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Blue Belt
Apr 15, 2005
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Perry, NY
47MartialMan said:
How true.

Respiratory system has to be in top form.

My friend whom is a Collegiate Professor on Eastern Religions, esp Buddhism, has traveled there in his earlier years/study.

Who you get there take photos and post them here.
I'm quite afraid right now. Sifu crossed the Mountain with Sherpa Guides and down into the valley where gingasa is. I have not gone this way But hi is looking into being able to take a chopper Part of the way... Yes I have been training just for this. Sifu the last time had Mountain Sickness and He and his camp were attacked by Mountain dogs. He has Bite Marks all over his legs.


Master of Arts
Nov 14, 2004
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Gulf States
SokeCalkins said:
I'm quite afraid right now. Sifu crossed the Mountain with Sherpa Guides and down into the valley where gingasa is. I have not gone this way But hi is looking into being able to take a chopper Part of the way... Yes I have been training just for this. Sifu the last time had Mountain Sickness and He and his camp were attacked by Mountain dogs. He has Bite Marks all over his legs.
Post pics.......

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Aug 1, 2004
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Winnipeg MB
SokeCalkins said:
I'm not exactly sure the full title But like "Nidai Soke" The title for Tatsuo is "Shodai Soke"... Nidai Soke is used as the one who takes over the system after the founder passes
Tatsuo Shimabuku never refered to himself as "Soke" or "Shodai Soke".

Not only that but Angi Uezu did NOT take over his school. His son, Kichero Shimabuku did. Angi remained under Kichiro for a good while before breaking away on his own. Plus he has never used any of those to describe himself.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
47MartialMan said:
But of you have any, I love looking at personal pics of far away places
Yes, definitely! I'd love to see pictures of anyone in Tibet--all the more so if they include martial arts training!


Blue Belt
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Perry, NY
With the people in this forum if I posted any Pics they would say they were fake of set up or digitally edited.. No matter what I post it is fake.

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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SokeCalkins said:
With the people in this forum if I posted any Pics they would say they were fake of set up or digitally edited.. No matter what I post it is fake.

But your refusal to post anything at all does not help the situation. How can those of us that want to help you do so if you keep mentioning stuff and then refusing to provide even the slightest bit of proof? It is hard to stop people having a joke at your expense when you act like this. If are not able to provide proof when it should be easy for you, why do you bother saying anything? We can't make people beleive you or treat you like you are telling the truth. Your insistence on talking about things like this make it difficult for us. We now really can't stop people from talking about what you said as if you were lying.

If you really don't care enough about what other people think to post pictures, then perhaps it would be best if you merely hit the ignore function instead of responding to people in the future.


Master of Arts
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Gulf States
SokeCalkins said:
With the people in this forum if I posted any Pics they would say they were fake of set up or digitally edited.. No matter what I post it is fake.
I am a graphic arts major. Post them. I do not think that everything you post is fake. I do question some things. And try understand some things, although my posts to understand, to others these may appear to add defense.

I know you are a person.

I know you have a good "resilience", to return posts.

I know you may have a problem with understanding the many confusing issues in martial arts and things associated with such.

I take it for granted, that as a person, you have feelings, anxieties, and should not be spoken to so rudely (Vice versa)

I take it for granted that after so many years, you have some level of ability or skill. Not so high as acredited-IMO.

I take it for granted that you may learn and adjust your views and current status. You could renounce title/rank/claims in a tactiful way as not to have such appear as deceit or lies.

Thus, I take it for granted, you can re-educate yourself, correct what you have done, continue to educate your students-properly.

And last, although I may poke fun at certain situations or areas, it is not out of bashing, but there is a humor side to just about anything. Humor can ease tension.

Live and learn...I still consider you as a martial artist....though as a martial artist, you must strive to adjust.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
If the video you sent to the council is in an MPG, Quicktime or AVI format, I can add it or parts of it to the MT video library. Alternatively, if it's on dvd or vhs, if you send me a copy I may (no guarentees) be able to convert it and post it. I may also be able to do a short video clip at the meet&greet in July. As to pics, if/when you have something up on the martialartsphotography site, let us know. I know Kim doesn't frankenstein her work, but does play with backgrounds...which are irrelevant to the concerns expressed here.

