Question on hanging a bag.


Blue Belt
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
Grapevine, Texas
I have a question about hanging my bag. Its about 70 lbs. and I put it in a main beam on the 2nd story of my house. When I hit the bag it shakes the ceiling.

My mom thinks that it is unsecure and that it needs to be in another beam that could support it better.

I don't know of another beam that I could do this in. Its rather annoying not having my bag. The upstairs area is very crowded and I am hoping to turn it into a rather large gym area by removing the old couch and to remove the old bookshelves.

My mom is a pack rat and keeps alot of junk we don't need.
Make sure it is on a 4x4 or bigger and buy a commercial bag hanging apparatus.

they have floor hangers for bags also. That may be a good idea for you. its like a stand for your hanging bag.
I've seen bag hanging hardware that included a spring system to help absorb some of the shock to keep the ceiling from shaking when the bag is struck. Try looking for something like that. Check retailers that deal in boxing equipment.

I've seen bag hanging hardware that included a spring system to help absorb some of the shock to keep the ceiling from shaking when the bag is struck. Try looking for something like that. Check retailers that deal in boxing equipment.

i suggest that also. because a houses' structure isnt made to take that sort of stress
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

i suggest that also. because a houses' structure isnt made to take that sort of stress

You can also knock things off of shelves, and fireplace mantles in your house.