Question concerning possibly merging another site into MT.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
As some of you know, I run several other sites. One of them is in dire need of a membership boost. I've however gotten to the point where I'm more interested in saving content than reviving the site.

Mind you, if people want to revive it, I'm cool with that.

Barring a last minute save though, I'm considering merging it into MT.

Site is

Deals with pirates, sci fi, historical reenacting, some politics, some photography, etc.

So, question is, should I merge it or would it dilute MT too much? Merging it would put all of the site content under 1 single subsection of the Locker Room (like the B&G is now).

Your call man, but I discuss my sci-fi on another site (superherohype.con) so I'm usually all talked out when it comes to that and just talk martial arts here.

Can you make it a sub-forum of the Locker room? I think that is what you posted but making sure I understood.

As a sub-forum it could be kept as a single point of entry and then have the sub-forums already in place also be sub to the sub. It could be a little confusing at first, but it might be easier to keep the structure in place and then move. Once moved over, you can decide on best form for operation.

Good Luck
Can I change my answer to "Might not be a good idea at all."?

Sorry, Bob, but, struck me as funny...
I think Bob is ready to change his answer too :D
As bad in the morning, indeed. This is like a Twilight Zone episode.... everything I've posted since June, along with rep and thanks, is gone.... anyone else?
Grydth, the whole site was nearly lost.

I'd rather lose a few months than several years...
Boy, I wish I had seen this thread before last night. definitely would've voted "bad idea."

But seriously, what do pirates and sci-fi have to do with martial arts? And if I hear one comment about Worf's "really kool" Klingon weapon I'm going to kill someone!


Well, there is this soke who teaches with Klingon weapons...... ;)

Honestly, not much. It was an attempt to merge a smaller site into here that would save the data there, and expand a few sections here. Everything went well until I ran the undo to reverse the import which had failed to bring in 4,000 out of 5,700 attachments. When I reversed it, it also deleted every account that was shared between the sites (half the MT staff went poof).

What should have been a simple "clear out the corrupt database, dump in the backup, and reopen" became hours of "oh ****, what do you mean none of the ****ing backups are restoring?!?!" until we found one from the 18th that completed.

There are 3 martial arts sites I want to merge into here as well, but until we know why the backups failed and why the import failed, I won't be trying again. When I do I will take additional precautions to ensure that MT continues uneffected. I don't want to lose the site, and I don't ever want to feel that growing pit in my stomach again like I did last night.
Boy, I wish I had seen this thread before last night. definitely would've voted "bad idea."

But seriously, what do pirates and sci-fi have to do with martial arts? And if I hear one comment about Worf's "really kool" Klingon weapon I'm going to kill someone!



Why Pirate Ninjas of course :piratedan + :ninja:= PIRATE NINJA
:pirate: Sainara ARRRRRRR
Remind me never to try n save the rum again.......