Question about dream fighting


Blue Belt
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
Grapevine, Texas
Has anyone ever dreamed about fighting someone?

When I dream about fighting someone its like my body is very tense in the dream and its all in slow motion.

So in my dreams when I hit someone it doesn't hurt them or it doesn't feel like it hurts them. This happend to me last night, like there this kid I hate and I dreamed about punching him in the face twice.

The odd thing is I punched him in the face acouple time but very slowly and it looked like I was just putting my hand in his face.

Then I thought about relaxing, and leting the anger subside and then I was able to swing without bounds. So I hit him in the face, still it wasn't that powerful.

He fell to the ground and got back up and when he was getting back up I hit him in the face again, but after I looked at his face it was just red.

No real damage had accured, then in the rest of the dream he was taunting me and such.
Looks like you need to find something to help mellow you out. maybe seek some counselling, about the issues you have with this guy.

Dreams tell us many things, maybe you are afraid of him on a deep down level. Maybe you are angry with yourself because you do not have a justified reason for hating him so much. Who knows what it is but you are gonna have to let this anger go or it could turn to an obsession.
I'll take a crack at this:

The guy = an obstacle thats been tasking you.

The ineffective punches = a fear that your efforts wont succede/count/have any effect.

The taunting = This has bugged you for a while.

My question is, what situation in your life has been there for a while, and is really driving you nuts?

ok, here's a good one for you Kaith. I hope you can help me with this one.

I studied TSD in NJ. Then I moved to NY. Now I do TKD. Now for the dream I had.......

I had a dream the other night. I made it to 2nd dan in TKD. But I wasn't in the TKD school. I was back in the TSD school I was in with the same teacher. We were working out like I never left. And he "honored" my rank (which means he let me keep it). Which he does with other higher ranks that came into the school (They had to retest for that same rank in TSD, though).

What does this mean? It's been bugging me ever since I had the dream. Does it mean that I'll be in TKD for three to four years, then move back to NJ, or what?
Originally posted by Carbon

Has anyone ever dreamed about fighting someone?

When I dream about fighting someone its like my body is very tense in the dream and its all in slow motion.

So in my dreams when I hit someone it doesn't hurt them or it doesn't feel like it hurts them. This happend to me last night, like there this kid I hate and I dreamed about punching him in the face twice.

The odd thing is I punched him in the face acouple time but very slowly and it looked like I was just putting my hand in his face.

Then I thought about relaxing, and leting the anger subside and then I was able to swing without bounds. So I hit him in the face, still it wasn't that powerful.

He fell to the ground and got back up and when he was getting back up I hit him in the face again, but after I looked at his face it was just red.

No real damage had accured, then in the rest of the dream he was taunting me and such.
:asian: Carbon, it looks like your dream is telling you that this guy is not worth the trouble of chaos filled feelings. You were not injured in this dream, so there would not seem to be a warning to you! This seems to be only a reminder that chaos is not worth the point and avoiding contact may be the best answer. On a higher level of realization this could be your enlightenment to put aside all perconcieved notions of others and begin making peace with yourself in eliminating your character flaws! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
For as long as I can remember, EVERY dream where I've been
in a fight, my hits are ineffective. Feel kind of like as if you're
throwing a punch underwater. Even now, that I've received a
small amount of training, I use what I've been taught on the
attacker in my dream, but the result is the same, except that
I can parry and block well! I guess that's an improvement. I've
asked about 6 friends about this today, and they've all told me
that they've experienced the same problems in dreams.

The ineffective punches = a fear that your efforts wont succeed/count/have any effect

Is this a common translation? Makes me curious, since I've
always had "ineffective punches" in my dreams.
I've asked around and I found a lot of Martial Artists have had a similar dream, including myself. Last one I had was about 7-8 years ago. I have to agree with Dr. Kaith's analysis of the dream.:)
After having trained about two or three months in Goju-ryu Karate, out of nowhere the instructor approached me and said "When you win the fights in your dreams on regular occassion, then you're a master." I was dumbfounded because I never discussed those dreams with anyone. All those with the Warriors calling (not martial artists, there is a distinction) have these dreams and they are the measure of your ability.
As time passes my dreams are filled with more complex and sophisticated fights, but I inevitably lose. The dreams drive me on because they are an indication of how much further I need to go.
I have to agree that basically it's maybe you questioning your abilities. I remeber I used to have these dreams a lot...

... however after a lot of training I found it would often be the case that I would start to hurt the other guy, so I guess it's just confidence in your techniques. Actually the time when I really remember hitting someone in a dream and it hurting them was the night before a grading, I remember punching this guy in the face, he had a completely white face. I woke up about 5 minutes later laying in bed and punching my wall pretty hard. The wall was white too :)
I find this thread to be interesting because I had a fight in a dream a few months ago. I can't remember the outside circumstances surrounding my life at the time, but the dream was similar to the others mentioned in that it was in slow motion (not too slow though), and I couldn't seem to win. I don't remember losing (I think I woke up in the middle of the fight), but I specifically remember not being able to make any headway.

It was a stickfight, and I remember my opponent parrying all of my attacks, although I was parrying his as well. It was not a drill, as I remember feelings of hostility during the dream.

I don't think I've had any recent dreams of fights, but it was interesting reading the similarities to the other dreams mentioned.

I don't know what my struggle could be about? Probably being overweight, this kid teases me about my weight.

I never hurt the people either, and the best explination of it that I heard was Kirk and the underwater punching is what it feels like.

I punch'd him in the face 2 times and then stomped on his face but it just turned his face alittle red and he got right back up and started making fun of me again.

I don't like getting in fights, I box alot with my friends and I can beat them, but they call me a pu**y because I never stand up for myself when someone makes fun of me.

