Opinions on my videos

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Yellow Belt
Apr 15, 2012
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I will counter some things. As for Chris Parkers "research" on me, I posted my website, which includes my info, and the bullshido story. Nothing hidden here. My teachers are not famous, certainly not known to someone in australia. Judgements made about my art from a 7 sec video clip are not to be taken seriously. The bamboo staff video is demonstrating a blocking drill, not attacking techniques. I posted here to get feedback as to what could be better in the clips. Not to be told to find a new instructor. Really, is that the best that he could come up with? Geezer had some quality comments, which I will implement.
If I were to go to Chris Parker "Ninja Master"'s level, I would alert people to his schools website that promises its students a "ninja membership card" and a "ninjutsu badge". Does that come with foam throwing stars?
I know that as a lifetime member , asst administrator...., you have to defend your buddies, but, look at the facts here. I started a thread asking for comments on video clips, I didn't ask for someone from another continent to assess my art from a website, pictures or video clips. Doesn't really matter though. I got my answrs from a few good posters. The rest are either jealous, frustrated, bored or dissatisfied with themselves. Why else would you insult people for no reason? To make yourself feel better? When I look at a MA video, I try to see what I can learn from it. I don't knock the martial artist. My videos were a test to see how the quality of the iphone video looked on the website. What would you like to see a videop of?


Crazy like a...
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If an art doesn't make a person tough enough to handle criticism on web, then how can it make anyone tough enough to handle a live situation?


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I will counter some things. As for Chris Parkers "research" on me, I posted my website, which includes my info, and the bullshido story. Nothing hidden here. My teachers are not famous, certainly not known to someone in australia. Judgements made about my art from a 7 sec video clip are not to be taken seriously. The bamboo staff video is demonstrating a blocking drill, not attacking techniques. I posted here to get feedback as to what could be better in the clips. Not to be told to find a new instructor. Really, is that the best that he could come up with? Geezer had some quality comments, which I will implement.
If I were to go to Chris Parker "Ninja Master"'s level, I would alert people to his schools website that promises its students a "ninja membership card" and a "ninjutsu badge". Does that come with foam throwing stars?
I know that as a lifetime member , asst administrator...., you have to defend your buddies, but, look at the facts here. I started a thread asking for comments on video clips, I didn't ask for someone from another continent to assess my art from a website, pictures or video clips. Doesn't really matter though. I got my answrs from a few good posters. The rest are either jealous, frustrated, bored or dissatisfied with themselves. Why else would you insult people for no reason? To make yourself feel better? When I look at a MA video, I try to see what I can learn from it. I don't knock the martial artist. My videos were a test to see how the quality of the iphone video looked on the website. What would you like to see a videop of?
Actually, I'm not defending anyone (as a moderator and administrator, my job is to try to make sure everyone feels reasonably comfortable posting around the place...); I'm trying to invite you to rehabilitate yourself because those videos don't look good, either as cinematography or as martial arts. The staff blocking wouldn't stop a concerted attack, and left your student in an incredibly vulnerable position. Perhaps he was new to staff work, since he seemed to be afraid of having his fingers hit -- but he lacked the body structure to stop a real strike. Honestly, I wouldn't be swinging anything at one of my students until they could manage the block more effectively.

From a technical standpoint on the video itself... Get a real camera. Learn to use it well. Select what you're showing to highlight your training and your students.
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Yellow Belt
Apr 15, 2012
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If an art doesn't make a person tough enough to handle criticism on web, then how can it make anyone tough enough to handle a live situation?

If it was criticism, no problem. Baseless insulting statements, such as " find a new instructor", just an insult.


Yellow Belt
Apr 15, 2012
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The interesting part of this video starts at 3:18. I will try to use this as my model ,JKS9199. Thanks for he helpful tips. Glad to see there are such friendly people here.


Yellow Belt
Apr 15, 2012
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This one gets good around 2:28. Just showing examples of videos that could be criticised for their content. I will make some longer ones, maybe not as good as these. This way you can have something to base an opinion on.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Oh, this'll be fun....

WOW. I thought I would get some bad criticism, but not on the level of bullshido.

No, this isn't Bullshido. You can tell because people aren't swearing at you or calling you names. They are, however, making blunt assessments of your skills, which are frankly non-existant. If you can't take that level of criticism, you're better off not making any videos, and certainly not posting them on a martial arts board.

I did not come here to incite anyone.

That remains to be seen. Especially after these posts:


The interesting part of this video starts at 3:18. I will try to use this as my model ,JKS9199. Thanks for he helpful tips. Glad to see there are such friendly people here.

This one gets good around 2:28. Just showing examples of videos that could be criticised for their content. I will make some longer ones, maybe not as good as these. This way you can have something to base an opinion on.

But you're not here trying to incite anyone.... right.

Response to some of the comments:

I had written a number of responses here, but then thought better of it and deleted them. Why waste my time answering such comments. "Find another instructor"? You have never seen any of my art or my abilities, how can you possibly utter such a silly statement. You seem to want posts to get emotional and heated, not me. So, no comment. Anyone who is serious can PM me or visit in person. Otherwise, I will consider this site as no better than bullshido.

We have seen your art. We have seen your abilities. I'll deal with the "find another instructor" comment in a bit.

Oh, and you being terrible, and it being pointed out to you, doesn't make all sites "bad". It means that the common denomenator, wherever you go, is that you are terrible, and it's painfully obvious to all who watch you or engage with you at all. Might want to look at that.

If the videos you posted are not representative of you and your art, why did you post them and then ask for opinions? Who or what (other than you and your art) are they supposed to represent?

And the replies you got were from serious people.

Just not sure you saw this, as you haven't answered it....

If it was criticism, no problem. Baseless insulting statements, such as " find a new instructor", just an insult.

That wasn't an insult, it was earnest and heartfelt advice. It should be teamed with "stop trying to pass yourself off as an instructor" as well, and "stop thinking you're knowledgable". As far as the comment being baseless, it really wasn't. The basis was your performance, in your videos, as every single frame show you as desperately lacking in every single, possible way.

I will counter some things.

Right. This'll be good.

As for Chris Parkers "research" on me, I posted my website, which includes my info, and the bullshido story. Nothing hidden here.

Well, to be clear, the research also extended to where you claim your ranking from, what you claim it in, and so on, as you say that the guys at Bullshido contacted the 'wrong' organisation in Japan. I wanted to make sure I wasn't looking up the wrong one myself, and as you haven't pointed out that the group of rank-selling websites that I found aren't the right ones, let's assume I got that part right as well, yeah?

My teachers are not famous, certainly not known to someone in australia.

I haven't found anywhere where you have actually given an instructor, let alone famous or not. On the Bullshido thread you mentioned someone (Howard Popkin), who came along to say he had nothing to do with you, but that's about it. As far as "certainly not known to someone in Australia", so what? You do realise that this is a "World Wide" Website, yeah? Even if I haven't heard of them (due to apparent geographical concerns...), someone here might have.

But, for the record, there is an Australian representative of the association who gave you (sold you?) your 3rd Dan, and not that far from me, actually.... so perhaps Australia isn't as far from you as you might think? That would be Nigel May in Bendigo, by the way, who runs a Korean Martial Arts school... so why he'd need to buy more rank from a quasi-Japanese association, I'm not sure, but hey, this isn't about him.

Judgements made about my art from a 7 sec video clip are not to be taken seriously.

Bluntly mate, it took far less than the 7 seconds to see that you have no skill, no ability, and nothing to offer as a martial artist. You in the position as an instructor is frankly a terrifying prospect, and you can only serve to bring the idea of martial arts down. That took less than 3 seconds for me to see, for the record. Honestly, if we put you and Ashida Kim against each other, it'd be impossible to call. All I can say is that there wouldn't be a winner, just a question of who loses.

The bamboo staff video is demonstrating a blocking drill, not attacking techniques.

The blocking drill was terrible, with no posture, no support, no proper grip, no skill, no talent, and nothing based in reality or use of the weapon whatsoever. As far as the attacking techniques, well, that was you. And you were just as bad.

I posted here to get feedback as to what could be better in the clips.

And you got it. It may not have been what you thought you were asking for, but mate, seriously, you posted them in a martial arts forum. Damn straight we're going to comment on the complete lack of martial skill demonstrated by your students and yourself. When it comes to what could be better in the clips, honestly, everything. Starting with having something worth filming.

Not to be told to find a new instructor.