The argument here Bruce is that the facts you believe in, do not add up to the facts others believe in. Without very specific new data (names, dates, places, durations, etc) this circular argument will continue.

Let me put this another way. Write up a in-detail training history. Be as accurate as you can, and give a great deal of detail. Every seminar, camp, school, etc.
Verify your facts, spelling and dates. Format it for optimum readability as well. This will do 2 things.
It will clearly answer at least some of the questions.
It will give you a good resource for your own web site.

You may have done this on other threads already, but lets centralize it all here.

Explain your art, it's techniques, forms, and concept.

For example, I train in Modern Arnis. Our forms were adapted from Karate, our stick/knife work from the traditional Filipino arts, and our open hand has been influenced by both Kenpo and Small Circle Jujutsu. This is of course an over simplification, which my instructors could explain and expand upon in great detail. With the credentials you are claiming, you should be able to do just that.

Keep your mind open. We should never stop learning, or correcting, or growing.


Senior Master
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Jun 15, 2004
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Metropolitan Tokyo
arnisador said:
Yes, definitely! I'd love to see pictures of anyone in Tibet--all the more so if they include martial arts training!
Ok... I'll get some of them scanned, but no MA training. I spent the first 1/2 of the week adjusting to the altitude. MA training was in China.


Master of Arts
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Gulf States
clfsean said:
Ok... I'll get some of them scanned, but no MA training. I spent the first 1/2 of the week adjusting to the altitude. MA training was in China.
Thanks. My request was not out of doubt, but enjoyment.


Master of Arts
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
SokeCalkins said:
1)I have always enjoyed Mixed MA so with all of my training I blended the styles and techniques to make a street effective art.

2)Using the contact of Sticky Hand and Multi movements of Kenpo, Along with the Steady satnces of Tsunami-Ryu and the Power adapting of Aikido I had my start.

3)We try to keep in constant contact and control the other person. This way you could use things like Sticky Hands to defend if Blind or if your sight is hindered.

4)I studied Iron Shirt Qi-Kung be cause I didn't like to hurt people.

5)I am a Licenced Executive Security Officer in NY and also a Body Guard. I wanted the ability to taks a punch or kick with little or no effect so My Anger didnt take over from the pain. Now I can get his and still keep my composure.

6)Sure I like the tricks you can do like bending rebar with your adams apple or having 2x4s broken over areas of your body but it's not like that Combat Ki stuff where you have to get ready for the hit. You are just ready all the time.

7)If you look at my pics on the site I look big... But I assure you it's not fat..No matter how it looks. I have a very hard Ab and upper body. I also have 29 inch Thighs and a 22 inch neck. All solid.
So much of what I teach is about Positive attitude and walking away I try to get my students able to get control of the other guy without having to Punch or Kick Him and when we do we use the ideal that "A Kick Above The Waist is a Waist." I feel that you can deliver more balanced Power in the lower range. I know that power can be generated higher but in my opinion you lose Balance and stbility.

8)The Longest was Yami-Umi-Do Or Tsunami-Ryu These systems were based on Isshin-Ryu & Shotokan. The Instructors were Mark Wagner and David Mason. Both were students and Instructore with Joe Jennings while he was in the Rochester Area, Before he moved to Calf. I was in this style for 11 years. I entered the style with pryor training in Shaolin Kung-Fu from Master Lei Tai Soong of Toledo Oh. Aikido from Matser Tamio Kamura of Ft' Lauderdale Fl. and training in Ninjitsu from Mr. David Frost. In 1995 I met Sensei Bob Koch and trained in IKKA Kenpo with him. He was working with Mr. Paul Mills and then started working with Kyoshi Robert Austin of Bolder Co. I still work with Bob and enjoy being his student. I was his senior Youth Instructor when he first moved to Alden NY.

This is a Blend I would have to name several... Sensei Bob Koch, Kyoshi Robert Austin,, Master Ed Parker, Soke Hatsumi and Soke Angi Uezu. This is hard because there are so many others... I have met so many artist in my life and I am impressed with everyone of them in a way. I call all the students of the Martial Arts in Every Style my mentors. Because they are all driving to the dream.

I hope this answers your questions...:asian:

1)I hear this a lot from people that claim to invent or make a new style, however, I have yet to this day seen any of these that were more street effective. In fact most if not all have been less “street effective”. Can you explain exactly how it is more effective?