I always just let it slide and I never tell the person anything I just try to shrug it off.

I feel if I keep letting this happen one day I'm going to snap on someone when I don't want to, and I won't beable to control my actions.

Anyone have any tips for handling situations like this. See I have tits lol I should post my picture, anyone I have tits, I'm not really that fat, its just my tits are kinda big.

I'm 6'2 270 lbs. I try to lift weights but I don't know a good weight training scheme.

Well back to my dream, I've asked my friends about it too and they say the same thing, I usually don't lose the fight but the fight never really goes anywhere, its me swinging without every making contact.
Wow. This one got real interesting. :)

Kirk - I think so.. I think that most martialartist wonder at some point just how well they would do if required to really use their training. Theres always the wonder if you're really 'that good'. Can also be test anziety, or just just nerves. Often times its got nothing to do with our training, but other aspects of our life, but just trys to show it self in easy to understand ways. We will see a fight we are doing poorly in, but in reality, its a relationship thats on the rocks, promotion time at work, argument with the kids, etc. A key to understanding dreams is understanding whateach thing means to you (ignore the books, most are crap). and understanding whats going on in your life at the moment.

If theres a lot of blue in your dream (for example), whats Blue mean to you?

Carbon - know what ya mean. I've got a little 'extra padding' my self. Best thing you can do is ignore the taunts, and train. Get some good aerobic stuff in, and eat right (less McD, more fresh fruits) and in moderation. Do it on a regular basis, and ya should tone up. Gotta give it time. A month isnt long enough. I fight with my weight too, and have been there. Highschool was hell. (but the bellyflops were really cool. :) )

karatekid1975 - not necesarily. Travel dreams usually mean a change. My guess is that your previous training was enjoyable, and you would like your old teachers approval / reconization of your new achievments. This would be more likely if you had a close relationship (friendly/comfortable type) with your former instructor. You're proud of what you've done, and want him to be proud to. OR want him to say you did good / are on the right track. That make sence?


Yea, that made sense. I did enjoy my training there. And my teacher was like my big brother. He always wanted me to do good, and improve no matter what life threw at me.

He started in TKD (before TSD), and now that I'm in TKD, I wanna still be like him. He was hard on the students about technique (my new school is too, but not as much), and to this day, I always work on basics and my technique. He doesn't know it, but he's still teaching me in a way. (if that makes any sense).
Thanks Kaith, I'll pay more attention, the next time I dream and
want to interpret it.

Carbon, I feel for you bro, I'm in the same shape as you. I go
to class now, and I'm always the example. The b.b.'s say things
like "you do that, and that will work, but will it work on Kirk? Not
unless you do it correctly, this way! Happens quite a bit. And
we do techniques that are things like a defense against a bear
hug, or full nelson, and average height and weight guys couldn't
attack me with either hold. Now in no way do I feel like I'm some
kind of invulnerable guy, but it did make me realize that 1) most
people don't want to mess with me and 2) a lot of possible
attacks are just plain stupid to try on a big guy. I'm a bit beyond
the boyish teasing, but my friends tease me about it when I kid
them about their hairloss, being whipped, what have you. Now
I know that being big isn't the healthiest thing, but there's also
an element of happiness now, knowing that the chances of some
one actually picking a fight with me are slimmer than most
"normal" people.
I'm in the same position, although since starting training my body has changed alot, although that was one of the reasons for wanting to start training. The best advice I can give is what you've no doubt heard a million times over, just rise above it. But please please please, if you find a way to get rid of your "man-tits" let me know how!!! :)
In all seriousness...Lipo.

Pro Wrestler 'The Rock' had that done to get rid of his.

But if you consider that a LOT! of research. Better to wait a few months while researching, than end up dead. (its happened)

Add alot of positive imaging to your workouts, and such. The body will sometimes follow your thoughts. (Sorry guys, -that- requires surgury) :D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Pro Wrestler 'The Rock' had that done to get rid of his.

Okay, ya gotta tell me more about this. Did the Rock used to
be fat?
It was several years back. I forget the exact details, but I think he'd had either an extended layoff, or some surgury, and had a build up of fat in his peck area. He ended up getting it lipo'd as that areas a PITA to spot reduce. Grab the POPUP blocker and hunt around on 1wrestling.coms archives. Saw the story there.

Found a blub here on it too:
From http://www.people'

The Reason The Rock wore the black jumpsuit with the white stripes during his title reign in the Corporation was because he had just had liposuction, and wanted to cover up the scars - hence the scars on his shoulders

I'd try the spot stuff first though...its cheeper, and, will build the pecks. :) (someday I'll try this myself) :D
Yeah I had actually really considered going under the knife. I've lost a few stone and gone down to a 28-30 inch waist but I've still got this f*****g man tits. You can feel from the top part that there's muscle there, pretty solid, but then you press down a little and it's just fat. :(
I don't know how to get rid of man tits.

I am currently doing alot of weight lifting. I do eat healthy most of the time with the ocassional chicken sandwhich at whataburger or some place like that.

I've heard alot about men doing lip to get rid of tits. Mine aren't even that big I mean nothing compared to a woman's even that of a 14 year old girl.

Its just people give alot of attention to it, I don't have an overhanging belly I'm really just big with fat over it, I'm trying to get into alot of aerobic activity.

I am also polish and I don't have the same chemistry and build as some of the in shape people that you see, like the perfect build 6'1 guy thats built but not huge.

I haven't been working out lately and I don't really see results, thats why I was trying to get some tae-bo to see if it would entertain me.

Also all the gyms cost alot of money that are half decent, and So I just have the free weights in my house, I'm about to go find a sight that can give me a good workout routine, but the routines they give sometimes are like 1 hour and 30 minutes worth :p

I don't mind, I'm trying to get obsessed with working out.