New Chungdokwan Kwang Jang appointed

Now you'll have to upload videos of yourself training, grading and competing! :)

One day mate :) Still fighting the battle of the bulge at the moment (losing weight) and waiting for an operation to tidy up my torn meniscus.

I have a weight loss goal this year and a goal to compete in a poomsae competition (feeling very old for competing in kyorugi now). Maybe I'll upload the footage of my first poomsae competition performance when I do.

With regards to grading, my last grading was performed as a week long assessment into my Taekwondo ability and teaching ability with private lessons. A bit long for Youtube even if I had videoed it ;-)

That said, if you're ever down in Stevenage (or if you let me know where you are and I'm there) it'd be cool to train with you and catch up.
From Andy's video GM Kim seems like a good man for the job.

I attended a seminar with GM Kim when he taught in my home town of Stevenage (in the UK) a long while ago (maybe 15-20 years ago).

My memories of him were that he was very focussed on correct breathing (during meditation and during techniques). I wish I'd paid more attention to that over the years as now I feel like I'm having to learn how to breathe properly rather than it being a subconscious thing (I have a natural tendency to hold my breath during exertion - wasn't a problem when I was younger, now getting to be one).

Also, he was demonstrating a back kick counter to a turning kick and demonstrated turning slowly until the point it was chambered then virtually extended then just put power in to the last foot or two and walloped this huge black belt, knocking him back a good few steps. Impressive with the power he generated without the rotational force and just standing stationary on one leg.

He was a nice guy, very happy to take questions at the end of the session.
Ah but where would life be without the little pleasantries exchanged between countrymen?

Indeed. In this case I absolutely took it as pleasantries, but I also think UK males are quite different from most cultures in the amount of ribbing/stick we give each other. Even UK females don't fully appreciate the subtleties of it (in terms of amount of stick we give each other and how relentless we can be without causing offence).

I remember ripping in to a mate (verbally taking the mickey/p*** out of him) on a night out and my wife stuck up for him. The look on his face was a picture - dread - suddenly the group of us pounced on him for needing a woman to stick up for him. My wife didn't understand but we happily explained it later that night as "he'd messed up, so he was taking his stick quite happily".

It's all part of the fun.
Puunui my boy, your blandishments won't work I'm afraid, quite immune and of course calling Ohtsuka Sensei a traitor is just passing the time of day, I understand that and it of course has everything to do with TKD.
Dancingalone, not seeing the bigger picture here and not understanding why many are upset at the uncivilities that have marred other posts.

Oh and actually yes I train TKD too. Appalling isn't it?

I'll be blunt and I hope you will take it in the spirit I mean it, rather than necessarily as an attack: Your personal behavior on the boards makes you an ineffective person to moderate or otherwise nudge others towards 'desired' behavior or action. This latest example of off-topic comments for example, particular when you are trying to moderate others. It seems hypocritical for lack of a nicer word.

So just stop. If you want to be a mentor for others to emulate, you'll need to cut out some of the bad behavior you engage in. Stopping accusing puunui of stalking you would be a good start as well as ending use of condescending language such as 'dear boy' when others are in disagreement with you. For the record, it's not just 2 people who find your actions off-putting at times...

Or you can stop trying to rein in others and let the moderators do it as needed. Take your pick.
One day mate :) Still fighting the battle of the bulge at the moment (losing weight) and waiting for an operation to tidy up my torn meniscus.

I have a weight loss goal this year and a goal to compete in a poomsae competition (feeling very old for competing in kyorugi now). Maybe I'll upload the footage of my first poomsae competition performance when I do.
You're eight years younger than I am (I'll be 44 shortly). You're not very old, or even old. Get the meniscus healed and meet your fitness goals and go for it!

It will now be interesting to see who will become Vice Presidents, will Gm Park Hae Man continue or will he also retire now.
Gm Park was the envoy for Chung Do Kwan and the one who travelled around the world continuing the Chung Do Kwan linage, making it probaly the largest continuing kwan.

Gm Kim will have to try hard to continue this work, I know here in the UK he has already started to try and unite the Chung Do Kwan factions.
I'll be blunt and I hope you will take it in the spirit I mean it, rather than necessarily as an attack: Your personal behavior on the boards makes you an ineffective person to moderate or otherwise nudge others towards 'desired' behavior or action. This latest example of off-topic comments for example, particular when you are trying to moderate others. It seems hypocritical for lack of a nicer word.

So just stop. If you want to be a mentor for others to emulate, you'll need to cut out some of the bad behavior you engage in. Stopping accusing puunui of stalking you would be a good start as well as ending use of condescending language such as 'dear boy' when others are in disagreement with you. For the record, it's not just 2 people who find your actions off-putting at times...

Or you can stop trying to rein in others and let the moderators do it as needed. Take your pick.

