
  • Thread starter Deleted member 34973
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Spirituality is about growth, living in integrity with your own values, learning about yourself and the world you live in, caring for others, and similar topics.

This is very much how the founder of Scouting Lord Baden-Powell thought, he said people should be spiritual and the above quote is exactly what he meant. Sadly, it got overtaken by people thinking it meant religion in particular Christianity. I think for many in martial arts it has also become to mean religion which either attracts or repels.
Just sort of therapy. I mean, I can focus more on training (specally on my opponent) than anything else. So it helps me putting all worries aside.
In MMA there is very much a team even though the actual competition is one on one. There's the coaches, your sparring partners, your corners, your cutman and the support is very much there. Often there are several fighters from one club on a card and you all support each other, it's not something you should do on your own if you want to be successful. There is a tremendous team spirit going on in all the successful gyms.

I didn't see it that way. There is your sifu/sensei coach. Sparring partners friends and family.
I suppose I feel spirituality when I train because it makes me feel a part of something huge. Knowing the training I am doing has been done by people before me for so long to become stronger is pretty cool.
I didn't see it that way. There is your sifu/sensei coach. Sparring partners friends and family.
Yeah and that's your team you wouldn't be able to get good on your own so that means it's a team no fighter can do it on their own. In that sense every sport is a team sport
I didn't see it that way. There is your sifu/sensei coach. Sparring partners friends and family.

Understanding this might throw a new light on the way you think about your Sifu and fellow students.
To me, there is. I think a lot of the answer to the OP has to do with how we each define "spirituality". For me, it is not the same thing as religion (though religion may be an aspect of it for many people). Spirituality is about growth, living in integrity with your own values, learning about yourself and the world you live in, caring for others, and similar topics.
Exactly! I don't separate the two so easily. Let's take the phrase, "Jumping Jacks For Jesus"; it is meant as a slam, but when you think about it, if you don't want to do it for yourself, maybe you should do them for Jesus. I think, or to be honest, I have been taught, that religion is about the strongest and most well developed thing human kind has ever come up with, and it is, along with a lot of other things, a motivator.
I would not connect M.A. with religion. More of a philosophy. My founder worked on self reliance rather than having religion as a crutch. He said believe in the Gods but dont rely on them.
that religion is about the strongest and most well developed thing human kind has ever come up with,

I disagree with this. Religion seems to often be a tool to motivate people to do the dumbest things as well. Such as murder, mass killings, other forms of violence as well as acts of mutilation.

I am not the type of guy to tip my fedora and stroke my beard and say religion is useless or something like that though. I will say that it all depends on the person who wields it.
Exactly! I don't separate the two so easily. Let's take the phrase, "Jumping Jacks For Jesus"; it is meant as a slam, but when you think about it, if you don't want to do it for yourself, maybe you should do them for Jesus. I think, or to be honest, I have been taught, that religion is about the strongest and most well developed thing human kind has ever come up with, and it is, along with a lot of other things, a motivator.

I disagree with this. Religion seems to often be a tool to motivate people to do the dumbest things as well. Such as murder, mass killings, other forms of violence as well as acts of mutilation.

I am not the type of guy to tip my fedora and stroke my beard and say religion is useless or something like that though. I will say that it all depends on the person who wields it.
Our children need to believe they will go to hell, if they set the house on fire. There is no better way. :)
Not spiritual, but it has helped me grow and explore other ways of thinking, acting and about human behavior. Also I have learned about other cultures and some of their history, beliefs and spiritually. I am more diverse and multifaceted because of my involvement in Martial Arts. Which is why I got into it.
I would not connect M.A. with religion. More of a philosophy. My founder worked on self reliance rather than having religion as a crutch. He said believe in the Gods but dont rely on them.
Calvinism is still a religious philosophy. :)
Exactly! I don't separate the two so easily. Let's take the phrase, "Jumping Jacks For Jesus"; it is meant as a slam, but when you think about it, if you don't want to do it for yourself, maybe you should do them for Jesus. I think, or to be honest, I have been taught, that religion is about the strongest and most well developed thing human kind has ever come up with, and it is, along with a lot of other things, a motivator.
I would argue that religion is only truly powerful when it is linked to spirituality. I've met many people for whom religion lacked spirituality - they were actually selfish in their motivations around religion. I've also met many people who were far more spiritual, regardless of whether they were religious or not. I've met both spiritual and non-spiritual atheists, Christians, and Pagans.
Not spiritual, but it has helped me grow and explore other ways of thinking, acting and about human behavior. Also I have learned about other cultures and some of their history, beliefs and spiritually. I am more diverse and multifaceted because of my involvement in Martial Arts. Which is why I got into it.
To me, this is a huge part of spirituality - by my definition, so possibly not by yours.
I disagree with this. Religion seems to often be a tool to motivate people to do the dumbest things as well. Such as murder, mass killings, other forms of violence as well as acts of mutilation.

I am not the type of guy to tip my fedora and stroke my beard and say religion is useless or something like that though. I will say that it all depends on the person who wields it.
This is part of what I was talking about in differentiating religion from spirituality. There is nothing spiritual about hate, and there have been many who chose to use religion to fuel hate. Those who used religion to fuel love and growth were spiritual in their religion.
Not much M.A. has any connection with African religions. Mostly its about accountability. To be responsible for your own actions. No salvation. Resolute acceptance of death. To put that thought aside.

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