Prison Overcrowding


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Jun 21, 2003
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In another thread, Cryozombie and I had the following exchange. To avoid hijacking the good cop/bad cop thread, I thought I'd start this one to discuss the comments.

Originally Posted by Cryozombie
The term Scumbags in my post referred to actual criminals. You know... the small percentage of overall Americans that make the cops job a necessity.

But the overall attitude I see is that those Small percentage make the generalization of the population at large ok, because in your own words "Whats the alternative?" (Which I would paint as: Maybe assume that whole, ya know... innocent until proven guilty, and treat people with respect until it is determined that they don't deserve it) while at the same time crying out "It's so unfair the way you people paint cops because of a tiny minority of them that do bad things... you people are biased!"

It's hypocritical AT BEST. And you know it, cuz I've seen your posts and I don't think you are stupid.

John, with all due respect, I bef to differ on the small percentage comment. If it was really that small, then why do we hear so much about prison overcrowding?

So, I guess the question there overcrowding? Is it because there are people in there for crimes in which they probably shouldn't be or are the crimes really worth putting them in?
So, I guess the question there overcrowding? Is it because there are people in there for crimes in which they probably shouldn't be or are the crimes really worth putting them in?

You are both right, as far as it goes. The United States has more prisoners than any other single nation. While only having 5% of the world population, we have 25% of the world's prisoners. Our prisons are indeed overcrowded, although most of the overcrowding and the high number of prisoners are due to nonviolent drug offences, mostly simple possession.

That said, we have about 751 people in prison per 100,000 population, which works out to 0.75% of the population in prison. That's still a pretty small fraction of our overall population.
Hard to believe there is over crowding when it seems that 1/2 the POS's I bring in are back on the streets in less than 24 hrs...They tried that "Home Jail" program up here, where they fit the accused with a tracker band...The aggressive little darlings learn how to pick the lock and the they leave it behind while they head back out to meet up with their homies...
Our prisons are over crowed, full of druggies and rapists. I some times wonder if we ever accomplish anything, as far as long term goes. Because most of these guys as soon as they are out of their cell they are right back to doing whatever it was they were doing before. But I know all the years rapist is sitting in jail (taking up space and tax money) he is not out harming anyone else.
expand the list of capitol crimes and cut the execution appeals process to 36 months maximum.

problem solved

now, what can or should be made a capitol crime that isnt?

child molestation-if you have DNA proof, they cannot be cured, they WILL molest again
forced rape-same same
distribution of drugs to children-they deserve to die

just those 3 types of criminals will ease prison populations by a good chunk
I think we need to look long and hard at some of the things we send people to jail for.

For example, If a Deadbeat dad is not paying his childsupport, is 6 months in lockup helping the situation?

I think we need to look long and hard at some of the things we send people to jail for.
For example, If a Deadbeat dad is not paying his childsupport, is 6 months in lockup helping the situation?​

Yeah, ensuring someone cannot work is a really great way of getting them to pay bills...
Put an end to the idiot idea that prison is for rehabilitation. Prison is for PUNISHMENT. Remember that the Thirteenth Amendment specifically allows slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for crimes. Don't put skilled individuals to work picking up garbage, that is a waste of training and talent. Utilize the skills of criminals.
Take all recreational privileges away from all convicted criminals. Make all convicted criminals work and do NOT pay them.
I think most all the prisoners should be outside in tents, work hard, wear pink underwear, no tv, eat MREs, get their own water from wells...ya get the ideal.

This might make them think twice about what they do once they get out.
I think most all the prisoners should be outside in tents, work hard, wear pink underwear, no tv, eat MREs, get their own water from wells...ya get the ideal.

This might make them think twice about what they do once they get out.
A fan of Joe Arpaio!
Being a criminal should be shameful! Bring back the Stocks! RENT them to non-violent first time offenders.
You are both right, as far as it goes. The United States has more prisoners than any other single nation. While only having 5% of the world population, we have 25% of the world's prisoners. Our prisons are indeed overcrowded, although most of the overcrowding and the high number of prisoners are due to nonviolent drug offences, mostly simple possession.

That said, we have about 751 people in prison per 100,000 population, which works out to 0.75% of the population in prison. That's still a pretty small fraction of our overall population.

Just wanted to say 2 things. First, out of curiosity, where did you come up with the stats? Is there a link that gives additional info, etc? Second, IMO, there is nothing about prison that deters people. I mean, most people, at least those with some common sense, would not want to repeatedly visit a place that is not comfortable. So when you have all the comforts of home, and then some...well, I think you know where I'm going. :)
getting prison raped for 6 months would make sure i didnt miss another payment...........

