Some Question's For my paper need answers from an instructor


White Belt
Dec 11, 2008
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I am doing a paper which requires some answers from an instructor, and i was wondering if any would answer a couple of question's for me, also if you have any quotes you'd like me to put in or sayings you live by please include those to.

Thank you


How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?

Did you ever have to apply martial arts for safety reasons?

What is the most important lesson you think it can teach?

How will martial arts benefit children?

Whats your history in martial arts?

whats your opinion on hard vs soft styles of martial arts?

What health benefits come from martial arts?

(once again, thank you to anyone who donates their time)


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
I have some experience with these sorts of homework assignments; they crop up regularly around this time on a lot of LE message boards.

Somehow, I suspect that your assignment wasn't to do this on the internet -- but to actually talk to someone. You'll learn a lot more by actually interacting face to face with an instructor -- and you'll know that the person you're talking to really is an instructor, too. After all -- how do you know anyone here on MT is what or who they claim to be?

Call a couple of the martial arts schools or clubs in your area. Explain why you're calling (or visiting, if you do it in person), and set up an appointment to discuss the assignment with one or more of the instructors. I suspect many will accomodate you, if you ask them politely, and be courteous enough to show up on time, and are polite.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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I am doing a paper which requires some answers from an instructor, and i was wondering if any would answer a couple of question's for me, also if you have any quotes you'd like me to put in or sayings you live by please include those to.

Thank you


How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?

I will use my left elbow to open doors with lever type door handles and then push the door open.. I and use a foot to flush urinals in public places..I am aware of my enviorment and surroundings..

Did you ever have to apply martial arts for safety reasons?

Yes, I am a cop

What is the most important lesson you think it can teach?


How will martial arts benefit children?

It will teach them not to be afraid and destroy the "I'm too little to do anything" attitude

Whats your history in martial arts?..

Started sampling various disciplines since 1974...

whats your opinion on hard vs soft styles of martial arts?..

BOTH are benefical..One is not better than the other..

What health benefits come from martial arts??..

Better flexibility as you move into your senior years..

(once again, thank you to anyone who donates their time)[/quote]
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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
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Denver, CO
While I agree with JKS that you're much more likely to need to talk to someone in person, here are some answers. If it helps, I've been in TKD for 21 years (22 in February), and I've been an instructor for 18 years.

I am doing a paper which requires some answers from an instructor, and i was wondering if any would answer a couple of question's for me, also if you have any quotes you'd like me to put in or sayings you live by please include those to.

Thank you


How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?

I habitually address people in non-MA settings in the same way I address people in MA settings - so the 7th graders I teach are addressed as "sir" and "ma'am", just like my TKD students. When I entered a new situation, I generally assess the setting from a self-defense perspective.

Did you ever have to apply martial arts for safety reasons?

It depends on what you mean. I've managed to avoid situations that might require physical self-defense- but the mental aspects of controlling my behavior have been quite useful in many situations, and once I stepped on a rock and twisted my ankle, which caused me to fall down on pavement - I rolled the way I'd been taught in TKD without thinking, and did no further injury to myself beyond the twisted ankle, despite the surface I fell on.

What is the most important lesson you think it can teach?

Never quit trying.

How will martial arts benefit children?

By teaching them to never quit trying, and that things you really want are worth working hard for.

Whats your history in martial arts?

I started TKD in Feb. 1987. I've been with the same instructor ever since. I began instructing in 1990 as an assistant, and as an independent instructor in 1992.

whats your opinion on hard vs soft styles of martial arts?

In what context? This question is rather wide open.

What health benefits come from martial arts?

(once again, thank you to anyone who donates their time)

Fitness, the ability to concentrate, balance (physical and mental)... the list is quite long.


Black Belt
Nov 19, 2008
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DeSoto, MO
I am doing a paper which requires some answers from an instructor, and i was wondering if any would answer a couple of question's for me, also if you have any quotes you'd like me to put in or sayings you live by please include those to.

Thank you


1:How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?

2:Did you ever have to apply martial arts for safety reasons?

3:What is the most important lesson you think it can teach?

4:How will martial arts benefit children?

5:Whats your history in martial arts?

6:whats your opinion on hard vs soft styles of martial arts?

7:What health benefits come from martial arts?

(once again, thank you to anyone who donates their time)


1: Self Control, everyday something pops up that may frustrate you, just breathe in and out, remember your a martial artist. Also my job is a martial arts instructor.

2:Never and hope I never have to!

3:Respect yourself and others!

4:it teaches them self respect, self confidence and self esteem as well as physical fitness.

5:I began training when I was 10 in the World Youn Wha Ryu Assoc. under Grandmaster Han. I got my blackbelt in 1996 and my instructor certification in 1997. I recieved my second dan black belt in 2001. I have taught DeSoto Martial Arts since 1997. Currently I teach Amp Ryu, and continue to develop my style integrating korean, chinese, and japanese martial arts into it. I have also trained in Capoeria, hold a Black Belt in Tang Soo Do, and have trained in Akido. As far as tournament wins and many to list, but the one I will list is my 3rd place trophy I recieved at the age of 13! I was only 13 and at the Missouri State Championships, I was 5'11" 175lbs and the mothers wouldn't let their children fight me so they said I could move up. Well the only division left was the 18 and older heavyweight blackbelt and above division. So my mom signed a special waiver and I believed in myself so much I jumped right in. I still remember all the siking out before the matches started, Kid I have been doing martial arts since before you were born,blah blah blah. It just bounced off, I ended up defeting 6 men to place 3rd in the division. After that I had everyones respect! This said anyone can accomplish anything you set your mind on!

