Pressure Points


Mark Kline

Has anyone here had any serious training with Pressure Points? It does not matter who the instructor is/was. Just wondering what your thought on the subject are.

I just read more on pressure points in the Karate section.

However I am learning pressure points from one of Dillmans students. I have to say that I have found it intresting, if not painful. I have been adding some of the techniques to my Arnis classes. The points work very well with just a small shift in grip position.

We had a seminar with Jack Hogan scheduled, but he cancelled due to illness. I will post notification of upcoming seminars in the advertising section.
Is he teaching you the katsu as well? I've seen clips of some of the pressure-point 'knockouts'. No offense intended to anybody practicing Dillman's system, but I'll have to reserve judgement until I actually experience one of these myself. I won't make any opinions either way until such time.

We use 'pressure points' in Okinawa-te, but they are primarily used as pain induction techniques as distraction or for escape techniques. We don't train them for knockouts.

Won't say the same thing about 'Sifu' Mooney's so-called qi powers. I've seen clips of those as well, and they are not convincing at all. Whoops, sorry. I could go on for a bit about this, and it isn't related to the topic. 'Nuff said.

No, we are not learning the knock-outs. I'm with you, I will believe it when I experience it.

We also use the pressure points for pain compliance, and escapes. I have Dillmans book, and some of the knock-outs are shown, but without expert instruction I wouldn't try it.
That's good. And if he/she does start teaching you the knockouts, I would demand that the katsu be taught *first*. Just my opinion, but I happen to be paranoid. :)

I've seen Dillman's book, but have never studied it seriously. I may do that if I ever run across it again. I'm becoming more interested in chin na, the Chinese seizing art. Doesn't really rely on pressure points, but there is pain compliance a-poppin'!

I haven't heard of chin na. Are there any reference areas, websites, books, etc.

I'm always interested in learning pain points.
B&N carries a book called 'Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na', which I probably what I'll end up picking up. I've also heard that many kung fu systems teach chin na to advanced students.

Thanks I will look for it on my next trip.

If you have any other suggestions for good reference material let me know. I haven't found to many that I thought had many practical applications.
Thanks to everyone for their replies! I appreciate and understand the comments / statements regarding KO's. I did not believe it at all until I had it done to me by Dillman about 12 years ago. I was a believer as I lay on the floor with my head very cloudy after only being struck on the arm.

I have taught pressure points for pain, KO's, the revival method(s), etc in Italy, England, Scotland, Finland, Sweden, and here in the USA. They work!! I have done it on people who I did not know at first.

We probably should not say something does not work, especially if we do not have much experience with it. Myself and I am sure others will be happy to demonstrate this on anyone...and...if you like...I will teach you the revival first.

If you are on the floor though, you will have a hard time reviving yourself.

I'm interested in learning more about the pressure points.

I wouldn't even begin to train KO's without a very advanced instructor. This is not the time to learn from a book.

If you know any instructors in the Portland Oregon area please let me know.
Well, the reason I'd want to be taught the katsu first is so that if what I'm taught actually works the first time I were to try a pressure point KO, I'd be able to revive the guy! I can envision a whacky situation where a student pressure point KO's somebody, doesn't know the katsu, and just stands around wondering what the hell to do next. :)

Again, I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt...I won't formulate any opinions for or against until I experience it for myself. If you're ever in Brevard County, FL, let me know so you can knock me out :)

Oct 13th Dillman will be in Jacksonville, FL teaching a seminar. If you are truly interested then you will want to make your way there. The seminar will cost around $90. I will be unable to make it, but if you go and are not satisfied, I will have your $ refunded.

It can't get much easier than that.

I would like to check that out, but Jacksonville is a bit farther than I'd like to drive. Thanks for the heads up, though. If something happens and I am able to attend, I'll be sure to let everybody here know about it.

Florida is a bit far for me to travel also, but I would be interested in future events.

I would love to host a seminar on the West Coast. I am sure there would be a good response.

Something to look into for the future.
I was told a story once and thought that you could easily replace the "lock" with "pressure point" in the story.

"A man once told another man he could put him into a lock he could not escape from. Wanting to see it the man agreed and the first man put him in the lock. Try as he might the man could not escape the lock. He agreed that this lock was truely unescapable. That there was no counter and was impressed. The first man then let him go. The man in the lock then went back in a fighting stance and said, 'Now, try and put it on.' The first man then went to put it on again and was given a black eye."

Sometimes compliance is our worst enemy.
Im responding to alot of your posts on Pressure Point training.

I have to add my experiences with alot of these techniques.

I have been doing alot of study with them here in the past 10months or so. I am a Corrections Officer so alot of the self defence tactics we use is Pressure Points. And I have to say they are very quick in getting a positive response from someone. Although there are points that dont work on every one so you have to use and have more than just a couple PP in your bag.

But I have also been training with the Dillman RyuKyuKempo and I find it very interesting as well. A good friend of mine I met is very proficient with the dillman studies and he has shared a great deal with me and I use alot of it at work and I have to admit it really works.

for me to say it is 100% effective or effecient I cannot. But i can say that with it used in the correct way or even simply mixed with other certain valued techniques it could be quite extrodanary.

But I also use alot of the Pres Point related techniques with my FMA and Karate training. I had trained with a group of 7 star Praying mantis guys a few weeks ago and they had a great system I liked on joint locks called Chin-Na. I would like to go a bit deeper into that system but seeings how it was at least an 1.5 hour drive, I really kinda let that go. but if anyone gets the chance to learn or Train Chin Na its worth the time.

I like discussing and hearing others opinions on this subject
I'll do my best as a beginer on this post to help. If I can I'll get my friend to start posting for he has alot more expeirence in these PP fields than I.

If you'd like to delve a bit more into Chin Na, then see if your local Barnes & Noble has the book "Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na" (or something to that effect). It seems to be a pretty comprehensive book, from what I can remember.

Okay I will thanks.

I would like to learn more about the chin na and how it differs from other pressure point systems.

I have to say although I am still pleased with Dillman and his array of pressure point system, Im sure that maybe thiers other systems such as DimMak etc... that is just as infomative.

Thanks again

Yang's Martial Arts Association ( has several video tapes out on the art of Chin Na (Qinna). I have the tape that complements "Anyalis of Shaolin Chin Na" book. It is very good material.

Also look to Tim Cartmell's translation of some older Chinese texts. The book is called "Practical Chin Na: A Detailed Analysis on the Art of Seizing and Locking".

I HIGHLY recommend the book on TUITE by George Dillman. This book gives some great examples of pressure point techniques and locking techniques working together.
"Stike a point to lock a joint, Lock a joint to strike a point"

Jeremy Bays
thanks Jeremy

Maybe the next time we get together you can loan me one of those tapes.

I know we didnt have alot of time yesterday to play due to going to the Karate class and showing Justin.

But one day we should get seriously into the Pressure points stuff.

like alternate training one time for pressure points and one time for stick work.

sounds like a plan.

see ya next week