hitting as hard as you can, as quickly as you can (yes I know there's alot more to it and its a greats art). I learned to hit and because I was used as an uke (receiver of techniques) a lot I learned to take a hit. Dave Cobb (who's a more regular member of this forum) told me about a school he found and that I should check it out. I went along, had one trial lesson, did a cardio class and quit my American Kempo school a week later after 2 solid years there. I have been at this school for 3.5 years now and love it. It's everything I have ever wanted in a martial arts school. Awesome people, the best head instructor I have ever trained under or physically seen at a seminar, the most positive environment I have ever trained in. The self defence teachings are also bout finishing the situation with minimal damage to yourself and your opponent which is exactly what I was after. Anyway, sorry for the long answer but there you go.

i was taking kendo at the time and i was tired of telling people "no that doesn't mean i can kick your ***, kendo is a sword fighting art bla bla bal"

so i figured if i was going present myself as someone intrested in martial arts kendo and iaido was not a big enough foundation to do it.

i had all the tradition and eticate i needed from kendo and iaido so i wanted something that would just strait up teach me how to fight, no belts, no bulsh%t.

i ended up learning about this Russian martial art near my area. whent to check it out. Seemed to good to be true to i jumped at the chance to join. Im not taking kendo or iaido anymore, i dont have enough time now that im taking Systema lol.

and thats the story of why i started Systema.
Originally posted by Kingston
i was taking kendo at the time and i was tired of telling people "no that doesn't mean i can kick your ***, kendo is a sword fighting art bla bla bal"

so i figured if i was going present myself as someone intrested in martial arts kendo and iaido was not a big enough foundation to do it.

i had all the tradition and eticate i needed from kendo and iaido so i wanted something that would just strait up teach me how to fight, no belts, no bulsh%t.

i ended up learning about this Russian martial art near my area. whent to check it out. Seemed to good to be true to i jumped at the chance to join. Im not taking kendo or iaido anymore, i dont have enough time now that im taking Systema lol.

and thats the story of why i started Systema.

You might say my arts all along up to the present chose me. But my first art, Kajukenbo, I joined because I finally got my mother to let me go so I went to the Karate class at our church hall. After it closed all the schools I attended reflected where I was at in my training. I'm not saying I made those choices conciously, it was a journey of unknowingly guiding myself to what I wanted from the arts, whether it was the high road or the low road, only time will tell.
Because the dojang was there? Seriously, I had no idea what any of the styles of MA were when I started TKD. I've done research since then, and I stand by my choice because of the emphasis on leg work that divides TKD from many other, hand-oriented styles. Our hands are weapons, sure, but so too is our entire body, and TKD teaches us to use another part of it. I would add that I think more needs to be added to the style (knee strikes, headbutts, and etc.) just to get more of the body involved, but overall, I think it's a good starting point to exploring the multiple paths available of the martial arts by stressing flexibility and awareness of other parts of the body then just one's hands.

Note, not bashing any other styles, here, I just happen to think TKD is good, too! Hands are important, don't hit me with them!!! :p

Thanks for the question!

Practicing Kenpo has touched me so deeply that mere words dont seem to do it justice. I have studied a variety of different arts since I was a child. Spending with each Art I studied a long time developing my skills and abilities.
But, when I found Kenpo. I was captivated and entranced by what the art had to offer me as a student. I am proud to practice Kenpo Karate and also I was happy that I was able to study the other arts I did too.

Just my thoughts on why I study what I study now.....


Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
I started because of one of my kids. He no longer attends but I love it. I also had almost no idea of the different arts, I picked from a couple that were near my house.
I started because of one of my kids. He no longer attends but I love it. I also had almost no idea of the different arts, I picked from a couple that were near my house.

Same story here. We wanted to get the kids into something active to get them out from in front of the t.v. They said that a couple of their friends studied MA and wanted to try. We took them to several different schools. They chose the local kenpo school, I watched a few classes, and the rest is history. My wife joined the week before I did. So the entire family does it.
I remember Kirk's sig that says Jesus did it for the chics. :D I suppose I can admit to that too! :D
I primarly do Systema. and Fencing. Fencing is becasue I always liked swords, and wanted to know about their application... I started Systema, because I was looking at a hand-to-hand style to learn, and a place with teaching style that suits me. A good friend of mine happened to get me into Systema, and now I cant get enough...
First of all my instructor is real good. Second I liked Wing Chun efficiency and practical applications that can be used on the street.
I was a small kid and would often get beat up because I was smaller than the rest of the guys. On my 13th birthday I got thrown threw the window of the local kenpo school and my grandfather signed me up as a birthday present a few days later I have been with it ever since.
I like hitting people with sticks......Nuff' said :asian:
To be honest, the reason I joined TKD a little over a year ago is because I was looking for a MA club at my university and this one practiced at times that worked with my schedule. I'm glad I joined though. I really enjoy TKD and it works for me because I have a fairly strong and flexibile lower body but no upper body strength at all.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I like hitting people with sticks......Nuff' said :asian:

lol thats why i started kendo!:duel: :jediduel: