Public Apology To TwinFist


Blue Belt
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
Two days ago, I wrecklessly insulted TF in this public forum. I thought I was being trite. I was being rude.

As was recommended, I took our argument private where it degraded into base, common insults.

I said some rather offensive things, (offensive even to me). In private I apologized to TwinFist and he accepted my apology.

I only thought it right, that if I was offensive in public, I should also be apologetic in public.

So with all due respect......TwinFist, I regret the things I have said. They were wrong and my words were juvenile. Please accept this apology.

I will be taking my leave.

Takes a big person to apologize for things s/he realizes were probably unfair to say. My hat's off to you, HM2PAC.
I likewise applaud your stance. It happens far too seldom that a person steps over a line, realises it and makes amends for it.

:sensei rei:.
Surely no need for that, mate?

I missed that part—and I agree with Simon: no need for that, surely?! Most of us who've been here any length of time have said things more heatedly than we were happy with, later on, rereading old posts for one reason or another. It's just part of what happens in internet discussions.
No, I just needed some time alone in the basement with the heavy bag. I had thought of leaving, but was just a bit angry with myself.

Thank you all for your kind words. They are appreciated.
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No, I just needed some time alone in the basement with the heavy bag. I had thought of leaving, but was just a bit angry with myself.

Wise choice—it's probably all the heavy bag's fault anyway—that's what I try to convince myself of whenever I get the chance to work out with one! :D
Yeah, my heavy bag is a real $^(&^%*^$*.
it's all good dude. Thanks, but you are cool with me

Two days ago, I wrecklessly insulted TF in this public forum. I thought I was being trite. I was being rude.

As was recommended, I took our argument private where it degraded into base, common insults.

I said some rather offensive things, (offensive even to me). In private I apologized to TwinFist and he accepted my apology.

I only thought it right, that if I was offensive in public, I should also be apologetic in public.

So with all due respect......TwinFist, I regret the things I have said. They were wrong and my words were juvenile. Please accept this apology.

I will be taking my leave.

Thank you for accepting my apology.

You're good in my book as well.
HM2PAC you have earn respect from everyone here for stepping up, all I can do is :asian:.
Twinfist wrote:
“It's all good dude. Thanks, but you are cool with me”

It often takes a big man to admit publicly when he was/is wrong and to apologize for doing the wrong. But in my opinion it is often more difficult to accept that apology as the wronged party. It is so easy to hold a grudge or to dismiss out of hand the sincerity of the person apologizing or to suspect manipulation and or other misdeeds. Too easy to want justified payback and accepting and forgetting misdeeds without the payback or the repost has held many from letting go and moving on. Way to go Twinfist and way to go HM2PAC in setting a good example for all of us.

Brian King
Kudos to you and Kudos again to BOTH of you for taking your beef elsewhere and getting it out of your system.
Disagreements WILL happen on ANY forum, how civilized they get depends upon the posters. True sometimes we just type before we think and unfortunate things come about because of it.

Yet, it's one of the reasons why I really love this forum ... oh sometimes some bad eggs get through but they're promptly removed, but MUCH of the time we got great folks who know when it's time to own up to their own wrongs and are decent enough to say so... like here.

:asian: to you and to TF.

Thank you both.
A big well done to HM2PAC for being brave enough to stand up and publicly apologise for being in the wrong. Everyone gets into disagreements and makes mistakes but its the better man who will stand up and admit when he is wrong (and the better man who can publicly accept such an apology too without making a fuss, so well done to TF too).
I think all of us have had our moments of typing things we would rather not have. But few take the time to actually consider that we may be in the wrong, and even fewer take the time to set things right. Consider yourself one of those esteemed few.:)

Anyone can make a mistake. It takes guts and honor to own up to that mistake, especially in public.

<Bowing while typing>