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The Kai said:
He should not be claiming any of the stuff that he does. falsified certificates, very limited time in any one dojo, lousy sense of history, memories right out of every B ninja movie
Wow -- It's like most lineages, except that it's happening right before your eyes . . .
The Kai said:
BTW-the avatar is one of the greatest bands from the 80's
Yeah except now he's fat & bald!!! :uhyeah:

The reunited version was just here in Atlanta a week or so ago. I heard the guy didn't look so hot.
The Kai said:
He should not be claiming any of the stuff that he does. falsified certificates, very limited time in any one dojo, lousy sense of history, memories right out of every B ninja movie

BTW-the avatar is one of the greatest bands from the 80's
Flock of Seagulls?
To shed some light, here are some photos of what Bruce has said.

Looks like he did not completely lie;



This was was interesting. He had a attached school code 16143, with said Kenpo org?

Couldnt go back and edit.

In liu of those pics, the Kempo card has me curious.

However, it would seem with the card should also have a certificate

Bruce says there is a school #(16143) with it.

Bruce-what is the number for?

Also, any chance that we can post the guy who taught you Kempo?

And find out who traught him?

In other words-establish a lineage/link.
My God guys has anybody relized we have given him so much attention, numorious threads and thousands of post, hell I've even posted more than I should is guy that intiging, certainly not but the one liners will keep you coming back for more. To the Moon Bruce to the Moon, Honeymooners from the 50's just in case nobody is that old.
terryl965 said:
My God guys has anybody relized we have given him so much attention, numorious threads and thousands of post, hell I've even posted more than I should is guy that intiging, certainly not but the one liners will keep you coming back for more. To the Moon Bruce to the Moon, Honeymooners from the 50's just in case nobody is that old.
Yes, I think I mentioned a few 100 posts back that his "15 Warhol minutes" were up a looooooong time ago.
I think we all have better things to do.....certainly more interesting.
Sorry to beat the horse one last time, but I'm in Korea with VERY limited internet access right now...

#1) I'm still waiting for the curriculum vitae in the format I requested... Lots of names bandied about, most with improperly used titles affixed, but no hard dates of training times.

#2) Sure, Mr. Calkins stopped using "soke" here, but what about at his school? Has he discouraged their use of the term? That is what Robert was getting at - Mr. Calkins has used the terms he has used for so long, he is going to have to admit weakness by making his students use the terms correctly or not at all (which calls into question his legitimacy if he didn't know something simple like that), or continue to con them intentionally or otherwise by "keepin' on keepin' on" in the manner he has up to this point.

#3) One of those IDs, just from 2004, says he is 5 feet 7 inches tall and 247 pounds. I'm 5'8" tall and a "mere" 220. I can't imagine what 2 inches less and 30 pounds more on me would look like... Some of you know what I look like, do the math.

#4) Get a digital camera, take some mini-movies of these multiple attacker engagements... I guarantee that if I were one of only 2 attackers, you'd be done, especially if I had a knife. For that matter, one on one you're going to the ER at least... 8 attackers??? Please. Only 2 - 3 MAXIMUM can attack you at one time without getting in each other's way. Video, please, or stop the BS claims.

Enjoy. I'm off to see SW III.
So, no one here seems to want to understand that Bruce may change?

Are we to finalize that he his a con man?

Or is a person whom has been misguided?

Are we to say that he isn't a martial artist?

Are we to standardized what is a martial artist?

Yes, it will appear that he has some questionable and controversial issues, but who among, do not have their own?

IMHO, I dont support his questionable and controversial issues, but I understand and tolerate. As a martial artist, I have the ability to present understanding, compassion, and will try to help him.

In the same, I would want someone to do for me.

Bruce needs to learn, understand what was learned, and then to adjust.

But, I has such, will allow him some time to do this. And this time has no definite schedule.
47MartialMan said:
Yes, it will appear that he has some questionable and controversial issues, but who among, do not have their own?

On every issue?

I think the reason so many people are down on Bruce is because we have no reason to completely trust him on anything. Not just one or two things, everything he says is suspicious. If he had been more forethcoming and honest about what he said, then I do not think that there would be all the problems we see now.

