Is it discrimination...again?


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Airstrip One
At least this is getting plenty of media attention.

Looks bad for a Philidelphia Club Pool...

"A couple of the children ran down saying, 'Miss Wright, Miss Wright, they're up there saying, "What are those black kids doing here?""' she said.
The gated club is on a leafy hillside in a village that straddles two townships with overwhelmingly white populations. It says it has a diverse, multiethnic membership.

They kicked out some black and hispanic kids, even though it appears they were contracted to let them use the pool.

The Creative Steps camp in northeast Philadelphia had contracted for the 65 children at the day camp to go each Monday afternoon to The Valley Club in Huntingdon Valley, camp director Alethea Wright said Thursday.


I think the pool is clearly in the wrong. They knew the kids were coming because of the contract, and if they were overcrowded then they kicked out the wrong kids!
Oh yeah, this one's a doozy. More fun: "I heard one lady saying 'Why's there so many black kids here' cause she said she was afraid that we might do something to her child," recalled camper Dymire Baylor. "How could they say that?"

Oh, and the President's response: "...the club's president John Duesler issued a statement Tuesday saying "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club."

What. An. Idiot.
What a combination of stupidity...

The whole thing of course is STUPID. And how can anybody in this day and age believe that they can DO something like THAT and not start up a firestorm?