Study with the sourch


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
Athol, Ma. USA
Some simple questions:
How many of you have studied with the head (grandmaster) of your system?
Now how many have studied with the grandmaster of any system?
For those that answer:
How many of these Grandmaster are a direct decent Being awarded the title after the death of the previous one?
How many where given the title by the old Grandmaster when he/she steped down due to illness, old age, impending death.
How many where given the title because they had taught a system for so long that it had become theirs through subtle canges they had incorparated(sp)?

PS I'm not asking how many bought their rank or gave it to themselves
I studied with Prof. Presas via his camps and seminars. He of course was not handed his title from a previous grandmaster but was certainly awarded it in some sense by his peers in the Philippines.
Taht sort of thing i can only dream about unfortunatly...
My teacher, Sifu Phillip "Pete" Starr, current "master" (we all really hate that term, but I use it here for ease of understanding) of Yiliquan kung fu, is the hereditary "grandmaster" (hate that one even worse) of Baixingquan kung fu, from which Yiliquan sprang forth 20 years ago...

Unfortunately, I haven't had the privilige of training under anyone else of the same level, though I have an invitation to join training under Sensei Phil Relnick in Shinto Muso-ryu Jojutsu in Washington once I move there this September (he was/is a friend and contemporary of Donn Draeger, and holds menkyo kaiden in SMR and I believe Katori Shinto-ryu Iaijutsu...).

:samurai: :tank:
Hi All,

I have had the great privilege to train with
GM Remy Presas. It was very enlightening. :D

I am also very pleased to have the privilege to
train with Manong Ted A. Buot. Many call him
a GM due to the fact of his knowledge and of
Anciong Bacon having him teach at the Balintawak
Self Defense Club on Balintawak Street in Cebu
City Cebu PI. :cool:

I enjoy it and recognize that I have been very
privileged to have had this opportunity. :asian:

Never had a chance to really study with any grand masters, or the like. Ran past some in a week-end courses. But that really isn't studying.

I've meet a few whove started their own style, and in that sense are grand masters, but most of them were to big for thier gi's.

And I've meet sensei's that arn't grandmasters, but some of the best MA I know: knifeman, kimura(both on this forum) ,Mouliko and JanDeJong. Come to think of it he has his own system.

Never studied with any grandmasters, but I *have* studied with people who have studied with grandmasters......does that count?

Originally posted by tonbo

Never studied with any grandmasters, but I *have* studied with people who have studied with grandmasters......does that count?


Does it count anyway? Well, the source can give it directly as "thought". But the transmission on to a pupile can hold great benefits. In the end it would be a question of the art and you fitting together. The art would be dependent on the indvidual teaching you it.

Just my "thought"...

Yeah, I was just making a bad joke.....or trying to, anyway.

I feel that any qualified teacher (not one who got their belt in a box of Cracker Jacks) has quite a bit to pass on. No, I never got to study with the founder of Kenpo, nor have I directly studied with any of the first generation Black Belts under him. However, I have benefitted through others of some of that knowledge, and continue to do so.

I will never know all there is to know, but I will sure work hard at trying to get it.....

I recently sat in on some of Mr. Hartman's classes with Mr. Buot and Mr. Buot was kind enough to demonstrate some things on and for me. It was eye-opening! I cannot say I've trained with him as Mr. Parsons has but it was a thrill to meet and work with the sticks with the Balintawak GM nonetheless. He's amazing.
I never studied under my (TSD) grandmaster. I wish I did, but I have seen and talked with him several times at tournies. And he did a demo for the tourny, and he was just awsome.

My master now has his own stystem. It's called Kwok Wu Chuen TKD. It's WTF TKD with bits Shaolin Kung Fu and Chin Na mixed in. I guess you would call him the "grandmaster". But I never heard him refer to himself as grandmaster. He is a very humble guy. But this is the closest I got to studying with "the source".
someone's going to have to dna clone most of mine. theyve been gone a long, long time.
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

Some simple questions:
How many of you have studied with the head (grandmaster) of your system?

Sigung Al Dacascos founder of WunHopQuenDo/KaJuKenBo...

Originally posted by tshadowchaser Some simple questions:
How many of you have studied with the head (grandmaster) of your system?
Now how many have studied with the grandmaster of any system?

I have never been a student of theirs, I have only worked with them at seminars. I enjoyed each one of them.

GM Chang, Chin Il - Successor of the founder of Hapkido, Choi Yong Sul

GM Ji, Han Jae - Founder of Sin Moo Hapkido

Hanshi Bruce Juchnik - Successor of James Mitose (Hold your fire!) ;)

Take care :asian:
Originally posted by arnisador

I recently sat in on some of Mr. Hartman's classes with Mr. Buot and Mr. Buot was kind enough to demonstrate some things on and for me. It was eye-opening! I cannot say I've trained with him as Mr. Parsons has but it was a thrill to meet and work with the sticks with the Balintawak GM nonetheless. He's amazing.

Yes it is a thrill to work with Manong Buot,
and other like him.

I just do not want anyone to take this post to
mean more than it is. There are many other
people who have trained or trained with
Manong Buot and those that have been studying much
longer than I have.

Arnisador just knows me and used me as an example
and that is fine.

Thanks for your time
