Questions about

I'm pretty sure if you met someone in Japan he was most likely from the Geronimo Family of sikaran . That is a different system than I am in with different cultural back ground and martial arts training (he was Issinryu I belive and TKD befor sikaran) where involved in his style. . To the best of my knowledge we have not had an instructor from our system in Japan until very recently and he is back in the states already haveing comleted his assignment for the comany he works for.

I simply told him to attack in a stance he choose the one he did. It was a photo shoot

yes people do attack like that in tournaments sometimes

perhaps I was jokeing when I made the gay bar reffrence because you said you had seen the technique ( a hammer fist to the groin) in a bar. Most admit it slows a person down alot. they usualy dont get up if hit with it

and yes he may have some JAK background I am not his first instructor Hell I may have had some mixed in by some instructor somewhere along the line.

would you have rather seen him in street clothing standing upright like a street thug attacking like he had no idea what he was doing? The photos worked for the what I needed them to the time.
Now to answer Rich Parson’s questions.

I joined MT when “real names” weren’t required… fact I was probably one of the first to suggest real names be used in the profile…….ask Bob Hubbard, he might recall.

How long have I trained?

For almost 30 years.

Which arts have I trained in?


Who have I trained with?

Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki
1981 World Judo Champion
5 time winner of All-Japan Champion (Weight Division)

Tadanori Koshino
1989 2nd place World Championships
1991 1st place World Championships
1992 Barcelona Olympics 3rd place

Oyata Seiyu-student of Nakamura Shigeru of Okinawa Kenpo-who was a student of Itosu Anko etc, etc,
1968 Bogu (full contact fighting) Champion
1968 Kobudo Fightintg Champion

Katori Shinto Ryu (briefly)
Sugino Sensei
Mr. Sugino was a direct student and I believe 8th dan of Ueshiba’s as well.

I have not listed several people for various reasons.

I was a “Golden Member” (no joke that’s what they called it) of the JKF- Japan Karate Do Federation for more than 10 years.

I know it’s not that impressive compared to some of the Grand Master Blaster Sokes that are on this board.......

I also agree, Iwould personally teach that the person hold is Hiki-Te in a more forward position then that shown in the original photo sequence and I would not advocate the use of the Zenkutsu -Dachi in such a long, drawn-out fashion as shown as this would be asking for trouble.

Most Chinese arts would hold the rear hand in a Wu-Sao or guard position protecting the centreline.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Some people have studied more than one art and have students that only train in one of those arts themselves. Maybe, the guy in Blue was a Traditional JKA student, so what? Is he still training to learn? Are you trying to say that all Japanese methods of training have no value? I do not get your out attacks here?
Why would RSK attack Japanese training tools? Take a look at his location.

I think he's trying to differentiate the difference between TRAINING TOOLS versus combat. The fact that the guy is trying to do some of the training tools in a self-defense situation is absurd. It would be like a sprinter doing depth jumps during a race.
Link didnt work. Trying again.

Robert, whats your take on this one?


  • $temp123.jpg
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Originally posted by grimfang
I will not comment on certain aspects of the initial post here. I am only going to comment on the logistical & technical issues that arise when dealing with live photography and internet content.

The Sikaran Institute of Karate does not use "staged" photos for demonstration purposes. All photos are taken "live." We do not use a professional photographer. We have one student who is generous enough to take 5 minutes of his own time to take the photos for the site. He is not using a high quality camera. It is not capable of taken lots of photos in rapid succession. I suppose the photographer could take more time away from his own studies in order to take better pictures. I suppose we could also spend an entire day each week creating "staged" photos, or adjust the lesson plan for the day in order to accommodate promotional goals. That would not be an appropriate use of anyone's time.

The actual photo selection is chosen by the webmaster. The school trusts the webmaster to use good judgment in photo selection. Because the school has chosen to update the content regularly, it is not always practical or possible for the material to be reviewed prior to uploading. People have other things to worry about, and the website is not the #1 priority for every person at every moment. As a result, some of the photos may not necessarily show all of the details relevant to a full understanding of a technique… in many photos, you are unable to see what the other hand is doing. Also, you can not always see what occurs before or after the action in the picture. We also need to keep in mind that when looking at a photo, you CAN NOT HEAR WHAT IS BEING DISCUSSED WITH THE CLASS. The photos only give a small portion of the story, not the whole story. It’s a matter of CONTEXT.

Then, there is the issue of storing the photos. The webmaster does not have a large number of photos to choose from (because, as stated earlier, the photos are taken by a student in class during a 5 minute period.) The webmaster selects photos, uploads what he feels is appropriate, and deletes the rest. If the content were to be removed, then there would be nothing to replace it. The webmaster is under contract to update content on a weekly basis, unless specified in writing. Sorry, that’s the way this internet thing works.

