Pick Another Style


Senior Master
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
North Augusta, SC
This question goes for those of you who have "majored" in one martial art style for a couple of years or so.

If you had to pick a completely different martial art/fighting style instead of the one that you have majored in, which would it be and why?

Recently went from American Kenpo to Southeast Asian combat arts.

Due to a job change I was left in a situation where my home, work, and school were in seperate regions of New England.

I went about getting feedback about a lot of schools near me. After getting honest and realistic feedback from a current student in the school as well as a nosbleed-ranked FMA instructor, I visitedl...and was totally blown away by the instructors, the students, and the school.

A large portion of the students at my school are instructors themselves, or Guro May would say, "Students that have their own schools." It's a school like nothing I've ever seen...and I'm enjoying it very much. :asian:
Oh, gee, that's such a hard quetion for me... there are so many styles that fasinate me out there...

First there are the styles that I feel would help my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu:

Judo, Sambo, Folkstyle Wrestling, Greco Roman Wrestling, and Catch-As-Catch-Can Wreslting.

Then there are arts that I've looked at and found intriging for what ever reason:

Fencing (Foil, Epee, and Saber), Boxing, Systema, Tai Chi Ch'aun, and Aikido.

Also, now with my 6+ years of BJJ I'd love to go back and train more in the Karate art I started in. I think that the kinistetic awareness I've since gained from grappling would make a major difference as to how I look at Karate.
I have "majored" in one style and have been choosing other styles for some time. But there is one style I would love to train in, Miyama-ryu Jujitsu. I have abook on the style and I find it to be very similar to what my father taught me as a kid. The style I have recently "went back" to is EPAK. My first style that was outside of my family instruction was EPAK.
If I had to give up JuJutsu and Wado I`d probably go for Aikido or some art with stickfighting like FMA or Jodo.
The movements of Aikido facinates me, as does the raw brutal power of a staff. :matrix:
Sigh. So much to train and learn, so little time.
If I had to stop doing the jujitsu I currently "major" in, I'd most likely go with one of the FMAs. Actually, I did a FMA (kali) before I started jujitsu, but had to move away from where that school was.

I really like the speed and flow of them, and when it comes down to it, unarmed combat sucks. You can get hurt doing that stuff!

Tough one, but one I imagine I will face eventually. I have dabbled in Kung Fu San Soo and would like to spend a few years there. Had an introduction to YiLi Chuan Kung Fu, and really liked it. Am very interested in some point in checking out a Choi based Hapkido.

Failing those, when I get to a new place I guess I will just have to check out the locals and see who seems to have what I want.

(edit), Oh, I should add that I would also be interested in checking out some older Traditional CMA, in addition to Yili and San Soo.
I have been with shaolin kempo for a long time, I changed over to kosho Ryu kempo about 2 1/2 years ago. If I had to change totally out of kempo I would go into JKD.
I've done nothing but Jow Ga for nearly 4 years and if I had to choose another art it would most likely end up being a very close kin to Jow Ga. I would like to take a Hung Fut class one day or perhaps Hung Ga or Choy Li Fut. :)
Yanagi ryu aiki bugei under Don Angier........that would be right up my alley.

Ya -- me too.

Others, for me, would possibly include one of the FMAs, a Japanese jujutsu (like Daito-Ryu Aiki jujutsu) or sword art.

Kendo also looks like it would be a fun (is addition to extremely demanding) game to play.
If I didn't find myself in Muay Thai I probably would have continued with Iaido. I would love to try Juijutsu but can never get over the a lot of physical contact aspect of it.
It's hard to think of one "Totally" different since Kajukenbo combines many disciplines, but I'd either go with FMA or Kyokushinkai. I like contact and finesse combined.
If I had to give up TKD for some reason, and if one of the Okinawan karate styles, say Goju Ryu, counted as too close (which it probably is) for purposes of the question, then I'm pretty sure I'd be looking at one of the kenpo styles, very likely EPAK. But that might be too close as well...
Heh - I haven't found any major similarities in TKD (wtf variant) and Chinese Kenpo. Totally different methodology.
Well I have no intention of giving up Kenpo, but if for some reason I had too do so. My second choice of style and one that I will one day train in would be some form of Kung Fu class. There are so many styles and I can’t even pretend to know the differences in the styles but I am fascinated by that style, and by the many weapons used in those styles.
Heh - I haven't found any major similarities in TKD (wtf variant) and Chinese Kenpo. Totally different methodology.

I was thinking: both linear striking arts, both (done realistically, which is maybe the catch) use mostly hand techniques with mid-low kicks as set-ups. As vs. TKD and Aikido, say. But if you're talking about WTF TKD, then yeah, a world of difference there. What I like about kenpo is the emphasis on flow and the rapid-barrage style of striking.
Hello, We started in Shotokan Karate, Sensi left. Only school close to home was a Universal Kempo school, Love the many striking techniques, still training and learning.

My kids are doing High school wrestling and Judo. The high school has a adult education semester class on Judo. Wow! great stuffs and it is related to all our takedowns and some sweeps. (sign up in beginning of Aug 06')

Judo maybe underestimated by alot of people......till you try it...it has some awesome techniques, moves and throws.

The more one can learn Judo the more it will improve your MA skills...(it is the basic's of learning martial arts!).....

Judo should account for 1/3 of your training...just my guess here...Aloha