2)You are trying to invent the wheel all over again.

3)You have missed the point of sticky hands.

4)From whom?

5)Any law Enforcement people in that area that can comment on this?

6)Those have nothing to do with Chi, Iron Shirt or anything martial….anyone can be taught to do those with no special training in MA. They are parlor tricks, nothing more.

7)As someone that has more than a few licenses as a personal fitness trainer and does it as part of my job I can safely say you are fat. Here are the photos You see when your stomach hangs over your belt (left photo) it means that your too much fat around your waist, muscle does not do this. Also notice under your chin (right photo) there is a big chunk of fat as well. Another point is your arm development, there is no definition between your bicep, tricep, and deltoid muscles….again this is due to being fat. Looking back at the left photo I notice your legs are disproportionate to your upper body……another indicator of someone being over weight and out of shape. You say you have29 inch thighs….I would call that skinny. 22 inch neck… much of it is fat? Looks like quite a bit. If we refer to somatotypes you are what is known as an “endomorph”…..or the “Pilsbury Doughboy” look. “Endomorphy - focused on the digestive system, particularly the stomach (endoderm); has the tendency toward plumpness, A body type characterized by stocky build, wide hips, and heavy fat storage”.In my “trained” opinion you could lose about 40lbs of fat before you would be considered in good shape.

8)11 years….wow! not very long. I have trained in one style more than twice that and still have a LOT left to learn. 11 years is a mere beginner.

An "endomorph":

Here is a photo of someone that is in pretty good shape:



Master of Arts
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
SokeCalkins said:
With the people in this forum if I posted any Pics they would say they were fake of set up or digitally edited.. No matter what I post it is fake.

Your projecting........


2nd Black Belt
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Miami Beach, FL
We try to keep in constant contact and control the other person. This way you could use things like Sticky Hands to defend if Blind or if your sight is hindered.

We did sticky hands in Kenpo, but I remember most of it from my training in Hung Gar Kung Fu, it was really emphasized there. I cant recall sticky hands being taught as a way to defend if blind, I mean if you go blind in a fight, realistically you are pretty much f-ed. Sticky Hands was more of an exercise in close range blocking than anything else. How would you use sticky hands in a situation where you would go blind?


Blue Belt
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Perry, NY
evenflow1121 said:
We try to keep in constant contact and control the other person. This way you could use things like Sticky Hands to defend if Blind or if your sight is hindered.

We did sticky hands in Kenpo, but I remember most of it from my training in Hung Gar Kung Fu, it was really emphasized there. I cant recall sticky hands being taught as a way to defend if blind, I mean if you go blind in a fight, realistically you are pretty much f-ed. Sticky Hands was more of an exercise in close range blocking than anything else. How would you use sticky hands in a situation where you would go blind?
Sticky hands is a contact training to keep you in touch with your opponent.. NOW I understant that this is not all that it is..... But to keep in physical contact with the are of your attacker would assist you in a sighted or NonSighted situstion.


Senior Master
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MTS Alumni
Jun 15, 2004
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Metropolitan Tokyo
SokeCalkins said:
Sticky hands is a contact training to keep you in touch with your opponent.. NOW I understant that this is not all that it is..... But to keep in physical contact with the are of your attacker would assist you in a sighted or NonSighted situstion.
Sticky hands is not what you describe. Sticky hands is a very specific exercise used by traditional CMA to develop certain skill sets & attributes for fighting.

It is not (paraphrasing) to keep you in touch with your opponent in a sighted or nonsighted situation. That's not what it's for & that's not why it's trained. Just keeping in contact with somebody (eyes open or closed) does not constitute Sticky Hands. It constitutes contact with your eyes open or closed. No more, no less...

Dude... please stop now. Everytime to you try to hijack a term to fit what you think it is, you dig yourself deep & deeper into a pit you're not ever going to recover from at this point. The best you can do is stop, look, listen & learn.


Blue Belt
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Perry, NY
Hopefully I can make my self clear on this question at the Seminar.. In West Seneca... I know what I mean and How I mean it. Sticky hands training and aspects of it will do what I am saying. I have taught this for years and confirmed with several Wing Tsun artist.
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