You claim to have been training non-stop since 1986 (which is now 26 years!), and show the skill level of someone a few months in. Either you never had proper instruction, or you are simply unteachable. Hoping it's the former, advising you to get a new instructor is honest, good advice. You might not like it, but if my low green belts were showing the skills you do, they wouldn't get any further, and they'd get a lot of attention to try to figure out what the hell was going wrong (for the record, in my school that's 8th kyu, 7th kyu level).

Really, is that the best that he could come up with? Geezer had some quality comments, which I will implement.

No, but there are limits on what I'm allowed to say here. Most of what I wanted to say were variations on "lose the delusion of skill, don't pass yourself off as an instructor, you're an embarrassment to martial arts", and so on... but with somewhat stronger language.

If I were to go to Chris Parker "Ninja Master"'s level, I would alert people to his schools website that promises its students a "ninja membership card" and a "ninjutsu badge". Does that come with foam throwing stars?

You really didn't learn anything about debate over on Bullshido, did you? You went there, lied about who you were, made up stories, got found out, and then attacked them for not liking being lied to.... and now your defence is that my organisation provides a badge for the uniform to show membership, and a card to be carried so the students can bring their training gear to and from class? That's supposed to be an attack? Really?

Oh, and "Ninja Master's" level? What the hell are you on? But, for the record, the fact that you claim what you refer to as a "form of ninjitsu" I find quite insulting. You really don't have the first clue about what that term refers to, mate.

I know that as a lifetime member , asst administrator...., you have to defend your buddies, but, look at the facts here. I started a thread asking for comments on video clips, I didn't ask for someone from another continent to assess my art from a website, pictures or video clips.

You asked for comments from martial artists. You asked for it on a forum for martial artists. Deal with it.

Doesn't really matter though. I got my answrs from a few good posters.

You mean those who said they wouldn't comment on the material you were showing? Yeah, that was them being non-confrontational, it was not them thinking you had anything good to offer. Trust me on that.

The rest are either jealous, frustrated, bored or dissatisfied with themselves.

You're kidding, right? Jealous? Just how delusional are you? Bored? No, not really. Protective of the arts is another thing, though.

And believe me, I'm not dissatisfied with myself at all. I am, however, very dissatisfied that you have the nerve to call yourself a martial arts instructor, which is why I'm giving you this feedback.

Why else would you insult people for no reason?

There weren't any insults, Doug. None. There were blunt assessments which were less than flattering, but that doesn't make them insults. Saying a band that can't play in tune or in time is bad isn't insulting them. Saying a cook who can poison you with toast is terrible isn't insulting them either. Saying you are one of the worst martial artists I have ever seen isn't an insult, it's simply stating that you are one of the worst martial artists I have ever seen.

To make yourself feel better?

I sleep plenty good, so I don't need anything to make me "feel better".

When I look at a MA video, I try to see what I can learn from it.

Does that have any relevance? Really? You post videos that have no value whatsoever, then try to suggest that we should try to see what we can learn from it? Okay, here's something to learn from your videos... don't go to your school.

I don't knock the martial artist.

Depends on the "martial artist". After all, you seemed to be knocking the videos you linked above... but double standards seem to be your stock in trade, really.

My videos were a test to see how the quality of the iphone video looked on the website.

Well, that failed spectacularly, didn't it? Why not take a video of your family playing, then? Or really anything? One more time, if you're going to ask martial artists on a martial arts forum to look at your martial arts videos and ask for martial artists feedback, what on earth did you expect?

What would you like to see a videop of?

Martial arts. Got any?


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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This is fun.
Ok, lets pitch in.

shesulsa, note that I thanked Geezer and Jenna for their comments. Do not read so much into the motives here. I made some video on my phone of some training techniques. That simple. I didn't post techniques, stances, my diplomas.... I wanted some comments on my 1st attempts at video. Is that so bad?

The video was successfully recorded.

No. You want something for nothing?

But who wants something for nothing?

See, I fell into that baiting response tactic. Shame on me!!!

Actually, You triple posted.

I didn't ask for someone from another continent to assess my art from a website, pictures or video clips.

Would it be ok if They were from Your Continent?

Anyone who is serious can PM me or visit in person. Otherwise, I will consider this site as no better than bullshido.

So unless one of Us PMs You to be told how wrong We are by You, or come visit You in person, This Site is no better than Bullshido?

Why do you think I am joking? I just want some feedback from Martial Artists. You tube viewers may not have an experienced eye for MA's. This site is for martial artists, right?

