Star Trek Movie. (Contains Spoilers)


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Star Trek was great! I was expecting less, but it was exciting, the characterizations were very good (esp. Kirk, Spock, and, to my great surprise, Simon Pegg as Scotty), the action and tension and villain were all well done, and overall I really enjoyed it. I didn't mind the reboot.
i heard it was fun & watchable. i'll pass, thank you.

So far, everything I've seen says its good. My only issue is the tossing of 40 years of canon/history. This is a reboot, an alternate time line, not a prequel. Clean slate could be a good idea, and will let them go where they need to go without being handcuffed. But, I liked the familiar universe.
I forgot to post about my experience watching the movie.

I actually liked it a LOT! There was some great humorous scenes. The actors played each character almost to the "T", right down to facial expressions and mannerisms.
There was so much action going on that I want to go a 2nd time so I can catch the little things that I missed!
It was interesting - but even with the alternate time line, there were some serious disconnects in terms of ages of the characters - but it did appear that the screen writers have read at least some of the better novels.
So far, everything I've seen says its good. My only issue is the tossing of 40 years of canon/history. This is a reboot, an alternate time line, not a prequel. Clean slate could be a good idea, and will let them go where they need to go without being handcuffed. But, I liked the familiar universe.

Yeah, I'm big on continuity too, but I think they're making the right move here.
On the plus side, tossing our Vger and Enterprise (and good chunks of TNG and DS9) is good! :D
On the plus side, tossing our Vger and Enterprise (and good chunks of TNG and DS9) is good! :D
Uh, Bob, since the timelines, apparently, split at the destruction of the Kelvin, Enterprise is still canon in this new universe as it takes place about 70 years before
;) :D
The canon has bifurcated--starting with the Kelvin, there are two canons (cana?).
what the hell are you people talking about?
Well... without seeing it or reading the synopsis yet... Just going by the ads and trailers...

They've obviously moved away from the accepted Trek "history" in how the crew of the Enterprise meets or comes together. 'Cause they were different ages in the original series... Sulu can be seen as something of Kirk's protege in the original series, and Chekov wasn't even there during the first season...
I saw it and here is what I thought.

Acting was good noone seemed stiff however everyone's catchphrase is said quite alot can get annoying. The cast looks like younger versions of the original. The ships look amazing and you can see the director spent time in showing them off.

The plot had a wrath of Khan type of plot while using the building on the characters origins.

The movie seems to me to be kid friendly did not see anything too violent or racy. I think the movie is best viewed as Star Trek with a bigger budget,better CGI, And strong acting skills compared to its tv counterpart. The only person who I felt was a bit Cardboard was the villian. It seemed he belongs more on a tv show Star Trek or the older Star trek movies then this one.
The movie at some points move a little slow and sometimes you want more action but it is still entertaining and much better than Wolverine.
Just back from the theatre now.

First i need to whine a bit...

WTF? I pay $10 plus $357 for popcorn and pop, then i have to sit through 6 minutes of commercials, and another 12 minutes of previews. Just show the movie, that's what I'm paying for!! That's on top of the guy who comes in and asks everyone to move in, so people coming late can get in. No, I got here an hour ago so i could get good seats, kiss my *** if you think I'm given them up because some joker couldn't get here early!!

As for the movie? Good, 8 out of 10. Entertaining. I can say all sorts of how this doesn't fit, or thats incorrect, or in episode X this happened or in book 62 Y happened, but I won't. I went there to see an entertaining Scifi movie, and thats what I got.
The ships look amazing and you can see the director spent time in showing them off.

The plot had a wrath of Khan type of plot

Agreed! Certainly it and WoK are among the very best of the series.

I think the movie is best viewed as Star Trek with a bigger budget,better CGI, And strong acting skills compared to its tv counterpart.

I'll buy this--at least, higher acting standards.

The only person who I felt was a bit Cardboard was the villian. It seemed he belongs more on a tv show Star Trek or the older Star trek movies then this one.

Here I disagree! I thought Eric Bana hit just the right tone.
I saw the movie last night and I loved it and so did the rest of the family. I think it was very well done and I like the idea of it being an alternate timeline it gives the writers a bit more freedom and hopefully they will do wonderful things with it.
Saw the movie Friday.
If you go to the movie looking for things to pick apart, you'll find plenty there.
On the other hand, if you went looking to see references to the old series and familiar things, you'll find plenty of that, too.

I'll try to avoid spoilers as much as I can in the following.

Good Things (IMHO):
The guy who played young McCoy nailed it. It was obvious he studied the part and the actor who defined it.

The guy who played young Spock pretty much looked the part, although he seemed to be supressing a smile (and failing) through much of the movie.

The "Main Seven" each got their time in the celluloid sun, as it were.

Plenty of action.

Starfleet female personnel still wear mini-skirts.

Kirk is still the #1 horndog in the galaxy, and his penchant for alien babes is apparantly unabated.

Familiar standard things from the old series (i.e., the Vulcan neck pinch, the Vulcan mind meld, "Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a physicist!", and things like that).

Uhura's character looks to be set up to show more depth in the sequels. The actress reminds me of a young Robin Givens (circa "Head of the Class", not the Mike Tyson era). Her relationship with one of the other of the Seven could be interesting.

Reboot rather than just a prequel. With a reboot, some of the main characters could be killed off without harming the established continuity. Changes can be made without violating canon.

Things which I didn't care for

A third year cadet is promoted to captain of the Starfleet flagship? I know he performed a great service, and was worthy of commendation, but a captaincy? C'mahhhhn!

Checkov's actor did well on the accent (although we didn't get to hear him talk about "nuclear wessels"), but didn't have the right look. The guy looked as though he would've been better cast as Jimmy Olson.

Klingons fly birds-of-prey, not warbirds (I know- pick, pick)

Diverging timeline or not, the people on the Kelvin should have not known much about Romulans.

There was no need to shoot Kirk out in an escape pod, as the Enterprise has a brig.

Trapped on an ice planet, chased by a hungry predator, having no weapons, Kirk certainly would've run. But he would not have screamed like a wussie.

The guy who played Scotty was too shrill and frantic. I always pictured him as an enlisted man who came up the hard way. That may not be the way that canon describes his history, but it's the impression he made on me. Sort of like that tough master sargeant type who helps the snot-nosed young lieutenant to not get himself and the others killed. BTW, hated the goofy hat in the first scenes with him.

All in all-

I really enjoyed this movie. I don't know if I'll see it again before it comes out on DVD, but I'll definitely buy it when it does. I'll also recommend the movie to all the Trek fans I know (an embarassingly large number).