Hello all,
First post here, I signed up so that I can get some help from other martial artists on my research paper for my university.
If you could help me by providing links to statistics, or articles relating to eclectic(modern/mixed) arts as compared to traditional arts, I would appreciate that quite a bit. Basically the paper is comparing the old vs new, or the mixed art vs. the pure art. I've trained in both disciplnes, and have my own opinions. I would love to hear from other martial artists what thier opinions are, so that I can have a bit more fodder to my research paper. It only has to be 5 pages....
Here is my thesis statement for the paper:
Thousands, if not millions of people train in the martial arts specifically for the purposes of self-defense, sport or no-holds-barred(NHB) competition. My paper will clear the mystery as to why certain eclectic martial arts have an advantage over pure art forms; with regard to self-defense and NHB. Statistical analysis of NHB fights, and historical analysis of modern eclectic styles will show pure art forms often fail in practical real world situations. I will discuss pure styles, eclectic styles, NHB, and self-defense and how they inter-relate in practical situations.
thank you in advance for any help.
First post here, I signed up so that I can get some help from other martial artists on my research paper for my university.
If you could help me by providing links to statistics, or articles relating to eclectic(modern/mixed) arts as compared to traditional arts, I would appreciate that quite a bit. Basically the paper is comparing the old vs new, or the mixed art vs. the pure art. I've trained in both disciplnes, and have my own opinions. I would love to hear from other martial artists what thier opinions are, so that I can have a bit more fodder to my research paper. It only has to be 5 pages....
Here is my thesis statement for the paper:
Thousands, if not millions of people train in the martial arts specifically for the purposes of self-defense, sport or no-holds-barred(NHB) competition. My paper will clear the mystery as to why certain eclectic martial arts have an advantage over pure art forms; with regard to self-defense and NHB. Statistical analysis of NHB fights, and historical analysis of modern eclectic styles will show pure art forms often fail in practical real world situations. I will discuss pure styles, eclectic styles, NHB, and self-defense and how they inter-relate in practical situations.
thank you in advance for any help.