You got precisely what You asked for.

Only trying to get feedback.


I am looking for what you would like to see in terms of:
1. subject matter
2. length of videos
3. subjects too close or far away from camera
4. sound
this type of info. Thanks for your help.

So, You want feedback and information, but only about those things?
Thats almost like telling Your Driving Instructor to only tell You where to go, and to make sure They enjoy the ride, as You demonstrate Your awesome reflexes in the oncoming lane, and Your Cars amazing turning circle as You blaze through intersections.

I, for one, refrained from jutting in earlier in order to avoid confrontation.
But now that Ive looked at this whole thing clumped together, I really cant help Myself.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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The video quality is poor.
The material contained has little merit.
The demonstrator should spend some time with a qualified instructor in order to learn the material prior to demonstrating it.
1-5 minutes is a good length for a video.

I apologize for us not seeing the greatness contained within. We have trained with qualified instructors, some of us for 20+ years. That experience has spoiled us to appreciating the various pullitouttamyassandsniffmyfingers-do practitioners out there.

I rate you funnier than the kungmakiyakininjer guy, but not quite up to sokecalkins in "Epic Fail".

ok, back to watching the train wreck.


Yellow Belt
Apr 15, 2012
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How can you come off saying I am the worst martial artist you have ever seen? You have never seen me perform anytechniques or fighting, neither in person or in video. Do you do your police work like that? Base your opinion on nothing?


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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TLL: That's kind of like my first post here, quoted below.

If you're wanting feedback on the cinematography ... it's not good. Lighting is poor, angles are poor, framing is poor.
If you're wanting feedback on the presentation ... it's not good. There is no introduction, no break-down, no technical analysis.
If you're wanting feedback on the exercises ... they're not good. Stances are poor, training techniques are poor, poorly performed and flat-out irresponsible.

I don't see anything about body dynamics in any of these videos.

I'm not getting into your lineage because it doesn't interest me. You asked about videos and I've answered your question.

Good luck to you and your students.

Apparently this was not noteworthy.

WOW. I thought I would get some bad criticism, but not on the level of bullshido.
I did not come here to incite anyone.
Response to some of the comments:

I had written a number of responses here, but then thought better of it and deleted them. Why waste my time answering such comments. "Find another instructor"? You have never seen any of my art or my abilities, how can you possibly utter such a silly statement. You seem to want posts to get emotional and heated, not me. So, no comment. Anyone who is serious can PM me or visit in person. Otherwise, I will consider this site as no better than bullshido.


Frankly, we could remove every single comment here that was not flattering to you or your videos and the bottom line still stands based on what you yourself have posted.

You have admitted that you post deceitfully.
You have admitted that you bait the forum community for particular results to entertain you (this is the definition of trolling, btw)
You have received feedback on the various elements of your video but refuse to go away.
You invite the blows then complain about getting hit.

With all due respect to Chris Parker, he didn't even need to go into that detail for us all to see that you have sunk your own ship here.

Sir, I am about to dub thee troll.

You do have a choice here - you can accept that perhaps you have received seriously inferior training and, if you truly love martial arts and seek constant improvement, you can get some really good information here from very qualified people to point you in a better direction ... OR ... you can keep going as you are and lose reputation in the martial arts community for everyone everywhere to see ... OR ... you can quietly go back to your garage and light your hands on fire to practice speed punching.

I honestly recommend the first. There are many people who feel they've been instructed well, guided well, given some cool tools and showy moves who are a danger to other people in their lack of skill. You may fit into that category, you may not.

I know this is not what you want to hear ... sometimes truth is painful and cutting.

Whatever you choose, I continue to wish you progress and good luck on your journey.


Yellow Belt
Apr 15, 2012
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And Mr Parker, where are your website and videos? Easy to slander someone else. Lets see your great skills. I Looked at a video of your "grandmaster" Dr. Maung Gyi. Not that impressive on a video. Basic yellow belt techniques.Post videos of your stuff. You won't though. Not enough courage or confidence.

Chris Parker

Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Wow, are you bad at this.

How can you come off saying I am the worst martial artist you have ever seen? You have never seen me perform anytechniques or fighting, neither in person or in video. Do you do your police work like that? Base your opinion on nothing?

