Sunday Night (26th) ESPN2!!!!


Master Black Belt
Apr 1, 2002
Reaction score
Rochester area, NY
Hey all. For those who don't watch football, there will be karate on all night on sunday starting at 6:00pm. ESPN2. It's about f***king time ESPN2!!!!!
Cool!! Usually ESPN2 has something for a half an hr. once a fricking month. I can never catch it on but anyway thanks for the tip.
Having lived in Tampa for over a dozen years, and since I'm currently at my mother's house in Tampa now, I have to watch the Superbowl.


Can't believe ESPN2 is finally gonna put something decent on for a change. Maybe if enough of us let them know how pleased we are about it they will do it more than once in a blue moon.... nah, can't sell enough beer like that. Oh, well. I'll just have to tape it and watch it over and over again.

"make civilized the mind.... Make savage the body"
cali_tkdbruin wrote:

Cool. Will it be only Karate or will other styles also be shown?

It's usually several styles competing. The creative breaking is fun to watch because it's usually guys/gals from all kinds of styles coming up with weird breaks. I won't give it away ...... Pretty cool stuff, though.

Good idea, theletch1. :)

And your welcome everone :) Lemme know what ya thought after you watch it :)
Ok. I like the MT fight it was pretty evenly matched. As far as the breaking I'll pass. I hate to break but they did a good job.
yeah i just finished watching the breaking and ernie reyes jr... the breaking was ok... and ernie reyes jr was pretty cool he sure has changed since the ninja turtle days you can tell he left tae kwon do in the dust lol
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
yeah i just finished watching the breaking and ernie reyes jr... the breaking was ok... and ernie reyes jr was pretty cool he sure has changed since the ninja turtle days you can tell he left tae kwon do in the dust lol

And he won by K.O.
lol yeah i know... hey that blonde chic in the second match was kinda cute lol something about a cute woman that can kick your *** or at least give you a run for your money lol this third match is really good too... woo hoo go tampa bay... lol had to say that lol
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. She could doll herself up real easily. She was cute.
I watched the football game. How could you miss the Superbowl?

Anyways, Ernie still does TKD.
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
yeah i just finished watching the breaking and ernie reyes jr... the breaking was ok... and ernie reyes jr was pretty cool he sure has changed since the ninja turtle days you can tell he left tae kwon do in the dust lol
what did you mean by that on TKD?
No, he's wrong, Ernie Reyes still mostly does TKD, but also trains in MT. He hasn't had a fight in like 2 years or more though, and that fight was 5 years old.

However, the Ernie Reyes fight and Cung Le fight made the night worth it. Cung Le is an amazing fighter, I absolutely love watching how effortlessly he evades/slips/weaves through the punches. It's like he knows it's coming multiple seconds ahead of time. His technique is amazingly good; it's a joy to watch.
Originally posted by Angus
However, the Ernie Reyes fight and Cung Le fight made the night worth it. Cung Le is an amazing fighter, I absolutely love watching how effortlessly he evades/slips/weaves through the punches. It's like he knows it's coming multiple seconds ahead of time. His technique is amazingly good; it's a joy to watch.

I totally agree, both were awesome to watch. Have they ever
faced each other?
I don't think so, but I would pay to see an exhibition match.
I have been glutted on non-stop MA action... That, and a double helping of my wife's spaghetti...

Best highlights of the night -

Isshin-ryu guy dislocating his shoulder during a break; Cung Le beating the Stars and Stripes wearing guy; watching Mercedes Medina fight (not sure what was yummier - the spaghetti or Mercedes... :D ).

Time for bed...

No, they haven't, for a number of reasons. A) There's about a 50 lb weight difference between the two. B) Reyes competed in Muay Thai, Le competes in San Shou. Recently, Le decided he's going to do some Muay Thai matches, but that's only because nobody will challenge him in San Shou anymore since he has a couple year long winning streak and he's letting his protegé, Rudi Ott, take over for him pretty much. He has to do it or he has pretty much nobody to fight! At the time that Reyes was fighting, Le didn't do any matches that allowed knees (elbows not legal anywhere in the US). As witnessed today, non-San Shou fighters don't do well in it, especially against Le, so I'm sure Reyes wouldn't do San Shou rules. C) Reyes doesn't fight anymore. He's 30 this year, I believe, whereas Le is in his early-mid 20s. Le is much better conditioned, even in comparison to how Reyes was before.

It'd be cool to watch, but I'd rather watch something like Le vs. Ott and Reyes vs. any good TKD fighter (non-point).

Reeves, the Isshin-ryu guy, dislocated his shoulder because the bricks were somewhere between shoulder-eye level. With that much power going into it, it's no wonder he dislocated his shoulder so badly. I liked watching Larry Fields, that guy is amazing.

That, and nothing like watching a 300+ lb Rich Alford, a 9th degree in American Kenpo, jump and crush 10 bricks. :rofl:
Speaking of Rudy Ott, check out where this film maker, went and
trained with him, here .
I find it VERY funny, yet motivational.