
White Belt
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi, I am a new member here, I am only just beginning to learn Kung Fu. Today is my first day of training and I want to ask for any advice you have for me, I want to focus on animal styles such as the snake and crane. I am training myself at home, I am planning on taking it slow, my main question is... what is the first thing I should begin to learn, balance? or a different thing? :) thanks!
Is it possible to learn animal styles at home? for example learning from video tutorials? :)
Without a live, in-person teacher to give direction as well as verbal and tactile feedback, we can only learn how to imitate the moves on the video ... badly ... like a clumsy dance. Videos are best used to supplement a live teacher's instruction ... or his income. Or both.
Is it possible to learn animal styles at home? for example learning from video tutorials? :)
There really is only two ways to learn like this: 1 get a friend or a group and put your money in together, then ask the local guy if he can host a seminar or a private lesson, take notes and videos of him teaching you the lesson. Repeat.

Second way is to ask local or distance teacher to accept you as a long distance student keep in contact with him post videos of yourself doing the form and for him to correct it. Save money and visit him or have him do a seminar Repeat.
At the end of the day you need some sort of teacher in some shape or form. If you are really determined you will find a way.
You first step should be to train the basics. Basic stances, basic punching, and conditioning (push ups, sit-ups, etc. nothing crazy). The point of stance training is to learn how to do the stance correctly and to be good at it. I wouldn't learn from a video unless it's from a good instructor. There are some really horrible videos out that could cause you harm. A good example of this would be stances. If you do your stances wrong because someone is teaching it wrong, then you'll injure your knees in a bad way.

Stances seem to be easy and straight forward, right up to the point when someone starts explaining how to do them, how the weight should be balanced, how the feet should be turned, how low you should go, the posture of the back, weight distribution, and so on. There's a lot going on even with the simple stuff.
Sometimes, we need to ask why we are doing something, right?
In your case, I'd ask myself: why do I want to learn kung fu from videos?
  • to defend myself? (you can't learn that from videos)
  • to fill time, say, while watching dials alone as a security guard? (it would be better to do calisthenics or something ... read, sketch, write, or watch TED talks)
  • to look cool? To whom? (it would be better to actually do something well to look cool, and be cool.)
  • to get in shape? (running/biking/swimming would be better)
... or is there another motivation? Be honest, please.
Hi, I am a new member here, I am only just beginning to learn Kung Fu. Today is my first day of training and I want to ask for any advice you have for me, I want to focus on animal styles such as the snake and crane. I am training myself at home, I am planning on taking it slow, my main question is... what is the first thing I should begin to learn, balance? or a different thing? :) thanks!

Are there any martial arts schools in your area?
I get a lot of people asking me to teach them how to swim using Skype actually.

Well, swimming instruction is generally available in most communities, at a YMCA or city park and rec programs. I can't imagine doing that thru skype...
Without a live, in-person teacher to give direction as well as verbal and tactile feedback, we can only learn how to imitate the moves on the video ... badly ... like a clumsy dance. Videos are best used to supplement a live teacher's instruction ... or his income. Or both.
I can't learn with a professional though, I live in a village so there isn't any classes :( How can I learn Kung Fu without a trainer?
There really is only two ways to learn like this: 1 get a friend or a group and put your money in together, then ask the local guy if he can host a seminar or a private lesson, take notes and videos of him teaching you the lesson. Repeat.

Second way is to ask local or distance teacher to accept you as a long distance student keep in contact with him post videos of yourself doing the form and for him to correct it. Save money and visit him or have him do a seminar Repeat.
At the end of the day you need some sort of teacher in some shape or form. If you are really determined you will find a way.
Thank you, I will try and look for someone but I don't think I will find anyone.