Stop being so emotional, it's the internet for crying out loud. If you can't take the heat, get out.
As I've not accused anyone of stalking, you are yet again mistaken, you are also mistaken in taking this so personally. Dear boy isn't condescending, odd that you think so. Still if you are going to be hysterical, I'll leave you to calm yourself down.
Stop being so emotional, it's the internet for crying out loud. If you can't take the heat, get out.
As I've not accused anyone of stalking, you are yet again mistaken, you are also mistaken in taking this so personally. Dear boy isn't condescending, odd that you think so. Still if you are going to be hysterical, I'll leave you to calm yourself down.

Another exhibit why you should never even come close to playing a moderator, even one on TV.
Admin Note

Stop the personal shots, and return to the topic at hand. If you're having an issue with another member, report the post, and let the mods deal with it.

Further disruption of the forum will result in locked threads and ICs being issued.

MT Asst. Admin
It will now be interesting to see who will become Vice Presidents, will Gm Park Hae Man continue or will he also retire now.

I don't think GM PARK Hae Man will be retiring any time soon. I just saw him around Christmas and he looked very healthy and strong, with no signs of slowing down.
You're eight years younger than I am (I'll be 44 shortly). You're not very old, or even old.

Suddenly I feel sprightly :) I feel like I'm getting old, can't do half the stuff I could 10-15 years ago. However, my poomsae are 10x better :)

Get the meniscus healed and meet your fitness goals and go for it!

That's my plan for 2011...
I have just recieved news that the new 4th ( 5th ) Kwang Jang for the Chungdokwan has been appointed, replacing Gm Uhm who has retired.

Gm Kim Yong Ho

This is false information. GM UHM Woon Kyu is still the Chung Do Kwan Jang.
This is false information. GM UHM Woon Kyu is still the Chung Do Kwan Jang.

Can you say more about that, please. My GM said to me that "GM Uhm is not retiring. He's just stepping down." But we were'nt in a place where he could elaborate. What is the distinction here? I would figure if GM Uhm was stepping down that GM Kim would take over as Kwan Jang.

There is nothing more to say. GM Uhm is not retiring or stepping down as Chung Do Kwan Jang. He is still the Kwan Jang, a position that he has held since June 1959.

Dear Members of Chungdo!!!

First of all, I acknowledge that you have made strenous efforts for
getting Taekwondo popular.

These days I heard a weird rumor going around. Please don't be seduced
by it and instead stick to your routine with Chung Do Kwan.

I make sure that

The director of Headquarters of World Chung Do Kwan is Woon Kyu, UHM,

The Vice Director of Headquarters and Steering Committee Chairman is
Hae Man, PARK,

and Secretary General is Bo Soon, IM.

While I (Hae Man, PARK) was on a trip to the USA, around Dec. 2010,
England's chairman of Martial Arts Association was present in
Hanmadang Festival hosted by Kukkiwon. At that time, director UHM
instructed master Yong Ho, KIM to guide and entertain the chairman. It
was misrepresented and rumor went spread that Yong Ho, KIM was the
chairman of Chung Do Kwan.

Such being the case, please don't be seduced by the false rumor, and
get together under the flag of Chung Do Kwan.

February 25, 2011

Hae Man, PARK
Vice Director of Headquarters
Steering Committee Chairman

Dear Members of Chungdo!!!

First of all, I acknowledge that you have made strenous efforts for
getting Taekwondo popular.

These days I heard a weird rumor going around. Please don't be seduced
by it and instead stick to your routine with Chung Do Kwan.

I make sure that

The director of Headquarters of World Chung Do Kwan is Woon Kyu, UHM,

The Vice Director of Headquarters and Steering Committee Chairman is
Hae Man, PARK,

and Secretary General is Bo Soon, IM.

While I (Hae Man, PARK) was on a trip to the USA, around Dec. 2010,
England's chairman of Martial Arts Association was present in
Hanmadang Festival hosted by Kukkiwon. At that time, director UHM
instructed master Yong Ho, KIM to guide and entertain the chairman. It
was misrepresented and rumor went spread that Yong Ho, KIM was the
chairman of Chung Do Kwan.

Such being the case, please don't be seduced by the false rumor, and
get together under the flag of Chung Do Kwan.

February 25, 2011

Hae Man, PARK
Vice Director of Headquarters
Steering Committee Chairman

I was just about to post the same thing, thanks puunui
I read this as well. So, what is the big pow wow in England in May all about? Since GM Uhm will be there as well as GM Kim, it will be cleared up as to what is going on, then. That is my hope. I figure that since they will both be there at the same time & place, it will be made clear. But, I could be wrong:)
I read this as well. So, what is the big pow wow in England in May all about? Since GM Uhm will be there as well as GM Kim, it will be cleared up as to what is going on, then. That is my hope. I figure that since they will both be there at the same time & place, it will be made clear. But, I could be wrong:)

What leads you to believe that GM Uhm will be going to England in May?