Other than the 6 months worth that you miss while you are in right? That helps the mother and kids. Uh huh.

And TECHNICALLY, the 6 months isn't for missing the payment... its for Contempt of Court for not paying your court ordered fines. *rolls eyes*
execute more scumbags

that will ease the over crowding

Hard to believe there is over crowding when it seems that 1/2 the POS's I bring in are back on the streets in less than 24 hrs...They tried that "Home Jail" program up here, where they fit the accused with a tracker band...The aggressive little darlings learn how to pick the lock and the they leave it behind while they head back out to meet up with their homies...

Good points. It amazes me how long people sit on death row for crimes that they did years ago. And yes, I know some will say, "Well, what if that person is really innocent, etc." and yes, thats true. But, if all the fingers are pointing towards guilty, why wait?

As for Dracs post...I hear ya man. I have to laugh when they arrest someone. The friggin guy isnt even in lockup yet and the phone is ringing, with a relative, friend, etc. is calling to find out how much bail is.
expand the list of capitol crimes and cut the execution appeals process to 36 months maximum.

problem solved

now, what can or should be made a capitol crime that isnt?

child molestation-if you have DNA proof, they cannot be cured, they WILL molest again
forced rape-same same
distribution of drugs to children-they deserve to die

just those 3 types of criminals will ease prison populations by a good chunk

Agreed. I mean really, if people cant figure out whether or not someone is guilty is that amount of time, vs. the years that some of them sit, then that tells me theres a serious issue somewhere.
Put an end to the idiot idea that prison is for rehabilitation. Prison is for PUNISHMENT. Remember that the Thirteenth Amendment specifically allows slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for crimes. Don't put skilled individuals to work picking up garbage, that is a waste of training and talent. Utilize the skills of criminals.
Take all recreational privileges away from all convicted criminals. Make all convicted criminals work and do NOT pay them.

AMEN!!! 4hrs of rec time to shower, watch tv, play board games, phone calls, visits, etc. Wait a minute, I thought these guys were in prison, not club med.

I think most all the prisoners should be outside in tents, work hard, wear pink underwear, no tv, eat MREs, get their own water from wells...ya get the ideal.

This might make them think twice about what they do once they get out.

Exactly my point of making it a place that you don't want to come back to. :)

Other than the 6 months worth that you miss while you are in right? That helps the mother and kids. Uh huh.

And TECHNICALLY, the 6 months isn't for missing the payment... its for Contempt of Court for not paying your court ordered fines. *rolls eyes*

What really needs to happen, is these guys need to be forced to get their lazy *** to work. I don't care if its McDonalds or picking up garbage on the side of the road. Make them work. And perhaps send them to the doc for a little snip. Maybe then we won't have to worry about them producing 10 kids with 10 different women. ;) People always ask my wife and I when we're having kids. I say I can't afford them, because I'm paying for all of the other kids that the dead-beat dads forgot about. :)
What really needs to happen, is these guys need to be forced to get their lazy *** to work. I don't care if its McDonalds or picking up garbage on the side of the road.

I'm for bringing back the chain-gangs I use to see driving through the Southern States..

And perhaps send them to the doc for a little snip. Maybe then we won't have to worry about them producing 10 kids with 10 different women.

Good idea, but it will NEVER happen..There is documented case up here of this crack-hoe that has 9 kids from 9 different daddies.. The suggestion of sterilization has brought up and you never heard such an outcrying of nay nay..Why punish this poor woman

;) People always ask my wife and I when we're having kids. I say I can't afford them, because I'm paying for all of the other kids that the dead-beat dads forgot about. :)

I'm for bringing back the chain-gangs I use to see driving through the Southern States..

I see State DOT workers doing this. Why not bring back the chain gangs, as you said. They're getting fresh air, exercise, and doing something positive for the community. :)

Good idea, but it will NEVER happen..There is documented case up here of this crack-hoe that has 9 kids from 9 different daddies.. The suggestion of sterilization has brought up and you never heard such an outcrying of nay nay..Why punish this poor woman

Yes, God forbid we deprive these innocent folks of having kids. *rolls eyes*

Thanks. :)
What really needs to happen, is these guys need to be forced to get their lazy *** to work. I don't care if its McDonalds or picking up garbage on the side of the road. Make them work.

Yup. This is a MUCH better solution than tossing them in Jail because:

a) It frees up space
b) It puts them in a position to pay thereby helping the family that needs it

Although In many cases they are working and just not paying... in which case a Garnishment is more practical than tossing them in the overcrowded prison system.