I'm not an LEO, Doug, what are you talking about here? And I have seen you move, in your videos... you know, the ones that show that you have no idea of how to use a stick as a weapon, the ones that show you have no sense of grounding in your stance, no idea of how to hit, etc?

And Mr Parker, where are your website and videos? Easy to slander someone else. Lets see your great skills. I Looked at a video of your "grandmaster" Dr. Maung Gyi. Not that impressive on a video. Basic yellow belt techniques.Post videos of your stuff. You won't though. Not enough courage or confidence.

Uh, that name is nothing to do with anything I do, mate... you really don't have a clue, do you? I have no need to try to satisfy an ego by posting videos, nor would any video of mine make yours any better, so, nope, no videos from me. Oh, and for the record, that argument is an old, and very flawed one that won't really help you.


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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And Mr Parker, where are your website and videos? Easy to slander someone else. Lets see your great skills. I Looked at a video of your "grandmaster" Dr. Maung Gyi. Not that impressive on a video. Basic yellow belt techniques.Post videos of your stuff. You won't though. Not enough courage or confidence.

This is not a "mine is bigger than yours" contest.

The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Isle de la Moros
This is not a "mine is bigger than yours" contest.

I dunno. I sure am seeing a big one posting on here (Not you mate, just to be clear). I'm feeling a tad inadequate.

I posted video of 'me'. It's in my profile. Well, some here think it's me.

Oh and Dougiepoo? It's not slander nor libel to say we think you suck. That's our opinions, which we are allowed to have, and which are based on our experiences, training, and so on.

But, please, insult us more, then go show us how you can summon fire again. I liked that one. I thought it was "Hot".

Oh, and Dougiepoo? I wouldn't say you were the worst. You just ain't that good yet. But keep digging doll. You're getting there.


The Last Legionary

All warfare is based on deception.<br><b>nemo malu
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Oct 26, 2005
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Isle de la Moros
And Mr Parker, where are your website and videos? Easy to slander someone else. Lets see your great skills. I Looked at a video of your "grandmaster" Dr. Maung Gyi. Not that impressive on a video. Basic yellow belt techniques.Post videos of your stuff. You won't though. Not enough courage or confidence.

Gyi's not a ninja smart boy. Though he'll probably tell you how he trained some, or killed one, or some such BS. But unlike you, while Gyi is also full of a lot of ****, he actually has some real skill. But stop in to one of his seminars and tell him he sucks. Offer to be his uke. You'll enjoy it. Wear clean underwear and have some ice chips handy. You'll need it. But Gyi hasn't got any connection to Parker. What else you gonna pullouttayerassnsniff?

Dirty Dog

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How can you come off saying I am the worst martial artist you have ever seen?

That might be a little harsh. I don't know if you're actually the worst I've ever seen.
But you're certainly in the top (bottom?) 10.

You have never seen me perform anytechniques or fighting, neither in person or in video.

Um, sure we have. Did you forget that you posted videos of you, performing techniques, right here in this very thread?

Maybe the fire has affected your memory?

Do you do your police work like that? Base your opinion on nothing?

Chris is not a Law Enforcement Officer. I know it's complicated, keeping track of truth, lies, prevarications and outright fantasies, but do make an effort...


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And Mr Parker, where are your website and videos? Easy to slander someone else. Lets see your great skills. I Looked at a video of your "grandmaster" Dr. Maung Gyi. Not that impressive on a video. Basic yellow belt techniques.Post videos of your stuff. You won't though. Not enough courage or confidence.

Epic fail! Apparently, you have confused me and Chris. (Chris, I think you've been insulted and I've been complimented... :D)

For what it's worth... there's quite a bit of video of Dr. Gyi available online now, covering more than a half century. I think it, and his reputation within the martial arts world, speaks for itself.

I'd love to see you actually post some video of your own skill, since what's reflected in your students's performances that you've put on YouTube is far from complimentary. But there could be some extenuating circumstances... Maybe it was a bad night. Maybe the camera flustered them. Maybe the staff video was that student's first few minutes of instruction with the staff. Maybe the whole thing is just a joke on your part, along the lines of Diemon Dave, and you're just pulling all our legs.

Don't know. At this point, I'm kind of done. (By the way, can you break a coconut in your hand? I've seen Lee break 'em with his right hand, resting the coconut on his left palm. It ain't easy, even on a concrete block, let alone in your hand.)
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