And those that have controversial issues do not seem to want to force others to accept what they portray like Bruce does. If he left aside the claims and his demands that we accept them, no one would have any complaint.
47MartialMan said:
1)So, no one here seems to want to understand that Bruce may change?

2) Are we to finalize that he his a con man?

3) Or is a person whom has been misguided?

4) Are we to say that he isn't a martial artist?

5) Are we to standardized what is a martial artist?

Yes, it will appear that he has some questionable and controversial issues, but who among, do not have their own?

IMHO, I dont support his questionable and controversial issues, but I understand and tolerate. As a martial artist, I have the ability to present understanding, compassion, and will try to help him.

In the same, I would want someone to do for me.

Bruce needs to learn, understand what was learned, and then to adjust.

But, I has such, will allow him some time to do this. And this time has no definite schedule.

1)Last time I looked the banner here said “Martialtalk” not “Bleeding heart liberal society, inquire within”. Bruce is a big boy (no pun intended) and knows what he is doing.

2)It’s obvious he is not truthful as has been seen or more than one occasion.

3)Whether or not he was “mis”-guided he has been shown the error of his ways and is unrepentant.

4),5) more of your standard semantics and over simplified questions……the rest is unworthy of comment.
4) Are we to say that he isn't a martial artist?

5) Are we to standardized what is a martial artist

There are a myrid of martial arts "ways", do I standardize? No, but I know it when I see it
In Bruces case I have seen enough not to want to step init!!

BTW Flock of Seagulls, the lead singer-and we are all bald and fat now!
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I don't see any of the Calkins-related discussions here centering on whether he is a genuine "martial artist" -- these debates have revolved around whether he's presented himself as something (or many things) that he cannot prove himself to be.
I think the closest we came to insinuating anything about being a martial artist was when we were questioning the level of actual training and skill he had when he created his system, and we may have stated that in no way was he in possession of enough skill to deserve a 10th dan. I don't believe anyone has stated that he is not a martial artist, just that he is not as good a martial artist as he would have us and his students believe.
There is a difference between someone who does martial arts, and someone who is a martial artist. Bruce is definatly not the latter and is very little of the former
I'll sum it up this way everybody I know has done some type of MA training either when a child or a teenager or a couple of months as a adult but only a handfull are MArtial Artist and I believe his claim to be at best a tid bit under what I expect, now with that being said each of us has limitadation that can be expose by the right person. Mr. Calkins has been shown that he has been duped all these years and yet he will not admitt it to the general public and that is fine with me but my heart tells me he is trying to adjust slowly but adjust, one must remember this is a delicate stituation for him being a school owner and all his students that has trusted him for training, he just can't come out and say I'm a fraud like some of you would like.Beside if you believed the training you was getting was factual all those years how would you act, probaly like Bruce defensively. Let the man take in all the info. have time to adjust and see where his future lies in the MA community. I see a man looking for acceptance in the very world that we exsist in the MA world, a long time ago we as MA'ers opened our arms and forgave the misguided and tried to shed light on there training. Now adays we just comdem without compasion, I for one is at fault for this but my inmstructor shed some light on me Last night about being a good instructor is one that excepts and then try to help those that are misguided. I'm not saying invite him to dinner but give him love and understanding and the events that are not quite right guide him down the path to enlightment.

Terry Lee Stoker
This reminds me of the guy who said he could teleport himself and dodge bullets in the service of a theoractic empire destined to rule the world. Or the guy who claimed he was the bodyguard for Puyi, last emperor of China!

Can you guess who I'm talking about? I think on of the lessons of this thread is that things like this ought to inspire us to point our skepticism backwards as much as forwards. The internet enables us to find out more in a closer time frame. What if it had been around for some respected icons? Somehow, I think some of them would start to look a tad shabby.
eyebeams said:
This reminds me of the guy who said he could teleport himself and dodge bullets
Ah, the good old days of the Boxer Rebellion!

As to 8 attackers at once...they'd weigh you down with their sheer body weight if they were truly all coming at once. Just pile on until you can't move or breathe...
I believe that most people are aware of the "truth" but have become so dependent on their "fantasy reality" that they deny it....
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