Modifying Forms


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
Ok.. Here's my dilemma if you can call it that..
I've got a bad knee all the time and the other periodically. I've started on Long 4 and the Destructive Kneel is soooo Bad for my knees. Is there a modification that would be allowable in EPAK?

there's quite a few close kneel stances that I find painful also.. so what would be a better choice for me and others who have this issue?


Originally posted by KenpoTess

Ok.. Here's my dilemma if you can call it that..
I've got a bad knee all the time and the other periodically. I've started on Long 4 and the Destructive Kneel is soooo Bad for my knees. Is there a modification that would be allowable in EPAK?

there's quite a few close kneel stances that I find painful also.. so what would be a better choice for me and others who have this issue?



Do the tek on someone just how it is in the form and find out how much you really need to drop to follow the guidelines of the tek. Weight distribution is 50/50. You should find that the drop is significantly less once applied to the tek for the "leg cks".:)

I have seen similar dilemna with other folks over the years (like me and them thar fancy jump spin kicks that my old spindley hips just CANNOT handle), the better instructors/Master Instructors/Senseis/Guros usually are understanding of such things.

The point driven home to me was, teach the student the way you are taught TRADITIONALLY/CLASSICALLY, and if asked simply explain why you do it differently....

Behave! ;-)
I agree with GD - with the slight kneel - I am pretty sure that the "slight kneel" would be along the lines of a "modified forward bow." The modified forward bow would be a forward bow stance with the rear heel raised up off of the ground. This is a hybrid between the close kneel and forward by.

Hey Golden Dragon -
Is this what the slight kneel resembles?

Hope to be of some help...
Ok.. This is good.. Rainman.. I shall work with opponents (or should I say victims *chuckles* Might help me memorize better too!~)

Dennis, thanks I wanted your blessing.. *grins* Michael suggested the same thing but we thought better than just to change before asking our Instructor ~!

StickdummyPete.. Me Behave? Since when ? Ha!~! Oh yeah well those warmups you have me do.. remember.. half.. quarter.. full..They are Killer on my knees~!! But I sure can do pushups.. *snickers* Old man..*winks.. *runs very fast and blocks.. keeping elbows IN~! *

Matthew.. sounds like it to me~!! I'm gonna try all ~!

Thanks all :))

Ok.. I've tried the modified kneel ... I'm pondering now because It's not going to give me the ability to gain the torque nor break/sprain the opponents ankle..much less get 'to' the opponent from where I'm standing. sooo what to do..
Had you asked ME that, I would have told you, step on the ankle before you twist and the torque would have had the same effect....But the input will be interesting just the same.

Please show me the KenpoTessmania specified kneeling kenpo krush type technique tonight at work.

I was thinking.....................:erg:

scary huh?
Originally posted by Seig

Had you asked ME that, I would have told you, step on the ankle before you twist and the torque would have had the same effect....But the input will be interesting just the same.

oh sure.. pull the 'sigh' on me.. un unh.. not going to work ~!!
I was asking the masses for a suggestion.. you were too busy 'poking' me last night.. and having everyone in the studio poke me with their fingers.. and I couldn't even get to my *APD* Sheeeeeesh..

ruhoh.. Think I'm in trouble now.. *innocent looks*
Originally posted by KenpoTess

Ok.. Here's my dilemma if you can call it that..
I've got a bad knee all the time and the other periodically. I've started on Long 4 and the Destructive Kneel is soooo Bad for my knees. Is there a modification that would be allowable in EPAK?

there's quite a few close kneel stances that I find painful also.. so what would be a better choice for me and others who have this issue?



No chance!

If me, and Seig have to do 360 dgree jump spin kicks, then so do you!:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo

No chance!

If me, and Seig have to do 360 dgree jump spin kicks, then so do you!:eek:

Says who or is that whom hahaa.. Hey I have almost 11 yrs on Seig.. no way jose am I doing any jump spinning any kinda kicks.. I think I'm grandfathered (mothered) outta that stuff~!!!

*looking for approval from the big guy*


If the good Lord had wanted "geezers" to fly....................

Originally posted by Stick Dummy



If the good Lord had wanted "geezers" to fly....................


Hahaa too funny Pete~!! Dat's right.. This Geezerette is keeping her feets planting on Terra Firma For sure~!!!
Hey you coming tonight?
Originally posted by Seig

What good is it being the Head INstructor if no one listens to you?:rofl:

Maybe these "radicals" need to be reduced in rank!:eek:

That'll teach them!