Collections? What do you collect?

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
There are those with coin collections, stamp collections, etc. Me, I collect shot glasses. I have close to three hundred. I have shot glasses from Turkey, Colombia, and Greece, shoot, I have one from Israel with Jesus on it! I saw a story on the news a couple of months ago about a pastor handing out shot glasses in bars to advertise for his church, I emailed him, and he sent me one.

One of the assistant managers where I work collects crock pots. That struck me as odd, even though my dad collects Sunkist juicers.
So, what do you collect?
I collect stamps.
My dh collects knives, watches and pens.
My kids collect bakugans and legos.

We sound so dull on paper..
I don't know if it can properly be called a collection, but, I have a 17 page Word document of quotations, sayings, and quips...
Electric guitars - Carvin, Dean, Jackson. I'm very picky too, new guitars have to be American made, used ones I don't care because I spend a fair amount of time rebuilding and repairing instruments to bring them up to a standard I like. So I guess my hobby of restoring guitars ties into my collecting guitars.

Comic Books - Mostly DC titles.

Novels & Military History books - I have a degree in Lit, sue me.
I have over 200 DVDs... does that count as a collection?
I collect antique American-made wind-up men's wristwatches, although I haven't added to my collection in many years.

I also collect antique cameras, which I try to restore, when my barely-sufficient mechanical skills are up to the task. Otherwise, you could say I take broken old cameras and make them brokener.

I have quite a collection of used and worthless lottery tickets. Oh well.
Stamps, Baseball cards, hotwheels and a few other things like Books and DVD's. About twenty years ago I started collecting Salt and Pepper shakers from everywhere.
I have seen Terry's collection and it is pretty awesome.

For myself I collect blades. (what would you expect) However,
I have no idea how many of them I have. :idunno:
Bruises, injuries, etc...

Seriously, video games, DVD's, strays (dogs and people mostly :) )

Postcards :) Ive been collecting them since I was a kid! So message me for my address and send me one from your area!!!
I suppose my Wargaming Miniatures count... although I have fewer than I did since I stopped doing Warhammer 40k.

Still I have at least 500 between Rezolution, Star Wars, Mordheim, and a few others...
Not a collector. However, there are things I can't pass up. My penchant for tartan and single malt scotch has my cupboard filled with barely tasted top shelf scotch, and my closet filled with kilts I'll never wear. LOL!
well now, this is cool,i have a great Collection of comic books, i have a 1962
copy of Supergirl, and i have early Batman-Superman,and that's just DC
i have a lot of Marvel,to many to list here,and i don't know if any one here does the comic book thing, but i have Darkhorse and others too, and being that i'm a DJ on WVLT 92.1 VineLand NJ i have a a music Collection that i lost count of how many i have, BTW we play oldies my Name on the air is George Ellington i'm the PSA Director it's called Cruisin 92.1, and i also do a internet radio show (LIVE) Called George Ellington's Time Tunnel,you can listen when i'm on, this is where you would go to listen, Listen Address:,
Oh i almost forgot, i still teach Kenpo, it's all good:)
I collect spores, molds and fungus.

Intentionally lol?
Well I am a potholer you know :wink1:

Actually Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters is one of my geeky heroes.

I have a collection of comics as well but they're being held "hostage" by my oldest brother in exchange for storing them for so long.

Bats, I have a small collection of bat related/shaped/themed items; stamps, candle holders, figurines, rings, magnets, stickers, and two ty beanie babies one large and one small... put them together and you got a momma bat with a baby in her wings... (awwww).

I'm also a DVD collector... roughly 400+ to date.
Not a collector. However, there are things I can't pass up. My penchant for tartan and single malt scotch has my cupboard filled with barely tasted top shelf scotch, and my closet filled with kilts I'll never wear. LOL!

Tartan kilt.
Tartan bonnet.
Tartan necktie...

I once got a tartan trouble. Does that count?
Old edged and impact weapons, mostly SE Asia, Middle Eastern and African.

Books, lots and lots of books.
I suppose my Wargaming Miniatures count... although I have fewer than I did since I stopped doing Warhammer 40k.

Still I have at least 500 between Rezolution, Star Wars, Mordheim, and a few others...

My son paints Warhammer models professionally, sells them all over the world but he does a few for himself and we have them dotted around the house. Doesn't play the games though.
My son paints Warhammer models professionally, sells them all over the world but he does a few for himself and we have them dotted around the house. Doesn't play the games though.
Is that lucrative?