Cross Training......


Master of Blades

If you had to pick three Martial Arts to do for cross training what would you choose. Just bear with me and tell me your three best and not just your personal faves....Mine are,

1: Wing Chun
2: Kali
3: BJJ

I only chose those ones because Im covering all weapons with Kali, Close contact with Wing Chun and then ground work with BJJ. Im cool
  1. 7 Star Mantis
  2. Wah Lum
  3. Wu Tai Chi

    I really don't like to cross train much, I try to stay in the same "family" so these are my three.
I'd do (since I already do TKD), Hapkido for self defense, and Jujitsu or judo for ground work.

But If you let me sneak in my favs :D , they would have to be TSD, Hapkido, jujitsu hehehehe
Top 3

1. Judo/Jujutsu
2Mauy tia kickboxing

These conbined work really well and co-exist well with each other.
This is what i do anyhow,
I do Muay Thaim obviously.
So id choose something with ground work and weapons

Id have to say

1. Bjj
2. Modern Arnis
I'd pick JKD as one of my arts, but the I way I am training it I feel is a catch-all, so I guess I'd pick:
1. Kali
2. Muay Thai
3. BJJ

I think that covers it. If I could extend it to 4, I'd throw in an internal art, such as Tai Chi. If I could pick another (I know I'm stretching it), I'd pick Jun Fan Gung Fu.

I spose I would have JKD as well cuz its mainly built on Wing Chun and Kali.
Inosanto Blend JKd (that way I get JKD and FMA ;) )
Classical Jujutsu
Silat of some sort

For me it would have to be:

TKD - because I love kicking
Wing Chun - for the close range stuff AND the footwork
Jiujitsiu - ground work (though I probably wouldn't enjoy it).

Oh you meant three different styles

Kempojujutsu-for self defense and grappling
Escrima/ Arnis/ JKD-for flow type drills and weapons
Tai Chi- for soft movements, yeilding, and bunkai of kata's

Bob :asian: