Supporting your point of view or claim



There seems to be a common problem on this and other boards.
The problem is when someone posts something and then is asked to clarify or support their statement, and or claim, they rarely do.
Instead they demand that the “asker” supply proof of some sort that it is not what the claimer says it is.

This is like me saying I have $100,000 dollars in my pocket, you ask me to prove it and I respond by asking you to prove I don’t have $100,000 dollars in my pocket.
Ridiculous isn’t it………..

Is there anything that can be done about these people that refuse to support their claims?
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Is there anything that can be done about these people that refuse to support their claims?

Yes. You can go to where ever the person is who you have the disagreement with and then check their facts personally then report back to us.

You have to be just asked the biggest, stupid-@ss question of the day. Thank you. Now I won't have to worry about hearing anything crazier for the rest of the day.
I'm not sure I got the purpose of your contribution to this thread GouRonin? What was your point again?

The question seemed like a fair one to me. would you be willing to come down from the frozen North to check out any claims I might make in the future?

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
I'm not sure I got the purpose of your contribution to this thread GouRonin? What was your point again?

He thinks he is amusing.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Mike Clarke

............. would you be willing to come down from the frozen North to check out any claims I might make in the future?


I doubt he would.:rofl:


Seriously though.
My question was aimed more at the moderators that control boards like this than anyone else.
Originally posted by Mike Clarke
The question seemed like a fair one to me. would you be willing to come down from the frozen North to check out any claims I might make in the future?

Well seeing as it's Rikki Tikki Tavi there who is all upset about proof of claims maybe it's him you ought to be talking to. But if you feel the need to to send me a ticket so that I can verify any of your claims to the rest of these people then heck, send away. I'll come on down, watch you do your stuff and then report back like a good little reporter.

Originally posted by roodypoo
He thinks he is amusing

Nah. I know I'm amusing.

Maybe you ought to have asked the moderators then if that was your question?

But what do I know eh?

Back to my igloo!
Why on earth would I, or anyone else, send you a ticket?
You came up with the solution of travelling to see for your self, in response to a fair comment by RSK. Now you're looking for others to pick up the tab.

You didn't answer my question though. What was the point you were trying to make with your original post on this thread?
Canada is not 'known' for it's comediens. I guess you're one of the 'unknown'?:D

Looking forward to your answer you big old bear fighter you.
[does that mean you fight with no cloths on?]

Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Is there anything that can be done about these people that refuse to support their claims?

I do agree. But you have to ask yourself, how much time do you want to use on these people. No matter how much time is used there will always be more of them.

A part of growing up is to learn the signals that theses people send out so you can steer away from them. Learning these signals to others is the best way to keep "them down".

I dont think this is a mods. /admin. job to do this. It's our responsablity to do that. Point out when a fraud is near, but dont go into a clinch (that's what many of them want). Just point and say as it is. The smart people will see it as it is, others will learn by it, and the rest, we cant do anything about.

But letting your gaurd down, and temper go, you've lost the fight already (sounds like semi-pocket-budo-philosophy, but it's true).

Just point it out and let it go....

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Why on earth would I, or anyone else, send you a ticket?
You came up with the solution of travelling to see for your self, in response to a fair comment by RSK. Now you're looking for others to pick up the tab.

Rickky asked a question. I gave an answer. You asked me a question. I gave you an answer. I could care less about either of you two yahoos so why would I pay to travel to see either one of you? If you want me to substantiate your claims like you asked me to then you can pick up the tab skippy.

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
You didn't answer my question though. What was the point you were trying to make with your original post on this thread?

The point was that it was a dumb @ss question. He wasn't really asking anything but trying to make a statement. He should have just said it and been done with.

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Canada is not 'known' for it's comediens. I guess you're one of the 'unknown'?:D

Canada IS known for it's comedy and half of hollywood it seems at times is Canadian. I'll forgive you for not knowing. But if you desperately need proof. I suggest you go to Hollywood and start asking comedians where they are from. Let me know how it goes.

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Looking forward to your answer you big old bear fighter you.
[does that mean you fight with no cloths on?]

Why? Are you looking to pick up? If so, keep on cruising because I'm not interested ya fruity pants.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Canada IS known for it's comedy and half of hollywood it seems at times is Canadian. I'll forgive you for not knowing. But if you desperately need proof. I suggest you go to Hollywood and start asking comedians where they are from. Let me know how it goes.

John Candy, Rick Moranis, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carey, Mike Myers,
Dan Aykroyd, Tommy Chong, Norm MacDonald, Martin Short,
Rich Little, Phil Hartman ...ummmmm ... okay I'm done.

RSK, as far as I know, the mods and admin hear truly appreciate
your knowledge, but have to answer the complaints. They can't
make this a "legitimate lineage only" board, for reasons I'm sure
you don't need explained to you. You're one of the few that are
in the unique situation to where they value you as a member
for your knowledge, and do NOT want to see you permanently
gone. Why not go about standing by your determination, and
take the suspension when it happens. The come back, and go
about your business?
Another canadian comedian...Peter Jennings...

Is there anything that can be done about these people that refuse to support their claims?

I doubt there is anything that can be done, other than after making a point and pointing out the obvious avoidance on the "claimants" part...ignore them.

I also agree!

I feel that you must keep in mind that there is also many opinions posted on this site, when proof can be posted it should be and if your not willing to back up your claims you shouldnt make them.
Keep it constructive. Name calling, etc is only gonna get things shut down fast.

I feel that you must keep in mind that there is also many opinions posted on this site, when proof can be posted it should be and if your not willing to back up your claims you shouldnt make them.
I doubt there is anything that can be done, other than after making a point and pointing out the obvious avoidance on the "claimants" part...ignore them.

About it. If you have proof of 'falsehood', the post your evidence in a constructive manner. If someone claims to be a 21th degree in an art no ones ever heard of, and refuses to provide information to back it up, there is little we can do about it. Post your own research, and let it lie. Let your evidence, presented positively, say it fo you.
Ok. You caught me. I was bored this morning and thought I'd shake the tree and see what fell out.

Rickishikitikki or whatever your darn name is and Mike Clarke. Sorry guys. I was bored and had internet access. What can I say? Sorry to jump the gun like that and get you all riled up. My apologies!
What exactly is proof? Someone naming dates and instructors names proves nothing!

How many of your Sensei and Sifu will be "HAPPY" with us after they find out you posted your certification on the internet with "THEIR" signatures on it!

Case closed!:D
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Seriously though.
My question was aimed more at the moderators that control boards like this than anyone else.

Sadly, no. The verification of credentials is as hard to verify as gender and age on line. Its a good question can you tell someones 'legit' and not FOS?

Well, cost and time factors not considered...we can:
1- require a major credit card - kids dont have em, but unless we run a charge, how do we verify its 'legit'? Plus, theres enough numbers floating out there that withour requiring a scan of the card, whatta we do?

2- require all 'teachers' to have on file a copy of their certs. Sadly, that still doesnt verify anything as Photoshop and other image editing programs (and the skill to use em well) is common.

I think Gou did make a good point...get on the floor with em. I think every 'experienced' poster in this thread has commented at one time or another on seeing someone high-ranked who moved like a no belt. Get on the floor, work with em, and see for yourself. Sometimes, you find a diamond in with all the coal.

Since we cant spend a few billion$ traveling around n checking everyone out ourselves,we must rely on the opinions of those who we do trust to be reliable. How do I know that RyuShiKan or GouRonin know anything? I don't, personally. But people who'se opinions and experience I trust in this matter have said they are both good martial artists. So, unless I can afford to travel to Japan or Canada, I must take their opinions for now.

Check the backgrounds of those in question, ask them questions yourself, allow them time to answer. Regardless of your personal 'belief', keep your comments positive. Allow the other person to hang themselves. On the internet, we tend to see alot of big claims, but little to back it up, and even less often even a location to go see for ourselves. Maybe a 'Things to Avoid' or 'Warning Flags' listing would help folks to see the puffed shirts for what they are, and help elevate the legit instructors?
Originally posted by akja
What exactly is proof? Someone naming dates and instructors names proves nothing!

How many of your Sensei and Sifu will be "HAPPY" with us after they find out you posted your certification on the internet with "THEIR" signatures on it!

Case closed!:D

Are they ashamed of been identified as your instructors?