6: They both have their own unique style and attracked two seperate crowds.

7:Stronger lungs, stronger bones/muscles,reflexes, flexability,stronger mind and heart!


Art: He who works with his hands is a laborer, He who works with his hands and head is a craftsmen, He who works with his hands, head, and heart is an Artist!

Power: He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still!

Practice: Tomorrow's victory is won after today's practice!

Warrior: Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is a true warrior who can master both...and surpass the result!

Black Belt: A black belt is nothing more than a belt that goes around your waist. Being a Black Belt is a state of mind and attitude!

Thank you for allowing us to do this and hopefully I was of some help!:asian:


Senior Master
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Jun 15, 2004
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Metropolitan Tokyo
I am doing a paper which requires some answers from an instructor, and i was wondering if any would answer a couple of question's for me, also if you have any quotes you'd like me to put in or sayings you live by please include those to.

Thank you



How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?

I wake up. That starts the whole process. Martial arts isn't IMO a conscious or unconscious state of mind. It's a state of being. You either are or you aren't. But more to the point of your question, I use it in everything from dealing with traffic to writing code to approaching a problem to cooking. At first when people are new to MA, they may try to actually make it happen, but after time, it just is.

Did you ever have to apply martial arts for safety reasons?

Yep. Walking away or avoidance are the greatest weapons a MA can exercise. But there have been a couple of incidents where I had to use physical force & I came out ok.

What is the most important lesson you think it can teach?

Relax & don't be a bully in all things.

How will martial arts benefit children?

Discipline, focused efforts, direction for building skill both mental & physical

Whats your history in martial arts?

Started Nov 1981... haven't really stopped yet. First 10 years... TKD, next 5 JMA, last 12 CMA

whats your opinion on hard vs soft styles of martial arts?

No such critter. That's a Western interpretation. You can't be one or the other. You have to be both, otherwise you're out of balance & defeating several of the driving ideals of MA in general.

What health benefits come from martial arts?

Better C/V, flexibility, limb speed, body conditioning, bone density increases, hand/eye - foot/eye, mental focus & toughness, etc...

(once again, thank you to anyone who donates their time)

Sure no prob

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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I am doing a paper which requires some answers from an instructor, and i was wondering if any would answer a couple of question's for me, also if you have any quotes you'd like me to put in or sayings you live by please include those to.

Thank you

Unleash The Speed,

As an advisor for this site, I agree with JKS and talk to a person in real life. PM me for my phone number. Feel free to call me.


How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?

Go with the flow, in martial arts techniques also trying to go with the flow with life events.

As Drac also stated I also use movements in my open of doors and body positions just naturally.

Did you ever have to apply martial arts for safety reasons?


What is the most important lesson you think it can teach?

Drac stated Awareness, and I agree that with awareness one can apply their self defense. Including avoiding bad parts of town and or situations.

How will martial arts benefit children?

For children they learn self confidence and also for some they realize that what they know can hurt people, and hurting people is not good.

Whats your history in martial arts?

I have been in the FMA's (* Filipino Martial Arts *) for over 22 years. I have taught classes and seminars.

whats your opinion on hard vs soft styles of martial arts?

I think the difference can be discussed from a philisophical stand point, but we would need to sit down and define what is meant by Hard and Soft.

What health benefits come from martial arts?

Exercise in general. But if a person does not get into the untouchable phase, they realize that no matter what happens they can be touched or injured by anyone. So, one should be aware, not paranoid, as that in itself is not healthy. By being aware one can avoid many conflicts and in the end live a healthier and or longer life.

(once again, thank you to anyone who donates their time)

Like I said feel free to give me a call.
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Yellow Belt
Dec 5, 2008
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How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?
I find most of the benefits of martial arts training are mental in myself. i've become very strong, but more importantly through martial arts I've become much more pacifistic and non-aggressive than the average teenager. I also have some depression issues, and I know that without martial arts I would not have the ability to cope through kata practice, meditation, etc.

Did you ever have to apply martial arts for safety reasons?
Break falls. I've never had to fight somebody, but martial arts have taught me how to outwardly project the image that I'm not somebody you want to fight.

What is the most important lesson you think it can teach?
The benefits of serenity and peace on the psyche and decision making.

How will martial arts benefit children?
In younger children I don't see much of an effect, but when they grow older, many children become more mature if they have started training early. Just a tiny observation.

Whats your history in martial arts?
I've trained in MMA for approximately ten years, and I am a Sho-dan ho. I now practice Kung fu since the summer, and have a yellow sash. I've also been participating in ba gua classes for over a year now.

whats your opinion on hard vs soft styles of martial arts?
Soft styles teach me how to meditate in my daily life through motion, and hard styles condition and shape my body. Both have martial application, and neither should be ignored.

What health benefits come from martial arts?
Fitness and stamina in most cases. Otherwise mental health is a bonus.

sempai little1

Yellow Belt
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score
In a state of constant confusion
How do you apply martial arts training in everyday life, consciously and unconciously?

Not sure this counts, but for some strange reason I have develop a habit of bowing into everything from the video store door way to the bathroom in my parents trailer.

I have respect of everything....including a clean toilet.

Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:


Green Belt
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Not sure this counts, but for some strange reason I have develop a habit of bowing into everything from the video store door way to the bathroom in my parents trailer.

I have respect of everything....including a clean toilet.

Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:

Awesome! :D

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