Ninja VS SAS soldier, in the jungle, alone, who wins and how?

Towel Snapper

Green Belt
Sep 6, 2014
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Both know they have to find and kill each other.

Dense Jungle meaning it will most likely be a close quarter affair.

Ninja is equipt with typical ninja weaponry as is the SAS man.

Who wins and how?
Neither, the Gurkhas win every time and that's the truth.
Depends who has the better plan. If they are both after each other they will most likely have a plan first. Whoever can outsmart the other will most likely win
The SAS aren't particularly jungle troops though like all British soldiers they are trained in jungle warfare however as I said the Ghurkhas are the chaps for jungle warfare, they are renowned around the world.
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I just wanted to give the Ninja a fair fight ie a fairly close up battle, I dont think Ninja would stand a chance if it was an open battlefield. Also a Ninja probably wouldn't be a jungle specialist either surely? More adept because he lives in that part of the globe but he would mostly be trained in urban areas im guessing?
The SAS aren't particularly jungle troops though like all British soldiers they are trained in jungle warfare however as I said the Ghurkhas are the chaps for jungle warfare, they are renowned around the world.
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Both my grandads seperately went on missions alongside the Ghurkas during WW2. Both my grandads had the highest possible praise for their Gurkha regiment comrades.

Apparently they used to psych out the Japanese soldiers in the jungles in Burma. While any other soldier would be making himself silent and invisible, the Gurkhas would shout out threats to the Japanese and then simply vanish into the undergrowth before briefly popping up at another point. It is said by some that the Japanese soldiers genuinely believed that the Gurkhas were not actually even human, but were instead actual demons. If the stories are to be believed, and I have no reason to doubt them (these stories not just from my grandads but also from history documentaries), many a Japanese soldier went insane and became useless having been pschologically broken by the fear of the Gurkhas.

More recently they continue to prove themselves. There was an incident in Afghanistan where a Gurkha was on night watch when the base came under attack. Outnumbered and now out of ammo, he start throwing whatever he had at the enemy. With nothing left except the tripod his machine gun had been on, he used that to beat the enemy. He held them off single handed long enough for his mates to arrive. He was awarded some honour (can't remember which one) for that.

Isn't it such a shame then when despite their massive contribution to Britain, the last government (or was it the current one - they're all the same) tried to shaft them by saying that despite serving Britain, and being in the British army, they didn't have the automatic right to live here. Thankfully massive public support in a campaign led by the slightly fine if a bit mature Joanna Lumley forced the government to do a U-turn on that and show the Gurkhas some of the respect they deserve.
Badger, totally agree with everything you have said, plus their curries are wonderful lol! The shame too is that many Gurkhas pensions are lower than their British military equivalents. Those retiring from the army now have equal pensions but those who retired earlier don't.
Both know they have to find and kill each other.

Dense Jungle meaning it will most likely be a close quarter affair.

Ninja is equipt with typical ninja weaponry as is the SAS man.

Who wins and how?

And, just in case anyone lurking reads the OP and thinks it's serious… no, the poster was trolling… this is not a "ninjutsu" question… it's a "movie fantasy cliche" question… with no knowledge, connection, understanding, or relevance to historic or modern iterations of "ninja"…

So who wins? Depends on what they roll with the d20, really…
In the jungle...well it's obvious... the winner would be

Looking back at the Op I've realised that what he says means both the ninjers and the SAS are equipped with ninjer gear.

"Ninja is equipt with typical ninja weaponry as is the SAS man."

Now that makes all the difference! :boing2:

I've always thought that if there were ninjas around in this day and age doing their supposed assassination and other sneaky beaky stuff they'd actually be using state of the art modern kit and weapons wouldn't they? Why would they be using centuries old weapons when they could have sniper rifles etc etc.
I've always thought that if there were ninjas around in this day and age doing their supposed assassination and other sneaky beaky stuff they'd actually be using state of the art modern kit and weapons wouldn't they? Why would they be using centuries old weapons when they could have sniper rifles etc etc.
Because Ninjutsu is a TMA! <ducks> :p
And, just in case anyone lurking reads the OP and thinks it's serious&#8230; no, the poster was trolling&#8230; this is not a "ninjutsu" question&#8230; it's a "movie fantasy cliche" question&#8230; with no knowledge, connection, understanding, or relevance to historic or modern iterations of "ninja"&#8230;

If its pure fantasy movie ideas, the the ninja would always win. Here's my logic:

If the Japanese make the film, then of course it is going to be the ninja that wins.
If the Americans make the film, then the SAS man can't win, because that would require the American film makers to acknowledge that us Brits have the world's most elite fighting force and not them.
If the french make the film, the ninja will win because despite being our closest foreign neighbour and official friend, the french don't particular like Britain.

So what if the British make the film. Well, our war films tend not to be all gung ho glory and victory like those that emerge from the Hollywood movie factories. British made films tend to be much more gnarly, nitty gritty and no polish, so it would have to be about the hardship that our hero suffered and his bitter struggle but ultimate demise.
If its pure fantasy movie ideas, the the ninja would always win. Here's my logic:

If the Japanese make the film, then of course it is going to be the ninja that wins.
If the Americans make the film, then the SAS man can't win, because that would require the American film makers to acknowledge that us Brits have the world's most elite fighting force and not them.
If the french make the film, the ninja will win because despite being our closest foreign neighbour and official friend, the french don't particular like Britain.

So what if the British make the film. Well, our war films tend not to be all gung ho glory and victory like those that emerge from the Hollywood movie factories. British made films tend to be much more gnarly, nitty gritty and no polish, so it would have to be about the hardship that our hero suffered and his bitter struggle but ultimate demise.
Might be interesting if the Scots made the film. A mystery ending? :hmm:
I raise you one king Kong, either king Kong will win or batman will have a fur carpet

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