Renaissance Faire, anyone?


Senior Master
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I've been collecting swords for about ten years, but didn't discover this wonderful place where you can actually wear swords in public, until a couple years later. I attended my first Ren Faire in Mt. Hope, PA back in 1998, and have been going at least once a year to either the PA or NY Faire (in Tuxedo Park) ever since. I've been frequenting the NY Faire over the past couple years (haven't been to the PA Faire since 2004), since I've been going with some friends I met on SFI. Not only that, the NY Faire has cooler stuff. ;) are a couple pics taken at the Faire yesterday. Of course we dressed up for the occasion. There were two other guys who came with us (I was the token chick - lol), but they weren't in costume and declined to be photographed. I'm just glad that it wasn't 100 degrees:


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Your costume is awesome Jennifer! Very cool! :ultracool
Looks like you had fun. I love the Ren Fest.
i love going to the ren fair but iv never done costumes
Thanks, guys and gals. :) Faires are a lot of fun, but coming in costume definitely adds more to the experience. Especially if you are also carrying a sword. :D Many of the Faire goers put a LOT into their costumes. One of my SFI buddies put together this Aragorn outfit - right down to the proper necklace and ring. He got mistaken as a Faire employee quite a bit.

I've accumulated quite an extensive Ren Faire wardrobe over the years. All warrior woman garb, of course. I wouldn't want to be caught dead wearing a corset. ;) And I don't like wearing dresses.
Looks like a lot of fun. Your costume ROCKS SwordLady!
Swordlady said:
I wouldn't want to be caught dead wearing a corset. ;) And I don't like wearing dresses.

Oh come on, I LOVE going to the renfair in corsets.

You should see the looks I get.
Technopunk said:
Oh come on, I LOVE going to the renfair in corsets.

You should see the looks I get.

Do you have any pics? :uhyeah:
Glad to see you enjoying the RennFest. There is a real good one near Annapolis in Crownsville, MD. My wife and I used to be tavern keepers at the White Heart Tavern, a great job. We used to be able to wear weapons years ago, then because of some fools challenging RennFest Actors/Player, they required you to peace bond your weapons into your sheath. Now because people were buying weapons from the merchants at the fair and then drunkenly brandishing their newly purchased toys around children and grandparents alike, they have a no weapons policy. They even used to have a policy of 1/2 price admission for those in descent costums. The Smith Family does a lot of good things at their fair, and a few years ago they opened a new one in Canada as well. Have fun Swordlady, RESPECTS. PEACE Jimi Also known as Sir Osis O' The Liver. LOL!
Hey Jimi - one of my former students and training partners is a jouster for the MD Ren faire now.

I preferd SCA to Ren Fairs myself because you are encouraged to get drunk and hit people at SCA events! Pensic in PA is a two week blast! Some of the guys I fought with made me give up the staff and pike cause I was hurting people a little too well ( a little long staff training anyone? ;) ) I had to go to sword and shield.

I couldn't ever get over the fact that I was allowed and encouraged to hit people with sticks and I wouldn't go to jail...
The Ren Fair in Colorado is a blast - I've been a couple of times, but never in costume. Great pics!
Hey Tradrockrat, I think I know who you are talking about, BILLY! right? I saw him there a year or two ago, he was an apprentice to an amourer. Banging on cold rolled steel to make armour and the like. Years ago, my freind and I started working in the parking lot at the fair before we got promted to Bar Keeps, we would stop by a security gate and see the the Black Knight sitting on our melex golfcart with a marlboro red in one hand and a Bud in the other. It kinda ruined the illusion, ya know! LOL! Hey Swordlady, I like your blade and clothing, the Royal Executioner should fear for his job. LOL. RESPECT! PEACE JIMI
I'll be hitting one in n. Ohio on Sat. Am hoping for some good photo ops. :)

As to Techno in a corset.....I dunno. How does that rate compared to him in the traditional warrior babe chainmaile bikini and leather thong? LOL!
Jimi said:
Hey Tradrockrat, I think I know who you are talking about, BILLY! right? I saw him there a year or two ago, he was an apprentice to an amourer. Banging on cold rolled steel to make armour and the like.

Yup. That's him. Mongo. LOL Still one of my best friends back east.
Jade Tigress said:
Looks like I'll be attending my very first Ren Faire on Friday.

I'm looking forward to it!

Very cool! :ultracool I'm guessing that you're taking your kids. Are you all dressing up? And are weapons allowed to be carried at this Faire?