So, what you are seeing is only seeing a small group of photos taken during a live class, without details of what is being said at the moment, taken by an amateur photographer and posted by a webmaster with contractual obligations.
If you have ANY questions, concerns, complaints, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to send them to the webmaster or amateur photographer. He can be reached at [email protected]

I hope this clarifies some of the issues for everyone. I realize that the issues involved with webdesign & maintenance are not fully understood by those who have not made a career of it.
Maybe I'm missing something :confused:

It doesn't look like some of the pictures were taken live. In the first picture RSK attached, the guy blocking it is looking elsewhere (probably a second camera or something) for demonstration purposes.
Cute dew rag………

I can’t really make out what they are trying to do……..looks like mid technique.

I would say that the distance between them is somewhat more realistic and both people are standing up right rather than one “posing” in a JKA “kamae”.
Geez Ron is it possible for you to post a BIGGER photo;)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Link didnt work. Trying again.

Robert, whats your take on this one?
I think anyone with a brain would find the picture funny


Just look at everyone's facial expressions
If anyone thinks I teach my students to go into a low stance as shownor a deep horse stance when in a street fight . Well.
I'm not even saying there might not be a time and place for in the street Im just saying classic stances have there part in trianing and practice, as do the unorthdox.
I think that if you look at most Martial arts sites the students and or instructor are in stances of one tye or another.
Most static stances have gone out of many systems but some still teach them for a varrity of reasons. I don't question them they have there ways I have mine you have yours.
As for a training tool vs a photo shoot which looks better
Hang on a second……..first you said: “Plus I told him to do the tech. that way.” then you said: “I simply told him to attack in a stance he choose the one he did.”

Then you said: “If anyone thinks I teach my stdents to go into a low stance as shownor a deep horse stance when in a street fight . Well.”

So my question is still why have your student pose like that for a demo photo?
You claim you don’t teach them to do that………..then why do it?

Sorry I just don’t understand the point those photos were trying to make……..
The picture is of folks doing Ryushinkan Karate-Do.

The point here is that our expert in that art wasn't sure exactly what was going, how certain can he, or any of us be of an art he knows nothing about.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
The picture is of folks doing Ryushinkan Karate-Do.

The point here is that our expert in that art wasn't sure exactly what was going, how certain can he, or any of us be of an art he knows nothing about.


Do you have the URL to RyuShinKan's website?

Just because it is not clear what is happening in one photo doesn't reflect on another photo from a different website.
I fail to see how they are connected.
I think your "point" was to try and come to the aid of one of your mods.
try this " do a right hand pnch to the head or chest in any stance you want"
no I said "If anyone thinks I teach my students to go into a low stance as shown or a deep horse stance when in a street fight . Well. :rofl: "
you know its not worth my time to continue this disscussion If yo dont like the site dont go there.
Until you post an equal number of photos ( as on my site) of you and your students doing anything buss off. Whats the matter afraid someonne will pick apart what you do in the photos.
you dont impress me by makeing fun people who do not do things your way
and I have said befor I do have a more classical background in some styles and Yes for some things and some forms I do teach these stances. But onthe street or teaching street techniques things are different. There is a difference between war and dance and photo shoots
waiting to see your 50 or so photos including sequence techniques.

The point is simple.
You took something, out of context, and chose to take it to task, while being unfamiliar with the art (or are you familiar with sikaran?) or the individuals in question.

Well, I took something from your own art, which you teach, yet you weren't 100% certain what was going on.

So, what qualifies you to do it to someone else Robert?

You claim -I- know-nothing in the arts, but I have admited it. You on the otherhand, pass yourself off as the judge, and jury of all that is 'right', and I think folks are tired of it. You could have handled this one 10 different ways, yet you chose to attack.

You could have simple posted a picture and asked 'what is this showing, and why is it there?" Instead, you get sarcastic and make 'matrix' jokes. Fine.

If you have something important to add to this website, then contribute, if all youre gonna do is play 'judge dread' then, why dont you go play with those who study your own art, like on E-Budo? I believe they even have a forum dedicated to your art. We're just generic 'karate'.

Then again, perhaps I've learned something in my short years that you in your long years havent.

Humility and respect.


Robert, either respect our rules and interact with the members here in a polite and respectful way, or leave. You don't have to agree with them or their ideas. You do however have to follow our guidelines.

The other thing is, I've seen a thousand pages with horsestances, yet any intelegent person knows that will result in a shot to the jewels. Do you teach the horsestance Robert?

Any child can take something out of context and make a point. I'd look at your own site, but, its gone. Maybe you're afraid someone else will do to you, what you've done to so many others?

Good evening/morning.
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
no I said "If anyone thinks I teach my students to go into a low stance as shown or a deep horse stance when in a street fight . Well. :rofl: "

Which is precisely why I asked why do you have it in your photo/demo if you don’t teach it.

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
you know its not worth my time to continue this disscussion

I see.

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
I do have a more classical background in some styles and Yes for some things and some forms I do teach these stances.

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Plus I told him to do the tech. that way.

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
I simply told him to attack in a stance he choose the one he did. It was a photo shoot